Stem Cell Information: The Official National Institutes of Health Resource for Stem Cell Research
This site addresses various topics concerning stem cells including the
basics of stem cell science, past and current research, federal policy
on stem cell research, and the latest related news and announcements.
What Are Stem Cells?
Frequently Asked Questions
Glossary of Terms
Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (2005)
Published by the National Academies Press of the National Academies of Sciences in 2005 , this report issues guidelines for responsible practice when it comes to human embryonic stem cell research.

This site lists the projects, publications, and members of the program
in Stem Cell Policy and Ethics (SCOPE) at the Johns Hopkins
Berman Institute of Bioethics. This program aims to "address the
increasing importance, in both the conduct of research and the
development of therapeutic applications, of the interface between the
fields of cell engineering, ethics, and public policy."
The Genetics and Public Policy Center
This site contains definitions related to the science of stem cell
research as well as cloning. In addition, a link to “Cloning: A Policy
Analysis” can be found at the bottom of the Cloning
page. This paper contains diagrams depicting the difference between
reproductive and therapeutic cloning, state by state policy analysis,
and an evaluation of different policies found in countries throughout
the world. Additionally, the paper “Values in Conflict”, which analyzes
public attitudes in the US toward embryonic stem cell research, is
available on the main page.
This is the home page for the International Society for Stem Cell
Research -- an independent, non-profit organization that wishes to
encourage the general field of research involving stem cells and to
promote professional and public education in all areas of stem cell
research and application. Available on this website are primary
articles in stem cell literature as well as a section entitled “Stem
Cells for the Public”, which highlights new developments in the field
of stem cell science.
Guidelines for the Conduct of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
The International Stem Cell Forum functions to promote good actions in
the use of human stem cells in medical research throughout the world.
Its site contains useful information on stem cell research including
worldwide registries and banks, funding information, and a number of
links to other international organizations.
Stem Cell Policy: World Stem Cell Map
A communications project of William Hoffman, a non-faculty employee of
the University of Minnesota, and not the University of Minnesota. It is
meant to help inform public discussion of stem cell research and human