Some of these articles are no longer free-access and require paid subscriptions to view. Please contact us with any questions
- Stem cell team aims for spare heart parts in 5 yrs, Reuters
- Stem cells: orphan receptors find a home, Nature
- Notch post-translationalyy regulates β-catenin protein in stem and progenitor cells, NatureCellBio
- Defining the nature of human pluripotent stem cell progeny, CellResearch
- First US patent for iPS cells, NatureNewsBlog
- Antibody cocktail promises safer stem cell therapy, NewScientist
- Most in GOP field would scale back stem cell funding, BostonGlobe
- Regenerative Medicine: Bespoke cells for the human brain, Nature
- Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from bovine embryonic fibroblast cells, CellResearch
- Turning skin into dopamine neurons, CellResearch
- Reconstitution of the mouse germ cell specification pathway in culture by pluripotent stem cells, Cell
- Sperm from mice offers infertility hope, NYTimes
- Inducing iPSCs to escape the dish, CellStemCell
- Gene editing in stem cells hits the target, CellStemCell
- Doctors begin major stem cell trial for MS patients, BBCNews
- Animals Containing Human Materials, AcademyofMedicalSciences
- Regulations proposed for animal-human chimaeras, NatureNews
- My year as a stem cell blogger, NatureNews
- US Judge rules decisively for federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research, NatureNewsBlog
- Suit against federal stem cell research dismissed, NYTimes
- A new eye on immune responses to tissue transplants, SpoonfulofMedicineBlog
- Increase developmental plasticity of a huyman keratinocytes with gene suppression, PNAS
- Embryonic stem-cell approvals rise, Bloomberg
- Scientists find 'better way' to grow adult stem cells, BBCNews
- Two new hESC trials launched, SCOPE
- Time to nominate members for the IOM study of the CA stem cell agency, CSCR
- Stem cell treatment may restore cognitive function in patients with brain cancer, ScienceDaily
- Functional regeneration of respiratory pathways after spinal cord injury, Nature
- Stem cell therapies move into the real world, NewScientist
- French bioethics turmoil, NatureBiotech
- Mice with human livers deal with drugs the human way, NatureNews
- S Korea back in stem cell spotlight with new treatment, Reuters
- Australia stem cell regs withstand scrutiny, ScienceInsider
- Qatar sets sights on stem cells, NatureNews
- California agency: little cells, big salary, LATimes
- Funding translational work in cell-based therapy, CellStemCell
- The running of the stem cells, spoonfulofmedicine
- The MSC: an injury drugstore, CellStemCell
- A pericyte origin of spinal cord scar tissue, Science
- Intramyocardial, autologous CD34 cell therapy for refractory angina, Circulation
- Glioma stem cell proliferation and tumor growth are promoted by nitric oxide synthase-2, Cell
- Cell fate potential of human pluripotent stem cells is encoded by histone modifications, CellStemCell
- Brain cells made from skin could treat Parkinson's, NewScientist
- Direct generation of functional dopaminergic neurons from mouse and human fibroblasts, Nature
- Direct conversion of human fibroblasts to dopaminergic neurons, PNAS
- Animal models: inside the minds of mice and men, Nature
- Uncertain translation, uncertain benefit and uncertain risk: ethical challenges facing first -in-human trials of induced pluripotent stem cells, Bioethics
- The science and ethics of induced pluripotency: what will become of embryonic stem cells? MayoClinicProc
- Proteomics profiling of hESCs in the early differentiation stage, SCRR
- Lithium, an anti-psychotic drug, greatly enhances the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells, CellResearch
- Stem-cell boss urges communication, NatureNews
- Growing Brains, MDMorning
- More at stake in stem-cell patents, Nature
- Muscle for a damaged heart, Nature
- DeGette reintroduces stem cell bill, ScienceInsider
- New chair for CA stem cell agency, BiopolTimes
- Who cares about consent requirements for sourcing human embryonic stem cells? are errors in the past really errors of the past? AccountabilityinResearch
- New polls offer positive outlookon the public's view of 'controversial science', Intersection
- A new era for stem cell institute, SDUnion-Trib
- Stem-cell boss urges communication, NatureNews
- Stem-cell scientists grapple with clinics, NatureNews
- Stem cell scientists discover new airway stem cell, sciencedaily
- France's stem-cell rules get even tighter, NatureNewsBlog
- Reprogramming fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells with Bmi1, CellResearch
- Christian scholar: stem cell research is not 'baby-killing', ChristianPost
- One hundred and counting: NIH registry passes important milestone, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Downregulation of VAPB expression in motor neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem-cells in ALS8 patients, HumMolGen
- Stem-cell gamble, TechReview
- Adult stem cells reverse rare genetic blindness in retinal cells, SciAm
- Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough, TheTelegraph
- Supreme court rules in favor of multinational company over Stanfor Univ in patent case, SciProgess
- NIH intervenes in Alzheimer's mouse lawsuit, NatureNewsBlog
- Bill aimed at ending human cloning would prevent research, Ohio scientists say, IdeaStream
- Israeli feminists weigh in on egg donation and surrogacy laws, BiopoliticalTimes
- A stem cell target for expanding waistlines? ScienceDaily
- Stem cell policy in the Obama age: UK and US perspectives, RegenMed
- First patients picked for stem cell vision trials, Reuters
- Progress using iPS cells to reverse blindness, ScienceDaily
- Launching SCOPE: Educating the world about stem cells in their own language, KnoepflerLab
- Human brain in a dish: the promise of iPSC-derived neurons, Cell
- Democracy derived? New trajectories in pluripotent stem cell research, Cell
- Curtailing embryonic stem cell research would also hurt iPS cell research, Stanford expert finds, EurekAlert
- Reprogramming: What's unknown? Cell
- Stem cells patch up 'broken heart', NatureNews
- Direct reprogramming of somatic cells is promoted by maternal transcription factor Glis1, Nature
- Stem cells: iPSCs under attack, Nature
- Biomedical research: growing with the flow, Nature
- Specification of transplantable astroglial subtypes from human pluripotent stem cells, NatureBiot
- Recurrent copy number variations in human induced pluripotent stem cells, NatureBiot
- Stem cell funding resumes, NatureBiot
- US attitudes toward hESC research, NatureBiot
- Stem cell therapy wasn't unfair help for baseball star, Newscientist
- Assessing the safety of stem cell therapeutics, CellStemCell
- Researching the relationship between tissue providers, clinicians, and stem cell scientists, CellStemCell
- Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and implications for cell therapy reimbursement, CellStemCell
- Reaching for consensus on a naming convention for pluripotent cells, CellStemCell
- The nomenclature system should be sustainable, but also practical, CellStemCell
- Respect limits of embryo patents, Nature
- Embryonic stem cells: the evolution of informed consent, VoiceofSanDiego
- Designing organs for medical transplantation, ABC
- Unapproved stem-cell treatments causing concern, USAToday
- Desperate families turn to unproven stem cell treatment, TampaBayTimes
- Stem cell, including a population of very small embryonic-like stem cells, are mobilized into peripheral blood in patients after skin burn injury, SCRR
- Identification of specific pluripotent stem cell death - including small molecules by chemical screening, SCRR
- Skin cells 'turned' into neurons by US scientists, BBCNews
- MD stem cell commission funds 36 new projects in FY11, MedNewsToday
- Reprogramming of mouse and human cells to pluripotency using mature microRNAs, CellStemCell
- Dominican Republic to close disreputable clinics? StemCellTreatmentMonitor
- French lawmakers duel over human stem cell and embryo research, NatureNewsBlog
- California's stem cell agency to choose between investment banker and cardiologist, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Stem cells hold promise for injured athletes, but questions remain, Wired
- Stem cells: zooming in on schizophrenia, NatureRevNeuro
- Opponents in stem cell case find themselves in rare agreement, NatureNewsBlog
- Human embryonic stem-cell research under siege - battle won but not the war, NEJM
- Sudden death for a challenge to federal funding of stem-cell research, NEJM
- Stem Cells: The growing pains of pluripotency, NatureNews
- Global analysis of parental imprinting in human parthenogenetic induced pluripotent stem cells, NatureSMB
- Latest CA budget proposal not the best news for CIRM, CSCR
- Peril, promise in induced stem cells, USAToday
- Generating mouse models of degenerative diseases using Cre/lox-mediated in vivo mosaic cell ablation, JCI
- Protein-based human iPS cells efficiently generate functional dopamine neurons and can treat a rat model of Parkinson disease, JCI
- Immunogenicity of induced pluripotent stem cells, Nature
- Stem cell transplants rejected in surprise setback for new therapies, Guardian
- Versatile stem cells suffer body blow in a study, NYTimes
- Modelling schizophrenia using human induced pluripotent stem cells, Nature
- Evidence for human lung stem cells, NEJM
- Reprogrammed cells repair damaged livers, NatureNews
- Nation's second participant enroll in hESC trial, MedNewsToday
- Authorities shut controversial German stem cell clinic, ScienceInsider
- Europe's largest stem cell clinic shut down after death of baby, Telegraph
- Target populations for first-in-human embryonic stem cell research in spinal cord injury, CellStemCell
- More briefs coming in stem cell lawsuit, ScienceInsider
- Minor movement on US stem cell legal challenge, NatureNewsBlog
- Stem-cells: to patent or not? JMEBlog
- Characterization of axon formation in the embryonic stem cell-derived motoneuron, CellTranspl
- Human iPSC and ESC translation potential debated, NatureBiotech
- The tragedy of translation: the case of 'first use' in human embryonic stem cell research, CellStemCell
- Human iPSCs: a new model for schizophrenia? CellStemCell
- The bioethics of iPS cell-based drug discovery, NatureClPT
- "Stem cells and reasonable interpretations", ScienceProgress
- Stem cell-related changes that may contribute to age-related cognitive decline identified, ScienceDaily
- What decides neural stem cell fate? ScienceDaily
- Cloning is cloning is cloning...AmericanThinker
- Stem cell ruling brings relief for now, but legal battle continues, ScienceInsider
- Establishment of a Brazilian line of hESCs in defined medium: implications for cell therapy in an ethnically diverse popn, CellTranspl
- A clearer regulatory pathway for cell therapy may help improve investment, GEN
- Mouse ES and iPS cells can form similar definitive endoderm despite difference in imprinted genes, JCI
- X-Cell center closed, SCTM
- NIH wins appeal of stem cell injunction, ScienceInsider
- European ban on stem cell patents could hit researchers hard, experts warn, SpoonfulofMedicine
- California ponders cell-banking venture, NatureNews
- Embryo patent row could dash Europe's stem cell future, NewScientist
- Ban on stem cell patents 'wrong', BBCNews
- 'No' to ban on stem-cell patents, Nature
- Bioethics body approves first embryonic stem cell test (Korea), KoreaHerald
- Stem cell stratagems in alternative medicine, RegenMed
- Stem cell art with a little bite, NewScientist
- Highly efficient miRNA-mediated reprogramming of mouse and human somatic cells to pluripotency, CellStemCell
- Contamination of mesenchymal stem-cells with fibroblasts accelerates neurodegeneration in an experimental model of Parkinson's Disease, SCRR
- Enhanced cord blood stem cell transplants safe in long-term studies, ScienceDaily
- The stem cell hype machine, ScienceProgress
- Stem Cells: the scientists knew they were lying, WitherspoonInstitute
- Schizophrenia 'in a dish', Nature
- Genetic errors in stem cells: should we be worried? ScienceProgress
- Most Americans favor tax-payer funded stem cell research, ThirdAge
- Pig stem cell transplants: the key to future research into retina treatment, ScienceDaily
- Stanford biobank pioneers new way to donate embryos, StanfordDaily
- New recipe for heart cells that beat the rest, 80BeatsBlog
- Stem cell tracking in human trials, a meta-regression, SCRR
- New approach to IVF embryo donation lets people weigh decision, StanfordUniv
- Donations of embryos for human development and stem cell research, CellStemCell
- iPSCs: Induced back to controversy, CellStemCell
- Markers of pluripotency and differentiation in human neural precursor cells derived from embryonic stem cells and CNS tissue, CellTransp
- Genetic correction and analysis of induced pluripotent stem cells from a patient with gyrate atrophy, PNAS
- Debate over human cloning heats up as veto looms, MinnIndependent
- Mutant hESCs reveal neurite and synapse formations defects in type 1 myotonic dystrophy, CellStemCell
- Muscular dystrophy findings fuel French stem cell debate, NatureNews
- The Hinxton Group issues statement on data/materials sharing and IPR, WorldCongFreeSciRes
- Could stem-cell transplant help Japanese nuclear workers, Time
- Ban on tax-funded stem cell research passes senate, house, MinnesotaIndep
- The adult mouse and human pancreas contain rare multipotent stem cells that express insulin, CellStemCell
- The risk of putting something where it does not belong: mesenchymal stem cells produce masses in the brain, ExpNeuro
- Identity, fate and potential of cells grown as neurospheres: species matters, SCRR
- Cardiac cell therapy: the next (re)generation, SCRR
- KDM5B regulates ESC self-renewal and represses crytic iatragenic transcription, EMBOj
- State treasurer confirms possible delay in stem cell bond sales, CSCR
- CA may not sell bonds in 2011 if budget battle drags on, LATimes
- GOP sweeping stem cell research restrictions aimed at U of M, Mayo, Uptake
- Insoo Hyun: The caravan of stem cell science, ShreveportTimes
- In utero hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation, NEJM
- Sperm grown in a test tube, NatureNews
- In vitro production of functional sperm in cultured neonatal mouse testes, Nature
- How stem cells are changing the way we think about disease, Time
- Ban reproductive cloning not stem cell research, CIRMBlog
- Embryo ethics: finding a home for Canada's frozen 'orphans',
- A survey of parameters involved in the establishment of new lines of hESCs, SCRR
- Oklahoma house passes bill banning embryonic stem cell research, NewsOK
- Europe rules against stem-cell patents, NatureNews
- Pera cites personal and professional reasons for returning to Australia, CSCR
- Adv. Gen. M. Yves Bot, on the patentability of totipotent cells, CourtofJusticeoftheEU
- New nat'l blood bank seeks umbilical cords for stem cell transplants, WinnipegFreePress
- Look, no embryos! The future of ethical stem cells, Guardian
- Umbilical cord lining stem cells as a novel and promising source for ocular surface regeneration, SCRR
- Why public policy on embryo research should not be based on religion, AJOB
- The cerebrospinal fluid provides a proliferative niche for neural progenitor cells, Neuron
- Peddling hope: unproven stem cell treatments for sale in a country near you, StanfordMedicine
- Unsettled expectations: how recent patent decisions affect biotech, NatureBiotech
- European court of justice rejects stem cell patents, NatureNews
- The war we dare not lose: attacks on stem cell research, HuffingtonPost
- Legislators seek to make embryonic stem cell research a felony, MinnesotaIndependent
- IPSCs put to the test, NatureBiotech
- Biobanks need publicity, Nature
- CIRM selects AlphaMed to publish open access journal, SpoonfulofMedicine
- CA stem cell agency ventures into publishing, CSCR
- Defining the earliest step of cardiovascular progenitor specification during embryonic stem cell differentiation, JCB
- Scientists grow world's first engineered urethra, created from patients' cells, 80BeatsBlog
- Stem cell funding suits - a (very) little news and some speculation, StanfordCenterForLaw&BiosciencesBlog
- A bioinformatic assay for pluripotency in human cells, NatureMethods
- Self-renewal induced efficiently, safely and effective therapeutically with one regulatable gene in a human somatic progenitor cell, PNAS
- Predicting clonal self-renewal and extinction of hematopoietic stem cells, PNAS
- Warning over stem cell research in Ireland, PostIE
- How long do stem cells live? ScienceDaily
- Brain cells grown in the lab will help to identify new Alzheimer's drugs, Guardian
- Lab grown neurons might repair Alzheimer's brains, NewScientist
- PARIS (ZNF746) repression of PGC-1α contributes to neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease, Cell
- Primed for pluripotency, CellStemCell
- Stem cells and β cells: the same, but different, CellStemCell
- Notes from Calgary: Stem cell hype and medical tourism, CIRMBlog
- Stem cell research center feels like a mountaintop hideout, fastcodesign
- Spinal cord injury: human cells derived from stem cells restore movement in animal models, ScienceDaily
- Transplantation of specific huiman astrocytes promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury, PLoSONE
- Stem cells: The dark side of induced pluripotency, Nature
- Infamous Korean cloner on the move again, GreatBeyond
- Irish election raises questions for stem cell research, GreatBeyond
- Newborn mice's hearts can heal themselves, NYTimes
- Transient regenerative potential of the neonatal mouse heart, Science
- Intrinsic transition of embryonic stem-cell differentiation into neural progenitors, Nature
- Stem cell research often hindered by patents, DailyNebraskan
- Oklahoma House committee passes measure to outlaw embryonic stem cell research, newsOK
- Hematopoietic stem cell homing to injured tissues, SCRR
- Can stem cells deliver on their promise, Guardian
- Genomic instabilityin induced stem cells, CellResearch
- New approaches in the differentiation of hESCs and iPSCs toward hepatocytes, SCRR
- McDonnell proposes budget amendment to ban stem-cell research(VA), RichmondTimes-Dispatch
- Diseases in a dish: Stem cells for drug discovery, ScientificAmerican
- Genetically targeting new neurons in the adult hippocampus, CellResearch
- Maryland's race for stem cell cures, BaltoSun
- France to renew stem cell regulation, Bionews
- Stem cell expert calls for friendlier regulations, HurriyetDailyNews
- The application of iPS in assisted reproductive technology: sperm from somatic cells? SCRR
- Methods for identification, characterization and banking of human DPSCs, SCRR
- Access to stem cells and data: persons, property rights and scientific progress, Science
- Unclear patent policies make future of stem cell research murky, StanfordDaily
- Stem cells ride research roller coaster, USAToday
- Oregon dog to get stem cells to help heal hip, NYTimes
- New stem cell lab designed to inspire, ScienceInsider
- Stem cells: the crusader, NatureNews
- Balancing open source stem cell science with commercialization, NatureBiotech
- ReNeuron and StemCells get green light for neural stem cell trials, NatureBiotech
- Stem cells for broken hearts, LATimes
- Recipe for turning skin cells into heart cells, NPR
- Reference maps of human ES and iPS cell variation enable high-throughput charecterization of pluripotent cell lines, Cell
- Policy uncertainty and the conduct of stem cell research, CellStemCell
- Stem cells research highs and lows, Guardian
- Flaw in induced-stem-cell model, NatureNews
- Hotspots of aberrant epigenomic reprogramming in human induced pluripotent stem cells, Nature
- Small RNA-mediated regulation of iPS cell generation, EMBOJournal
- Association of telomere length with authentic pluripotency of ES/iPS cells, CellResearch
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st c.: A conversation with Cinzia Rota, StemCells
- Johns Hopkins researchers develop safer way to make induced pluripotent stem cells, JHMI
- Efficient human iPS cell derivation by a non-integrating plasmid from blood cells with unique epigenetic and gene expression signatures, CellResearch
- Patent truce boosts stem cell medicine, NewScientist
- Will patents hinder equitable access to stem cell medicine, PHGFoundation
- Oocyte donation: a risk factor for pregnancy-induced hypertension, DtschArzteblInt
- Publishing SNP genotypes of hESC lines: statement of the ISCF ethics working party, SCRR
- Mammalian cell differentiation as a possible outcome of stress, SCRR
- Patent rush chokes stem cell research, AFP
- Stem cell research guidelines: how scientists can play nice, ScienceInsider
- Patents, not just politics, create obstacles to university stem cell research, CHE
- Awakening stem cells in the brain-glia sound the alarm, WellcomeTrustBlog
- Stanford joins first human embryonic stem cell-therapy clinical trial, StanfordSoM
- An optimized small molecule inhibitor cocktail supports long-term maintenance of hESCs, NatureCommunications
- No, not that NIH lawsuit, ScienceInsider
- Mum's stem cells could stop defects before birth, NewScientist
- Ethics of modifying the mitochondrial genome, JME
- Mother's stem cells likely key to treating genetic disease before birth, ScienceDaily
- Scientists grow human liver tissue to be used for transplantation, ScienceDaily
- Neurogenesis: Food signals wake sleeping stem cells, NatureRevNeurosci
- Stem cells: Robo protein guide for cell transplants, Nature
- France mulls embryo research reform, Nature
- Law, Ethics, Religion and Clinical Translation in the 21st C.: A conversation with Anthony D. Ho, StemCells
- Lobbyists anxiously await stem cell trial decision (NZ), StarTimes
- Is stem cell-derived blood on the horizon? KnoepflerLabSCBlog
- Decisional conflict and the disposition of frozen embryos, HumReprod
- Reprogramming of ovine adult fibroblasts to pluripotency via drug-inducible expression of defined factors, CellResearch
- Genomic safe harbors permit high B-globin transgene expression in thalassemia induced pluripotent stem cells, NatureBiotech
- Turning stem cells into snake oil, Globe&Mail
- In vitro fertilization, the Nobel Prize and human embryonic stem cells, CellStemCell
- Dynamic changes in the copy number of pluripotency and cell proliferation genes in hESCs and iPSCs during reprogramming and time in culture, CellStemCell
- Stem cell research in Cell Transplantation: sources, geopolitical influence and transplantation, CellTransplantation
- Human embryos 'at risk of losing legal protection' in research (UK), Guardian
- Comparative analysis of hESC and iPSC-derived hepatocyte-like cells reveals current drawbacks and possible strategies for improved differentiation, StemCellsAndDevelopment
- FDA approves second Advanced Cell stem cell trial, Reuters
- 2010 year in review: Stem cell research, CNN
- RNL Bio probed over stem cell treatments, JoongAngDaily
- Male pattern balding may be due to stem cell inactivation, ScienceDaily
- Bringing embryonic stem cells to the blind: clinic test gets FDA approval, 80BeatsBlog
- Development of feeder-free culture systems for generation of ckit+sca1+ progenitors from mouse iPS cells, SCRR
- Generation of iPSC lines from Friedreich Ataxia patients, SCRR
- An improved technique for chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPS cells, SCRR
- A human iPSC model of Hutchinson Gilford Progeria reveals vascular smooth muscle and mesenchymal stem cell defects, CellStemCell
- CIRM: The good, the bad and the ugly, Science
- Two fathers... and an inflated role for genes, JMEBlog
- Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into epiblast stem cells, NatureCellBio
- Combatting scientific misconduct, NatureCellBio
- Turning patent swords into shares, Science
- DeGette's chances fade for stem cell bill, DenverPost
- In delicate balance, stem cells and spinal cord injury advocacy, SCRR
- Making the case for private cord blood banking: mission accomplished! SCRR
- Korean appeals court rejects Hwang's appeal, cuts sentence, GreatBeyond
- CIRM chief stays on, but vows to find successor quickly, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into intestinal tissue in vitro, Nature
- Evidence for the cure of HIV infection by CCR5
32/ 32 stem cell transplantation, Blood
- Genomic safe harbors permit high B-globin transgene expression in thalassemia induced pluripotent stem cells, NatureBiotech
- Human intestinal tissue grown in the lab, NatureNews
- Testing science: the law continues to threaten stem-cell science in the US, TheEconomist
- NIH panel approves more stem cell lines, GreatBeyond
- Sperm stem cells can be turned into insulin-making cells to treat diabetes, Guardian
- Human brain stem cells grown in rats, NewScientist
- Reprogramming of human primary somatic cells by OCT4 and chemical compounds, CellStemCell
- Paralyzed monkeys walk again after iPSC transplant treatment, MainichiShinbun
- Tracking and assessing the rise of state-funded stem cell research, NatureBiotech
- Stem-cell progress, NatureNews
- Stem cell clinics in the news, NatureBiotech
- New tool for TB: stem cells, TheScientist
- Federal funding or not, hESCs (and iPSCs) need a better metric to define their pluripotent potential, SpoonfulofMedicineBlog
- Key oral arguments made in stem cell case, GreatBeyond
- Retinoid X receptor gamma signaling accelerates CNS remyelination, NatureNeuroscience
- The moral frontiers of stem cell research, WitherspoonInstitute
- Stem cell case judges question legality of research, Businessweek
- MS could be reversed by activating stem cells in the brain, new study suggests, Guardian
- Another horse in the meta-stable state of pluripotency, CellStemCell
- Different flavors of pluripotency, molecular mechanisms and practical implications, CellStemCell
- Head of stem cell agency reverses decision to quit, NatureNews
- A step towards gene-free iPS cells, GreatBeyond
- On moral incoherence and hidden battles: stem cell research in Argentina, DevWorldBioethics
- Diseases in a dish take off, Science
- Stem cells for sale, Science
- Law, Ethics, Religion and Clinical Translation in the 21st C.: A Conversation with Cinzia Rota, StemCells
- State's stem cell agency seeks more time, money, LATimes
- Scientist vs. employer in stem cell legal battle, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Korean deaths spark inquiry, NatureNews
- Sight for sore eyes: Stem cells restore vision (Video), Guardian
- Feds OK second human study of embryonic stem cells, NYTimes
- New embryonic stem cell trial set to begin, GreatBeyondBlog
- Conversion of vascular endothelial cells into multipotent stem-like cells, NatureMedicine
- NYTimes goes tabloid: hit piece on stem cell researcher and researchers, KnoepflerLabStemCellBlog
- Rare hits and heaps of misses to pay for, NYTimes
- Redefining the concept of standardization for pluripotent stem cells, SCRR
- The tissue-specific stem cell as a target for chemprevention, SCRR
- Hospitals caught offering illegal stem cell treatments, KoreaTimes
- Fetal stem cell trial starts for stroke patients, spinal cord patients up next, 80beats
- Stem cells used in stroke trial, BBCNews
- Stem cells injected into the brain of a stroke patient in world first, Guardian
- Stem cells take root in Koreatown, LABizJ
- Stem cell trial for stroke: Is it cannibalizing human beings? PracticalEthics
- Stem cell stain, ScienceProgress
- For Bush's stem cell decisions, seeing was believing, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Tea partiers and progressives may agree on at least one thing, poll finds: stem cell research, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Scientific and ethical reasons why iPS cell research must proceed with human embryonic stem cell research, StanfordJofLawSciPol
- The intellectual property landscape for iPS cells, StanfordJofLawSciPol
- Stem cell patents in a global economy: the legal challenges, StanfordJofLawSciPol
- Glimpsing a scientific future as fields heat up, NYTimes
- Stem cell treatment in Germany is under scrutiny following child's death, BMJ
- Court sets date for oral arguments in stem cell appeal, GreatBeyond
- Nature clears stem cell paper of image manipulation charges, GreatBeyond
- Long shadow of the stem-cell ruling, Nature
- Stem cells: the intestinal-crypt casino, Nature
- Scientists probe nose, find stem cells, AAP
- Mystery fraud accusations, NatureNews
- Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells as candidates for beta cells regeneration, SCRR
- CA awards $72 million in grants for stem cell therapies, TheGreatBeyond
- Stem cell research skirts hurdles, but raises ethics issues, too, NYTimes
- Embryonic stem cell-based therapeutics: balancing scientific progress and bioethics, HealthMatrixCleveland
- Stem cell therapies win clinical trials: workshop on best practices and the need for harmonization, CellStemCell
- NIH supporters line up to file legal stem cell arguments, TheGreatBeyond
- Generation of iPSCs from mouse fibroblasts with a single gene, OCT4, and small molecules, CellResearch
- Seeing is believing: are cancer stem cells the loch ness monster of tumor biology? SCRR
- Who needs friends when you've got peer reviewers? GreatBeyond
- Comparative analysis of endoderm formation efficiency between mouse ES cells and iPS cells, CellTransplantation
- Stem cell papers under suspicion, Nature
- Retraction for rejuvenating stem cells, GreatBeyond
- The NIH roadmap epigenomics mapping consortium, NatureBiotech
- Teetering on the brink, NatureBiotech
- Geron trial resumes, but standards for stem cell trials remain elusive, NatureBiotech
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st c--a conversation with Il-Hoan Oh, StemCells
- Advocates deserve room at the decision-making table, NatureMedicine
- CA agency pulls stem cell poetry off website, NYTimes
- Wis. Governor candidate avoids stem cell questions, NYTimes
- Geron tests stem cell treatment on patient, NYTimes
- First human injected in human embryonic stem cell trial, CNN
- Origin of new glial cells in the intact and injured adult spinal cord, CellStemCell
- I think that I should never tell / a poem as lovely as a stem cell, SpoonfulofMedicineBlog
- Is stem cell research next? BostonGlobe
- Stem cell therapies in clinical trials, CellStemCell
- Nanotopographical control of stem cell differentiation, JTissueEngg
- Apoptotic caspases regulate induction of iPSCs from human fibroblasts, CellStemCell
- New technique RiPS open stem cell field, Science
- Most Americans back embryonic stem cell research: poll, USNews
- Highly efficient reprogramming to pluripotency and directed differentiation of human cells with synthetic modified mRNA, CellStemCell
- More court deadlines set in stem cell case, TheGreatBeyond
- Stem cell laws in China fall short, Nature
- Stem cells in court, scientists fear for careers, NYTimes
- Researcher in limbo, NYTimes
- America's stem cell mess, TheScientist
- New route to stem cell therapy opens up, NewScientist
- Appeals court allows stem cell funds to continue, Reuters
- Biotech companies counting on stem cells, SFChronicle
- Britain's stem cell pioneers enter the valley of death - will big pharma follow? Telegraph
- SOX9 induces and maintains neural stem cell, NatureNeuro
- Induced pluriootent stem cell models of the genomic imprinting disorders Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes, PNAS
- First clinical trial involving hESCs gets underway in Chicago, LATimes
- Stem cell litigants say no thanks to University of California participation, GreatBeyond
- Scientists call for funding to get stem cell research to the market, BMJ
- Stem cells that save big pharma a bundle, BloombergBusinessweek
- Troubled by 'stem cell tourism' claims, group launches web-based guidance, JAMA
- Stem cell-based therapeutic applications in retinal degenerative diseases, SCRR
- University of California enters stem cell legal fray, GreatBeyond
- Anxious stem cell scientists await ruling, NewScientist
- US government argues for stem cell stay, GreatBeyond
- Senators preview stem cell debate to come, GreatBeyond
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st century - a discussion with Andrew Webster, StemCells
- Oral arguments to be heard on stem cell appeal, GreatBeyond
- With stem cells in court, a history primer, Science
- Embryonic stem cells: don't let litigation put research off limits, Nature
- Embryonic stem cells: court decision a threat to science itself, Nature
- Resurrection of a stem-cell funding barrier - Dickey-Wicker in court, NEJM
- Stem cells: troubling memories, Nature
- Stem cell bill sponsor fall to Tea Party candidate, GreatBeyond
- In vitro maturation of oocytes via the pre-fabricated, self-assembled artificial human ovary, JAsstdReprodandGenetics
- Judge Lamberth's unspoken morality, BioethicsForum
- One week reprieve for human embryonic stem cell research, ScienceProgress
- Stem cell therapy doctor exploited desperate patients, GMC finds, BMJ
- Senator pushes bill legalizing stem cell research, NYTimes
- Wisconsin Governor pushes for stem cell research federal funding, MNT
- Congress registers its support for human embryonic stem-cell research, LATimes
- A smart use for wisdom teeth: making stem cells, ScienceDaily
- Appeals court temporarily lifts stem cell injunction, GreatBeyond
- The blood stem cell holy grail, Science
- Legal analysis: parsing the stem cell case, ScienceInsider
- Judge upholds stem cell funding ban, ScienceInsider
- Stem-cell plaintiffs cite ethical motivation, WSJ
- Cellular transplants in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: an observational study, Cytotherapy
- Generation of liver disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells along with efficient differentiation to functional hepatocyte-like cells, SCRR
- Non-muscle myosin II regulates survival threshold of pluripotent stem cells, NatureComm
- US Stem-cell chaos felt abroad, NatureNews
- Viable rat-mouse chimeras: where do we go from here? Cell
- Generation of rat pancreas in mouse by interspecific blastocyst injection of pluripotent stem cells, Cell
- Undifferentiated ethics: why stem cells from adult skin are as morally fraught as embryonic stem cells, ScientificAmerican
- Stem cell clinics: experts insist claims of cure-all are medically unproven, Guardian
- Japanese stem cell researcher wins Balzan prize, AP
- ISSCR decries negative impact of stem cell injunction on science and medicine, ISSCR
- Research group asks judge to stay stem cell injunction, GreatBeyond
- Medical deans urge congress to resume stem cell funding, GreatBeyond
- Toward a knowledge of causes, CellStemCell
- The orphan drug act and the development of stem cell-based products for rare diseases, CellStemCell
- Tumor-initiating cells are rare in many human tumors, CellStemCell
- Stem cell madness - Judge Lamberth's opinion and order enjoining hESC research, StanfordCenterforLaw&theBiosciencesBlog
- Stem-cell decision is no threat to federal science funding, Nature
- A law in time, Nature
- Regenerative medicine: heart redevelopment, Nature
- Obama administration appeals stem cell injunction, Reuters
- Health experts warn of 'stem cell trourism' dangers, MSNBC
- Stem-cell work thrown into limbo, NatureNews
- Restoring hESC research, BioethicsForum
- NIH stops its own human embryonic stem cell experiments, GreatBeyond
- Opinion: US stem cell ruling invites Asian competition, MercuryNews
- Thrown back to the 90s: Stem cell court ruling threatens US-based research, ScienceProgress
- First tests for stem cell therapy are near, WashPost
- To scientists' dismay, mixed up cell lines strike again, Science
- Patent policy for human embryonic stem cell research in Taiwan, JWorldIP
- Investors eye stem cell shares amid court dispute, Yahoo
- DeGette wants to reintroduce embryonic stem cell bill, 9News
- US DoJ will appeal stem cell injunction, GreatBeyondBlog
- Modeling inherited metabolic disorders of the liver using human induced pluripotent stem cells, JCI
- Differentiated Parkinson patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells grow in the adult rodent brain and reduce motor assymetry in Parkinsonian rats, PNAS
- US judge puts temporary block on human embryonic stem cell research, GreatBeyondBlog
- Synthetic 'cradle' boosts hope of stem cell therapies, WellcomeTrustBlog
- US district court rules against stem cell policy, Reuters
- Induction of primordial germ cells from mouse induced pluripotent stem cells derived from adult hepatocytes, MolRepDev
- Combinatorial development of biomaterials for clonal growth of human pluripotent stem cells, NatureMaterials
- Hidden battles and stem cell research in Argentina, a response to Luna and Salles, DevWorldBioethics
- Female human iPSCs retain an inactive X chromosome, CellStemCell
- Influence of acellular natural lung matrix on murine embryonic stem cell differentiation and tissue formation, TissueEnggPtA
- Popular culture representations of science:views from the Canadian stem cell research community, SCRR
- 34 new stem cell journals since 2004: is this a good thing? ArsTechnica
- Cell treatment helps mice long after spine injury, Reuters
- Contested embryonic culture in Japan - public discussion and human embryonic stem cell research in an aging welfare society, MedAnthro
- FDA cracks down on rogue stem cell clinic, SpoonfulofMedicine
- FDA challenges stem-cell clinic, NatureNews
- Efficient generation of functional dopaminergic neurons from human induced pluripotent stem cells under defined conditions, StemCells
- The use of unregulated stem-cell based medicinal products, Lancet
- Neurons derived from transplanted neural stem cells restore disrupted neuronal circuitry in a mouse model of spinal cord injury, JCI
- The different shades of mammalian pluripotent stem cells, HumanReprodUpdate
- A biomedical revolution, America
- Knockout rats made using stem cells, SpoonfulofMedicineBlog
- Production of p53 knockout rats by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells, Nature
- Systemic therapy for a genetic skin disease, NEJM
- Bone marrow transplantation for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, NEJM
- Nanotechnology for regenerative medicine, BiomedNanotech
- Stem cells serve as new platform for biodefense preparedness, NatureMedicine
- Removing a barrier to regrowing organs, Wired
- Stem cells and DNA damage: persist or perish? Cell
- Induction of insulin-producing cells from human pancreatic progenitor cells, TransplProceed
- Promotion of direct reprogramming by transformation-deficient Myc, PNAS
- An imprinted signature helps isolate ESC-equivalent iPSCs, CellResearch
- A key for opening stunted egg cells to fertilization, NYTimes
- Activation of dormant ovarian follicles to generate mature eggs, PNAS
- Can HIV be cured with stem cell therapy? NatureBiotech
- Multiple, interconvertible states of human pluripotent stem cells, CellStemCell
- Differential DNA damage response in stem and progenitor cells, CellStemCell
- Graft-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease: what is it all about, CellStemCell
- Lab-specific gene expression signatures in pluripotent stem cells, CellStemCell
- Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into functional cardiomyocytes by defined factors, Cell
- From connective-tissue cells to heart cells with no stops in between, 80Beats
- Skin cells converted to heart muscle cells, NatureNews
- Beware stem cell 'cures' doctors say, SacramentoBee
- The proliferation and differentiation of stem cell journals, SCRR
- PTEN deletion enhances the regenerative ability of adult corticospinal neurons, NatureNeuroscience
- Salamander regeneration trick builds new mouse muscle, Wired
- Caution: here's advice on legit stem cell clinics, NYTimes
- Geron go-ahead rouses industry and researchers, CSCR
- Efficient reprogramming of adult neural stem cells to monocytes by ectopic expression of a single gene, PNAS
- CA gains two bright stem cell stars from Duke, CSCR
- Mechanical regulation of cell function with geometrically modulated elastomeric substrates, NatureMethods
- Youi're on Geron, says FDA, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Geron says FDA lifts hold on stem cell trial, NYTimes
- Teratomas from pluripotent stem cells: a clinical hurdle, JCellularBiochem
- Locating and labeling neural stem cells in the brain, JCellPhysiol
- E. Coli, what a noisy bug, Science
- Tracking mutations in real time, SpoonfulofMedicine
- A consensus statement addressing mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis: it's time, SCRR
- The influence of electric fields on hippocampal neural progenitor cells, SCRR
- Q&A: Do we need stem cell bank? TheScientist
- Positioning of bone marrow hematopoietic and stromal cells relative to blood flow in vivo, Blood
- Offshore stem cell clinics sell hope, not science, NPR
- Totipotent art, TheScientist
- Proliferative and transcriptional identity of distinct classes of neural precursors in the mammalian olfactory epithelium, Development
- Patient-specific induced pluripotent stem-cell models for long-QT syndrome, NEJM
- Complicity in stem cell research: the case of iPSCs, HumanReproduction
- Role of Tet proteins in 5mC to 5hmC conversion, ES-cell self-renewal and inner cell mass specification, Nature
- Induced pluripotent stem cells remember their origins, GreatBeyond
- Epigenetic memory in induced pluripotent stem cells, Nature
- Cell type of origin influences the molecular and functional properties of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells, NatureBiotech
- A global shout: stem cell awareness day, Sept. 23rd, DailyKos
- Primordial sperm gene found, Wired
- Widespread presence of human BOULE homologs among animals and conservation of their ancient reproductive function, PLoSGenetics
- Substrate elascticity regulates skeletal muscle stem cell self-renewal in culture, Science
- Gap in stem cell funding could drive Australian brain drain, SpoonfulofMedicine
- Scientists eulogize center - and prepare for stiff competition, Science
- Stem cell therapy 'first' in trial on arthritic knees, BBCNews
- Molecular basis of the first cell fate determination in mouse embryogenesis, CellResearch
- Leading stem cell scientist points to non embryonic sources of cells, BMJ
- Legal disputes over adult and embryonic stem cell research, PHGFoundation
- Stem cell snake oil? (Podcast), NatureMedicine
- Medicine agency stays immune to budget cuts, SFExaminer
- A distinctive DNA damage response in human HSCs reveals an apoptosis-independent role for p53 in self-renewal, CellStemCell
- HSC quiescence promotes error-prone DNA repair and mutagenesis, CellStemCell
- Stem cells and drug screening, WellcomeTrustBlog
- A dangerous precedent, Nature
- Therapeutic potential of appropriately evaluated safe-induced pluripotent stem cells for spinal cord injury, PNAS
- Human wharton's jelly stem cells have unique transcriptome profiles compared to hESCs and other mesenchymal stem cells, SCRR
- Commercialization and collaboration: competing policies in publicly funded stem cell research, CellStemCell
- Patient-specific pluripotent stem cells become even more accessible, CellStemCell
- Frozen blood a source of stem cells, study finds, ABCNews
- Stem cell scientist leads effort to prevent fraudulent treatment, ScienceDaily
- The DC circuit court revives a legal challenge to hESC research back to the district court - what does it mean? CenterforLaw&BiosciencesBlog
- Pax6 is a human neuroectoderm cell fate determinant, CellStemCell
- Human embryonic stem cell research in the US: time for change? NatureCellBiology
- Universities bank on stem-cell research, WSJ
- Human melanoma-initiating cells express neural crest nerve growth factor CD271, Nature
- Zoo plans to bring rare animals back from the dead, NewScientist
- The epigenome at a glance, SpoonfulofMedBlog
- Stem cell furore erupts, NatureNews
- Law to regulate stem cell banking in India, LiveMint
- Law, science and innovation: Introduction to the symposium, JLME
- Reflections on governance models for the clinical translation of stem cells, JLME
- Tissue-engineered lungs for in vivo implantation, Science
- What can pluripotent stem cells teach us about neurodegenerative diseases? NatureNeurosci
- US appeals court reinstates stem cell suit, Reuters
- European scientific, legal and ethical issues on human stem cell research and regenerative medicine, StemCells
- NIH director formalizes rejection of diseased stem cell lines, GreatBeyond
- Limbal stem-cell therapy and long-term corneal regeneration, NEJM
- Human adult germline stem cells in question, Nature
- Stem cells and ethics: Current issues, JCTR
- Stopping stem cell snake oil, ScienceInsider
- Stem cells made without new genes, NatureNews
- Stem cell theatrics, Nature
- Angiomyeloproliferative lesions following autologous stem cell therapy, JASN
- Stem cell therapy for the kidney: a cautionary tale, JASN
- Stem cell therapy 'damage' seen in kidney disease case, BBCNews
- Patients beware: commercialized stem cell treatments on the web, CellStemCell
- Japan stem cell scientist wins Kyoto Prize, NYTimes
- Important stem cell lines could be denied funding, NewScientist
- A mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition initiates and is required for the nuclear reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts, CellStemCell
- Functional genomics reveals a BMP-driven mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition in the initiation of somatic cell reprogramming, CellStemCell
- Stem cell researchers gather in San Francisco, SFChronicle
- Activation of the imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 region correlates with pluripotency levels, JBiolChem
- ISSCR 2010: on stem cells and soccer, SpoonfulofMedicineBlog
- Triple punch gene therapy targets HIV, NatureNews
- Diseased cells fail to win approval, NatureNews
- Parthenogenic blastocysts derived from cumulus-free in vitro matured human oocytes, PLoSOne
- Erythropoietic differentiation of a human embryonic stem cell line harbouring the sickle cell anaemia mutation, ReproBiomedOnline
- Straight talk with...George Daley, NatureMedicine
- Successful generation of cloned mice using nuclear transfer from induced pluripotent stem cells, CellResearch
- Viable fertile mice generated from fully pluripotent iPS cells derived adult somatic cells, SCRR
- Scientists take first steps in growing working livers, BBCNews
- Tracking differentiating neural progenitors in pluripotent cultures using microRNA-regulated lentiviral vectors, PNAS
- Stem cell patent decision could rewrite rules of patentability, NatureMedicine
- Transplantation of mammalian embryonic stem cells and their derivatives to avian embryos, SCRR
- Practical guides: Reporting embryonic stem cell science, SciDevNet
- Quiescent haematopoietic stem cells are activated by IFN-y in response to chronic infection, Nature
- Paper trails: inside the stem cell wars, NewScientist
- Patient-specific iPSC-derived models of LEOPARD syndrome, Nature
- Vision renewed, ScienceProgress
- Funding cut 'to curb stem cell research', TheAustralian
- Transplantation of umbilical cord blood stem cells for treating spinal cord injury, SCRR
- ISSCR launches website providing information on stem cell treatments, ISSCR
- Pluripotent patents make prime time: an analysis of the emerging landscape, NatureBiotech
- Relief over stem cell lines, NatureBiotech
- Skirting laws against egg payments, BioethicsForum
- Ohio senate bill proposes 'hybrid' ban, BioNews
- Costa Rica puts brakes on popular stem cell tourism, NYTimes
- With US stem cell treatments limited, patients try other countries, WashPost
- Stem cells turn into seek-and-destroy cancer missiles, NewScientist
- Multiple, interconvertible states of human pluripotent stem cells, CellStemCell
- Clinical translation of stem cell therapies: a bridgeable gap, CellStemCell
- Developing a case study model for successful translation of stem cell therapies, CellStemCell
- Pharma's developing interest in stem cells, CellStemCell
- Current technology for the derivation of pluripotent stem cell lines from human embryos, CellStemCell
- Costa Rica shuts stem cell clinic, Reuters
- Neural stem cell-based gene therapy for brain tumors, SCRR
- Your inner healers, ScientificAmerican
- Clinical trials and the common good, ScienceProgress
- Long-term self-renewal of human pluripotent stem cells on human recombinant laminin-511, NatureBiotech
- Xenografted human amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells are immunologically tolerated and transdifferentiated into cardiomyocytes, CircResearch
- Murine induced pluripotent stem cells can be derived from and differentiate into natural killer T cells, JCI
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st century: a conversation with Gonzalo Ulloa, StemCells
- Induced pluripotent stem cells: it looks simple but can looks deceive? StemCells
- Challenges in the clinical application of induced pluripotent stem cells, StemCellRes&Ther
- Regulation of human stem cell research in South Korea, SCRR
- Embryos are not human beings, rules court, KoreaTimes
- New stem cell guidance from HESCRAC also the last, SpoonfulofMedicineBlog
- NIH Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research, NIH
- Last hurrah from National Academies Stem Cell Committee, ScienceInsider
- Guidelines for Embryonic Stem Cell Research Updated, NationalAcademies
- Three-dimensional early retinal progenitor 3D tissue constructs derived from hESCs, JNeuroscienceMethods
- Stem cell tourism and the power of hope, AJOB
- Tweeting science & ethics, AJOB
- Functional heterogeneity of embryonic stem cells revealed through translational amplification of an early endodermal transcript, PLoSBio
- The balance of WNT and FGF signaling influences mesenchymal stem cell fate during skeletal development, ScienceSignaling
- Can a body to grow its own spare parts? Guardian
- MD stem cell research commission announces 42 projects for funding, PRNews (2010 awardees)
- Between public opinion and public policy: hESC research and path-dependency, JLME
- Human-animal chimeras for vaccine development: an endangered species or opportunity for the developing world? BMCIntlHealthHumanRights
- New NIH conflict rules and their impact on CIRM, CaliSCReport
- Differential modeling of fragile X syndrome by hESCs and iPSCs, CellStemCell
- UC Irvine opens state's first stem cell research institute, LATimes
- Stem cells, human genes and patents, CGS
- Recipient cell nuclear factors are required for reprogramming by nuclear transfer, Development
- Beyond access vs. protection in trials of innovative therapies, Science
- Stem cell solution for hearing loss makes progress, Wired
- Libertarian MP defeated in UK election, BioEdge
- Gulf states taking a lead in stem cell research, TheNational
- EU agency prepares to assess first stem cell drug, Reuters
- Segment-specific neuronal subtype specification by the integration of anteposterior and temporal clues, PLoSBio
- Noninvasive imaging of endogenous neural stem cell mobilization in vivo using positron emission tomography, JNeuroscience
- Stem cell tourism and the power of hope, AJOB
- Tweeting science & ethics, AJOB
- Stem cell tourism and doctors' duties to minors, AJOB
- Regulators must step up stem cell research oversight, NatureMedicine
- Stem cell renegades or pioneers? BMJ
- Distinct epigenomic landscapes of pluripotent and lineage-committed human cells, CellStemCell
- Regulatory impacts on stem cell research in Japan, CellStemCell
- Insightful tales from single embryonic cells, CellStemCell
- Payment offers to egg donors prompt scrutiny, NYTimes
- Transplantation of placenta-derived MSCs upon experimental stroke in rats, BrainResearch
- Human embryonic stem cells with biological and epigenetic characteristics similar to those of mouse ESCs, PNAS
- The next frontier for stem cell transplantation: finding a donor for all, JAMA
- Stem cell patent battle continues, GreatBeyond
- WARF loses latest round on challenge to hESC patents, CaliSCReport
- Stem cell medical breakthrough(video), CNN
- c-Myc regulates transcriptional pause release, Cell
- Suspension culture of undifferentiated human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, SCRR
- The use of animals in human stem cell research: past, present and future, ILARJournal
- NIH approves 13 embryonic stem cell lines for federal funding, MNT
- Aberrant silencing of imprinted genes on chromosome 12qF1 in mouse iPSCs, Nature
- Semi-natural biotech hack makes bones heal 3 times faster, Wired
- Selective removal of undifferentiated ESCs from a differentiation cultures through HSV1 thymidine kinase and ganciclovir treatment, SCRR
- Vatican to finance adult stem cell research, NYTimes
- Unique multipotent cells in adult human mesenchymal cell populations, PNAS
- Egg donation must remain voluntary, Telegraph
- Popular hESC line approved, TheScientist
- Master of the cell, TheScientist
- 21st century snake oil (Video), 60Minutes
- Variation in hematopoietic potential of iPS cell lines, SCRR
- 3-parent embryos could prevent disease, but raise ethical issues, WiredScience
- Pronuclear transfer in human embryos to prevent transmission of mitochondrial DNA disease, Nature
- Stem-cell funding in sight, NatureNews
- iPS cells derived from mouse models of lysosomal storage disorders, PNAS
- AAN: Smarter mice, InTheField
- State stem cell agency to fund clinical trials, NatureMedicine
- Stem cell therapy feels Food & Drug Administration's pinch, DenverPost
- Using stem cells to study alcohol dependence, PhysOrg
- Doctor injected MS sufferer with cow stem cells (with video), STV
- Hormones promote stem cell growth, TheScientist
- Roadblocks en route to the clinical application of induced pluripotent stem cells, JCS
- Magnetic targeting enhances engraftment and functional benefit of iron-labeled cardiosphere-derived cells in myocardial infarction, CirculationResearch
- Challenges of using pluripotent stem cells for safety assessments of substances, Toxicology
- Super stemmys, a stem cell story, TheScientist
- ReNeuron first in stroke, NatureBiotech
- High-resolution DNA analysis of human embryonic stem cell lines reveals culture-induced copy number changes and loss of heterozygosity, NatureBiotech
- Empirical analysis of major stem cell patent cases: the role of universities, NatureBiotech
- Stem cell biologists sure play a mean pinball, NatureBiotech
- The stem cell banking crisis, TheScientist
- Ohio bill to ban human cloning draws fire from stem cell researchers, MedCityNews
- A purified population of multipotent cardiovascular progenitors derived from primate pluripotent stem cells engrafts in postmyocardial infarcted nonhuman primates, JCI
- Derivation, propagation and controlled differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in suspension, NatureBiotech
- Update on umbilical cord blood transplantation, AllogSCTranspl
- Survey details stem cell clinics ahead of regulatory approval, SpoonfulofMedicineBlog
- Efficient derivation of functional floor plate tissue from human embryonic stem cells, CellStemCell
- Gene flaw found in induced stem cells, NatureNews
- To be, or not to be? Are induced pluripotent stem cells potential babies, and does it matter? EMBOReports
- Embryos, stem cells and moral status: a response to George and Lee, EMBOReports
- Stem cells: skin regeneration and repair, Nature
- A dose of embryonic cells could induce infant-like 'plasticity' in brain, allowing it to rewire itself like new, PopularScience
- Bone progenitor dysfunction induces myelodysplasia and secondary leukaemia, Nature
- Primary contribution to zebrafish heart regeneration by gata4+ cardiomyocytes, Nature
- Self-regulation, compensation and the ethical recruitment of oocyte donors, HCR
- At NIH, moving ahead on stem cell research, WashPost
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st century - a discussion with Pete Coffey, StemCells
- Bone marrow stromal cells use TGF-β to suppress allergic responses in a mouse model of ragweed-induced asthma, PNAS
- Pleiotrophin regulates the expansion and regeneration of hematopoietic stem cells, NatureMedicine
- Windpipe transplant success in UK child, BBCNews
- A strange provision in the federal stem cell bill, BiopoliticalTimes
- A stem cell policy worthy of the public trust, HuffPost
- Risks and mechanisms of oncological disease following stem cell transplantation, SCRR
- Functional hierarchy and reversibility within the murine spermatogenic stem cell compartment, Science
- A miracle salve or another stem cell fraud? JoongAngDaily
- Corticosteroid suppression of VEGF-A in infantile hemangioma-derived stem cells, NEJM
- Stem cell hope for hip replacements, PressAssn
- A biological global positioning system, SCRev&Rep
- Stem cell research in the greater middle east: the importance of establishing policy and ethics interoperability to foster international collaborations, SCRev&Rep
- Ethical aspects of hESC research in the Islamic world: positions and reflections, SCRev&Rep
- NIH stem cell update, OERNexus
- Stem cell cures any closer? CBSNews
- Amniotic fluid cells are more efficiently reprogrammed to pluripotency than adult cells, CellularReprogramming
- Catholic Church funds stem cell research, AAP
- DeGette and Castle to introduce stem cell research bill on anniversary of presidential executive order, DianaDegette
- Red tape around stem cells? Process underpins ethical policy, ScienceProgress
- Banking on hope, TheScientist
- Lack of p21 links cell cycle control and appendage regeneration in mice, PNAS
- US stem cell expert is "hottest" researcher, Reuters
- Embryonic stem cell research stalled despite Obama's try at lifting restrictions, WashPost
- Butyrate greatly enhances derivation of human iPSCs by promoting epigenetic remodeling and the expression of pluripotency-association genes, StemCells
- The changing landscape of human-animal chimera research: a Canadian regulatory perspective, StemCellResearch
- Stem cells in America, TheGreatBeyond
- Dr. George Daley: stem cell research, PBSReligion&EthicsNewsweekly
- 'You are our only hope': trading metaphorical 'magic bullets' for stem cell 'superheroes', TheorMed&Bioethics
- Stem cells:home of HIV? TheScientist
- Embryonic MGE precursor cells grafted into adult rat striatum integrate and ameliorate motor symptoms in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats, CellStemCell
- Stem cell research in S America coming of age, CellStemCell
- Dealing with scientific disagreements, CellStemCell
- Conserved and divergent roles of FGF signaling in mouse epiblast stem cells and human embryonic stem cells, CellStemCell
- Children as hematopoietic stem cell donors, Pediatrics
- Induction of a cell cycle entry eliminates human leukemia stem cells in a mouse model of AML, NatureBiotech
- Stem cells: one year later, a long way to go, MedillReports
- Stem cell research in the greater Middle East, StemCellRev
- Ethical aspects of hESC research in the Islamic world, StemCellRev
- Reprogrammed cells come up short for now, Science
- Embryonic stem cells: hopes for turning darkness into light, ScienceProgress
- Gutballs, StanfordMed
- Star and flower shaped moulds tell stem cells what to be, NewScientist
- A human embryonic stem cell therapy moves forward, TheGreatBeyond
- Challenges and opportunities facing stem cell scientists, ScienceDaily
- Deciding on human embryonic stem cell research, Politics&TheLifeSciences
- Perfecting policy on stem cells, ScienceProgress
- Progress and promise towards safe iPSCs for therapy, SCRev&Rep
- Laser-assisted phooablation of human pluripotent stem cells from differentiating cultures, SCRev&Rep
- Fertility centre to dispose of frozen embryos (Dubai), KhaleejTimes
- Regenerative medicine: cell reprogramming gets direct, Nature
- US scientists warn of fraud of stem cell 'banks', AFP
- Cord blood breakthrough (video), CBSNews
- Making the case for private cord blood banking: mission failed! SCRev&Rep
- NIH may allow stem-cell lines from younger embryos, NatureNews
- Agency proposes US-paid research on stem cells, NYTimes
- NIH seeks to expand the definition of 'human embryonic stem cell', LATimes
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st c. - a discussion with Derek Hai, StemCells
- Korea closer to cloning embryonic stem cells, KoreaTimes
- NIH guidelines for stem cell research and gamete donors, Science
- Neural differentiation of human iPSCs follows developmental principles but with variable potency, PNAS
- Study raises stem cell questions, PressAssn
- Medical potential of iPS cells exaggerated says world authority, Times
- The trouble with lab-created stem cells - and why they won't displace embryonic ones, 80Beats
- Telomere elongation in iPS cells from dyskeratosis congenita patients, Nature
- Stem cell experiment reverses aging in rare disease, NYTimes
- China's recipe for stem cell success, ScienceProgress
- Efficient and rapid generation of iPSCs using an alternative culture medium, CellResearch
- Surgeons and scientists: working together in embryo research, JCellBiochem
- Blood stem cells emerge from aortic endothelium by a novel type of cell transition, Nature
- Generation of genetically modified animals using spermatagonial stem cells, DevGrowth&Diff
- Tbx3 improves the germ-line competency of iPSCs, Nature
- Still no truce in the stem-cell wars, Newsweek
- Ark. candidate likens stem cell work to Nazi tests, NYTimes
- Hemangioblastic derivatives from human iPSCs exhibit limited expansion and early senescence, StemCells
- Stem cell alternatives show early aging abnormalities, USAToday
- Is iPS cell the panacea? IUBMBLife
- Stem cell stroke trial gets final approval in UK, GreatBeyond
- Stem cells: uneven divide, Nature
- Athersys receives US patent covering adult stem cell composition and production, CNN
- Should we clone Neanderthals? Archaeology
- Testing time for stem cells, NatureNews
- High quality research is effectively being vetoed, BioNews
- A nonviral minicircle vector for deriving human iPS cells, NatureMethods
- Landmark pluripotent patent has stem cell researchers nervous, ScienceInsider
- Hwang tries for a comeback, BiopolTimes
- Irish bioethics council axed, NatureBiot
- Cultivating regenerative medicine innovation in China, RegenerativeMedicine
- A legal defense for compensating research egg donors, CellStemCell
- They're not perfect, but they're model cells, SceinceProgress
- Age-related changes in niche cells influence hematopoietic stem cell function, CellStemCell
- First US patent issued for induced stem cell protocol, GreatBeyond
- Stem-cell shenanigans/Lawmakers should force state institute to shape up (editorial) SDUnionTrib
- Oversight framework over oocyte procurement for SCNT, TheorMed&Bioethics
- Stem cells: big roles for small RNAs, Nature
- Opposing microRNA families regulate self-renewal in mouse embryonic stem cells, Nature
- Journal stem cell work 'blocked', BBCNews
- Actualizable potential, reproduction, and embryo research: bringing embryos into existence for different purposes or not at all, CQHE
- Consequentialism without consequences: ethics and embryo research, CQHE
- Stem cells rescue nerve cells by direct contact, ScienceDaily
- Stem tour: Cassy Boyda (Slide Show), MilwaukeeJS
- Britain grants patent for iPS cells, NatureNews
- Direct conversion of fibroblasts to functional neurons by defined factors, Nature
- The California stem cell initiative: persuasion, politics and public science, AJPH
- Stem cell rules advance in Michigan senate, DetroitFreepress
- Stem cell line given the nod, NatureNews
- Bush stem cell line OK for approval, TheScientist
- First US stem cells transplanted into spinal cord, CNN
- Familiarity and prudence of the Japanese public with research into iPSCs and their desire for its proper regulation, SCRR
- Stem cells in human neurodegenerative disorders - time for clinical translation? JCI
- Stem cell therapies: California dreamin'? Cell
- On moral incoherence and hidden battles: Stem cell research in Argentina, DevWorldBioethics
- The nuclear receptor Nr5a2 can replace Oct4 in the reprogramming of murine somatic cells to pluripotent cells, CellStemCell
- Cell line switcheroo, TheGreatBeyond
- Murine embryonic stem cell-derived pyramidal neurons integrate into the cerebral cortex and appropriately project axons to subcortical targets, JNeuroscience
- DNMT1 maintains progenitor function in self-renewing somatic tissue, Nature
- Foreign clinics making wild claims and growing fears of cancer. Are stem cells REALLY the miracle we've been promised, DailyMail
- Doctor who sent patients for stem cell injections is accused of exploitation, BMJ
- Human iPS cell lines show similar stress defence mechanisms and mitochondrial regulation to hESCs, StemCells
- Scientists turn stem cells into pork, NYTimes
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st century: a conversation with Stephen Bellamy, StemCells
- Stem cells in China: Wild east or scientific feast? TheEconomist
- KAP1 controls endogenous retroviruses in embryonic stem cells, Nature
- Delivering stem cells improves repair of major bone injuries in rats, ScienceDaily
- Grant money could speed stem cell cures, LATimes
- Judge throws out Nevada 'Personhood' initiative, AP/MercNews
- UK regulator considers fate of 'stem cell doctor', TheGreatBeyond
- Cloning mice and men:prohibiting the use of iPS cells for human reproductive cloning, CellStemCell
- Will iPS cells enhance therapeutic applicability of cord blood cells and banking? CellStemCell
- Tracking the rise of stem cell tourism, RegenerativeMedicine
- Stem cell nations working together for a stem cell world, RegenerativeMedicine
- The bioethics of stem cell research and therapy, JCI
- Progress toward the clinical application of patient-specific iPS cells, JCI
- Stem cells: roadmap to the clinic, JCI
- Stem cell research policy and iPS cells, NatureMethods
- The contributions of empirical evidence to socio-ethical debated on fresh embryo donation for human embryonic stem cell research, Bioethics
- Many expect organ cloning to be routine by 2020, Reuters
- The modern dilemma of making a whole new you, SydneyMorningHerald
- Defined factors induce reprogramming of gastrointestinal cancer cells, PNAS
- Strengthening IRB review of highly innovative interventions in clinical trials, JAMA
- Vitamin C enhances the generation of mouse and human induced pluripotent stem cells, CellStemCell
- Lagging laws, NatureNeuroscience
- Bioartificial matrices for therapeutic vascularization, PNAS
- Stem cell transplants at childbirth, SCRR
- Embryo ruling keeps stem cell research legal, Science
- School of medicine receives $30 million grant to coordinate a consortium of national stem cell experts, MNT
- Consensus guidance for banking and supply of hESC lines for research purposes, SCRR
- Stem cell therapy restores vision, GreatBeyond
- 'Retrograde' closure of bioethics body criticised, IrishTimes
- Orphan nuclear receptor TLX activates Wnt/ β-catenin signalling to stimulate neural stem cell proliferation and self-renewal, NatureCellBio
- State stem cell funding possibly in jeopardy (CT), Courant
- Stem cell support of oogenesis in the human, HumanReprod
- US Patent Office grants Geron's request for an interference, Geron
- Reprogramming towards pluripotency requires AID-dependent DNA demethylation, Nature
- Pluripotency process unveiled, TheScientist
- UK stem cell tool kit: a regulatory tool for those conducting human SC research in the UK, MRC
- Egg-citing advances in generating primordial germ cells in the laboratory, BiolofReprod
- Are iPSCs the future of cell-based regenerative therapies for spinal cord injury? JCellPhys
- Stem cell transplants at childbirth, SCRevRep
- From Minnie to Mickey (and all they did was turn off a gene), Independent
- Pfizer acquires a stem-cell therapy, NYTimes
- Neuralstem receives approval to conduct first ALS stem cell trial, MNT
- The personal alchemy behind scientific alchemy, NYTimes
- Lack of population diversity in human embryonic stem-cell lines, NEJM
- Neural stem cells as a novel platform for tumor-specific delivery of therapeutic antibodies, PLoSone
- Stem-cell research leaving minorities behind? DetroitFreePress
- Consent issue dogs stem-cell approval, NatureNews
- Irish supreme court rules lab embryos not protected, ScienceInsider
- Editorial: state shouldn't over-regulate stem cell research, DetroitNews
- Prepubertal human spermatogonia and mouse gonocytes share conserved gene expression of germline stem cell regulatory molecules, PNAS
- Growing body parts, CBS:60 Minutes
- Stem-cell induction made simpler, NatureNews
- Long-term fate of allogeneic neural stem cells following transplantation into injured spinal cord, SCRev&Rep
- Presence of a ROCK inhibitor in extracellular matrix supports more undifferentiated growth of feeder-free hESCs and iPSCs upon passaging, SCRev&Rep
- Harmonizing global science, Science
- Stem cell therapy aids the return of Lava Man (Horse Racing), NYTimes
- Embryonic stem cell-derived L1 overexpressing neural aggregates enhance recovery in parkinsonian mice, Brain
- Highly efficient generation of human hepatocyte-like cells from induced pluipotent stem cells, Hepatology
- iPS: Mapping the policy issues, Cell
- Allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for sickle cell disease, NEJM
- Law, ethics, religion and clinical translation in the 21st century - a discussion with John Sinden, StemCells
- Ethics, law, religion and clinical translation in the 21st century, StemCells
- Engineering antigen-specific T cells from genetically modified hematopoietic stem cells in immunodeficient mice, PLoSone
- Is it right to pay women for their eggs, BBCNews
- Stem cell researchers watching legislative moves, NYTimes
- Gene therapy and stem cells save limb, ScienceDaily
- SKPs derive from hair follicle precursors and exhibit properties of adult dermal cells, CellStemCell
- 27 more hESC lines head for OK, TheScientist
- Protective effects of human iPS-derived retinal pigment epithelium cell transplantation in the retinal dystrophic rat, PLoSone
- Stem cell center to rise in biology hub, Science
- Stem cell transcriptional loops generate precise temporal identity, CellStemCell
- Oct4 and LIF/Stat3 additively induce Krüppel factors to sustain ESC self-renewal, CellStemCell
- Mending the failing heart with a vascularized cardiac patch, CellStemCell
- Technical challenges in using human induced pluripotent stem cells to model disease, CellStemCell
- Mending the failing heart with a vascularized cardiac patch, CellStemCell
- Embryos, stem cells and moral status: a response to George & Lee, EMBORep
- Biotech cos. rise as gov't OKs new stem cell lines, NYTimes
- First human embryonic stem cell lines approved for use under new NIH guidelines, NIHNews
- Obama begins embryonic stem cell research support with $21 million, ScienceInsider
- New stem cell lines open to research, NYTimes
- NIH authorizes use of first human embryonic stem cells under new policy, WashPost
- NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry: Lines Eligible for Use
- NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry: Lines Pending Review
- To be, or not to be? EMBOReports
- Embryonic stem cell research is not dehumanising us, JMedicalEthics
- Stem cell separation: a bottleneck in stem cell therapy, BiotechJ
- Who owns science? The Manchester Manifesto
- How science is shackled by intellectual property, TheGuardian
- Japan scientists attack govt research cut plans, AFP
- MD stem cell panel sees record interest for research grants, BaltoBizJ
- Race is on to use ESCs in humans, NewScientist
- U. of Nebraska defeats tighter limits on stem cell research, NYTimes
- Stem cells could be the secret reason why breast is best, Independent
- Experts warn against stem cell tourism, ABCNews
- Stem cell therapy sees man 'infected' with cancer, WAToday
- Clean pigs offer alternative to stem cell transplants, Science
- Patents are crucial to stem cell research, scientist says, DeutscheWelle
- Embryonic stem cell therapy closer to human trials, AFP
- University weighs tighter limits on stem cell research, NYTimes
- 2nd human hESC trial? TheScientist
- Women don't need to risk their health with egg donation, WAToday
- Embryonic stem cells to cure eye disease? TheGreatBeyond
- Breathing new life into 'old' eggs, NewScientist
- Epigenomics: Methylation matters, Nature
- Why not pay women to donate their eggs for research? SydneyMorningHerald
- When does oversight overstep? TheScientist
- Stem cell research: toward greater unity in Europe? Cell
- Nuclear reprogramming in eggs, NatureMedicine
- Fresh hope for German stem-cell patent case, NatureNews
- Europe to decide over patenting of human embryo research, DeutscheWelle
- MafB/c-Maf deficiency enables self-renewal of differentiated functional macrophages, Science
- Embryos' fate: a fertile debate, ChicagoTribune
- Pioneer's appeal on stem cells, TheAge
- Geron stem cell therapy shows benefit in rodents; shares up, Forbes
- Rescue of radiation-induced cognitive impairment through cranial transplantation of hESCs, PNAS
- Patenting human pluripotent cells: balancing commercial, academic and ethical interests, HumReprod
- The dog cloner, Nature
- Scientists want debate on animals with human genes, Reuters
- Learning how animals regenerate body parts, NYTimes
- Faster route to stem-like cells, Nature
- Direct cell reprogramming is a stochastic process amenable to acceleration, Nature
- Breath of fresh air transforms stem cells, NewScientist
- Generation of lung-epithelial-like tissue from hESCs, RespResearch
- Stem cell experts skeptical of Geeta Shroff's miracle cure claims, Times
- Good science and good ethics: why we should discourage payment for eggs for stem cell research, NatureRevGenetics
- hESC-derived oligodendrocyte progenitor cell transplants improve recovery after cervical spinal cord injury, StemCells
- The gold rush for iPSCs, NatureBiotech
- A continuum of cell states spans pluripotency and lineage commitment in hESCs, PLoSone
- Human blood vessel-derived endothelial progenitors for endotheliazition of small diameter vascular prosthesis, PLoSone
- Hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy with a lentiviral vector in x-linked ALD, Science
- Gene therapy halts fatal brain disease, Wired
- The ethics of patenting hESCs, KIEJ
- The more things change: the new NIH guidelines on human stem cell research, KIEJ
- FoxO3 regulates neural stem cell homeostasis, CellStemCell
- HLA matching potential of an established human embryonic stem cell bank in China, CellStemCell
- Centenarians as stem cell donors, AJOB
- 3 CA stem cell grants revoked, TheScientist
- iPS cells in regenerative medicine: an argument for continued research on hESCs, RegenMed
- Geron trial may resume next year, Scientist
- The big question: are scientists now really able to make sperm and egg cells in the lab? Independent
- Michigan panel to discuss stem cell research bills, WLNS
- Stem cell research petition to circulate to push for a vote (SDak), RapidCityJ
- Of mice and men: stem cells and ethical uncertainties, JohnsHopkins
- Heavy metal guitarist turns to stem cells to heal hand, NewScientist
- Hwang Woo-suk's cloning fraud has not set back stem cell research, Times
- California awards grants for researtch projects in nonembryonic stem cells, NYTimes
- Scientists 'five years' from producing artificial spem and eggs, Times
- Stem cell study leads to breakthrough in understanding infertility, Guardian
- Human DAZL, DAZ and BOULE genes modulate primordial germ-cell and haploid gamete formation, Nature
- Judge throws out stem cell lawsuit, ScienceInsider
- Epigenetic reversion of post-implantation epiblast to pluripotent embryonic stem cells, Nature
- California hands out $230 million to move stem cells into the clinic, GreatBeyond
- Inducible pluripotent stem cells: not quite ready for prime time? CurrOpinOrgTransp
- Behavioral improvement after transplantation of neural precursors from ESCs in to the globally ischemic brain of adolescent rats, BrainDev
- Woo Suk Hwang convicted, but not of fraud, NatureNews
- No jail time for Hwang, TheScientist
- South Korea stem cell scientist guilty of fraud, Reuters
- Mickie Bhatia:ESCs come of age, JEM
- $3.7M NIH grant will fund study on stem cells derived from ALS patients, MNT
- Hwang verdict imminent, NatureNews
- Oxysterols drive dopaminergic neurogenesis from stem cells, CellStemCell
- Transplanted tissue improves vision, ScienceDaily
- California and China agree to collaborate on stem cells, ChinaBioToday
- A chemical platform for improved induction of human iPSCs, NatureMethods
- 'Ethical' stem cell crop boosted, BBCNews
- Why are we afraid to regulate embryonic research? BakerInstBlog
- Jostling spurs cell spreading, TheScientist
- Material properties of the cell dictate stress-induced spreading and differentiation in embryonic stem cells, NatureMaterials
- Generation of functional ventricular heart muscle from ventricular progenitor cells, Science
- Culturing stem cell awareness, CellStemCell
- A clear line on stem cells, WashPost
- Patch uses stem cells to plug holes in the heart, PopSci
- Groundbreaking stem cell surgery gives boy new cheekbones, ABCNews
- Ethical concerns over use of new cloning technique in humans, Nature
- Americans are flocking to Costa Rica for stem cell treatments, MinnPost
- Live cell imaging distinguishes bona fide human iPSCs from partially reprogrammed cells, NBT
- Jaw bone created from stem cells, BBCNews
- Controversial stem cell project gets green light, OttawaCitizen
- Move towards regulation of stem cell therapeutics, PHGFound
- Engineering anatomically shaped human bone grafts, PNAS
- Vaccination with human pluripotent stem cells generates a broad spectrum of immunological and clinical response against colon cancer, StemCells
- Stem cell feud goes to constitutional court, KoreaTimes
- Ethical aspects of the use of stem cell derived gametes for reproduction, HealthCareAnalysis
- A Small-Molecule Inhibitor of Tgf-β Signaling Replaces Sox2 in Reprogramming by Inducing Nanog, CellStemCell
- Reproductive tourism in Argentina: clinic accreditation and its implications for consumers, health professional and policy makers, DevWorldBioethics
- Stem cells which 'fool the immune system' may provide vaccination for cancer, ScienceDaily
- Good science and good ethics: why we should discourage payment for eggs for stem cell research, NatureRevGenetics
- SOX2 is an amplified lineage-survival oncogene in lung and esophageal squamous cell carcinomas, NatureGenetics
- Genetic engineering of human stem cells for enhanced angiogenesis using biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles, PNAS
- Notes on a neural stem cell conference, Niche
- Developments & challenges in hESC research in Spain, SCRev&Rep
- Gold standards in the diamond age: the commodification of pluripotency, CellStemCell
- No human-hybrid work in the UK? GreatBeyond
- Vital embryo research driven out of Britain, TheIndependent
- Evan Harris: we owe it to the sick to support this research, TheIndependent
- Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human cord blood, CellStemCell
- Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human cord blood using OCT4 and SOX2, CellStemCell
- What to do with the grail now that we have it? iPSCs, potentiality, and public policy, CellStemCell
- The human egg is back, CellStemCell
- Who's in favor of translational cell therapy for stroke: STEPS forward please? CellTransplantation
- Consent: criteria should be drawn up for tissue donors, Nature
- Consent: a need for guidelines to reflect local considerations, Nature
- Induced pluripotent stem cells: it's like déjà vu all over again, Circulation
- Translating stem cell therapy to the clinic: déjà vu all over again, MolecularTherapy
- Functional recovery after the transplantation of neurally differentiated mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow in a rat model of spinal cord injury, CellTransplantation
- For love or money? The saga of Korean women who provided eggs for embryonic stem cell research, TheorMedBioeth
- A progenitor cell origin of myeloid malignancies, PNAS
- Transplantation tolerance in an age of induced pluripotency, CurrOpinOrgTranspl
- Q&A: Is stem cell research misguided? TheScientist
- 88 stem cell lines submitted to NIH for ethical vetting: Harvard dominates, TheNiche
- Identification by automated screening of a small molecule that selectively eliminates neural stem cells derived from hESCs but not dopamine neurons, PLoSone
- Enhanced generation of iPSCs from a subpopulation of human fibroblasts, PLoSone
- Stem cell vetting raises concerns, confusion, TheNiche
- Davor Solter: non-retiring with stem cells in Singapore, NatRepSCs
- (Stem cell) banking crisis, NatRepSCs
- Rocky road to regulation, NatRepSCs
- Stem cell charter takes aim at critics, CBC
- A long way to go...NatureImmunology
- The 'stem cell' concept: is it holding us back? JBio
- Cost-effectiveness of private umbilical cord blood banking, Ob&Gyn
- Stem cell lines: let the vetting begin, InTheField
- Cracking down on stem cell companies, InTheField
- New stem cell bill in US Congress? InTheField
- FDA green lights stem-cell trial for Lou Gehrig's disease, TheNiche
- MD, CA team on stem cell research, BaltoBizJ
- SKorea scientist wins dog cloning court battle, AFP
- NIH opens website for hESC lines for approval and announces members of working group, NIH
- Submit your cells, GreatBeyond
- Stem cell symposium supplement, YaleJofHealthPolicyLaw&Ethics
- iPSCs in regenerative medicine:an argument for continued research on hESCs, RegenMed
- Two factor reprogramming of human neural stem cells into pluripotency, PLoSone
- Transformation of nonfunctional spinal circuits into functional states after the loss of brain input, NatureNeuroscience
- Transcriptional signature and memory retention of human iPSCs, PLoSone
- Stem cell fight ahead, BaltoSun
- CIRM signs agreement to collaborate with Germany on stem cell research, Niche
- Cell lines derived from human parthenogenetic embryos can display aberrant centriole distribution and altered expression levels of mitotic spindle check-point transcripts, SCRR
- Monkeys, mitochondria and the human germline, BioethicsForum
- Egg donor proposal stirs concern, CSCR
- Can our understanding of epigenetics assist with primary prevention of congenital defects? JMG
- US firm withdraws from Korean cloning dogfight, ShortSharpScience
- Developmental biology: instructions writ in blood, Nature
- International Society for Stem Cell Research reading list, NatureRepSCs
- Consent row as human cells used for hybrid embryo clones, Scotsman
- What does Nanog do? NatureRepSCs
- Cell pioneers Gurdon, Yamanaka honored with Lasker Award, Bloomberg
- Stem cell pioneers take home Lasker, GreatBeyond
- Couple offers daughter as guinea pig for stem cell gamble, DailyTelegraph
- Stem cells delay disease onset in mice with neurodegenerative disease, NatureRepSCs
- A luminal epithelial stem cell that is a cell of origin for prostate cancer, Nature
- Stem cell co. faked success: SEC, TheScientist
- Trading on hope, NatureBiotech
- Stem cell drug fails 2 late-stage clinical trials, NYTimes
- Ethics scrutiny needed for Chinese-European projects, Nature
- Stem cell treatment 'is child abuse', Times
- Flab and freckles could advance stem cell research, Nature
- Liposuction leftovers easily converted to iPSCs, ScienceDaily
- Sox2 is dispensable for the reprogramming of melanocytes and melanoma cells into iPSCs, JCS
- More synergetic cooperation of Yamanaka factors in iPSCs than in ESCs, CellResearch
- Efficient generation of hepatocyte-like cells from human iPSCs, CellResearch
- The FunGenES database, PLoSOne
- China cracks down on stem cell tourism, NewScientist
- Safety call over stem cell trips, BBCNews
- Ethical governance of biological and biomedical research: Chinese-European cooperation, bionet
- Pluripotent stem cells and disease modeling, CellStemCell
- Transplanted cells detoxify poisoned brain, somewhat, TheNiche
- The practical consequences of a national human embryonic stem cell registry, SCRevRep
- Generation of pluripotent stem cells from patients with type 1 diabetes, PNAS
- Stem-cell projects falter, Nature
- Stem cells: the promises and perils of p53, Nature
- Private cord blood banking, SCRevRep
- Top scientist's industry move heralds stem-cell shift, Nature
- Stem cell trial may resume soon, ScienceInsider
- Stem cells, down to one factor, TheNiche
- One-gene method makes safer human cells, NewScientist
- Direct reprogramming of human neural stem cells by OCT4 , Nature
- Hypoxia enhances the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells, CellStemCell
- Developing safe therapies from human pluripotent stem cells, NatureBiotech
- Please do not eat the stem cells, NatureRepSCs
- DNA swap could cure inherited diseases, Times
- Gene therapy for the unborn, Independent
- Geron comments on FDA hold on spinal cord injury trial, Geron
- Establishment of trophoblast stem cell lines from SCNT embryos, PNAS
- Nanoparticles as tools to study and control stem cells, JCellBiochem
- The ethics of egg manipulation, Nature
- Mitochondrial gene replacement in primate offspring and embryonic stem cells, Nature
- Genetic advance raises IVF hopes, BBCNews
- Reconnecting injured nerves, NatureNeurosc
- Russian stem-cell firm to go public, TheNiche
- S Korea seeks 4-year prison term for stem cell fraud, Reuters
- What is the fate of leftover frozen embryos? MSNBC
- Adenoviral gene delivery can reprogram human fibrobalsts to iPSCs, StemCells
- Transplantation directs oocyte maturation from ESCs and provides a therapeutic strategy for female infertility, HumMolGen
- Germline-competent mouse-iPSC lines generated on human fibroblasts without exogenous leukemia inhibitory factor, PLoSOne
- Modelling pathogenesis and treatment of familial dysautonomia using patient-specific iPSCs, Nature
- ErythRED, a hESC line enabling identification of erythroid cells, NatureMethods
- Japan relaxes human stem-cell rules, Nature
- Japan streamlines embryonic stem cell reviews, ScienceInsider
- Pro-embryo group sues NIH over stem cell policy, ScienceInsider
- A regulatory argument against hESC research, JMedicinePhilos
- Generation of functional eyes from pluripotent cells, PLoSBiology
- Signalling pathways controlling pluripotency and early cell fate decisions of hiPSCs, StemCells
- NIH chief's first day: stem cell registry 'high priority' but no ETA, TheNiche
- When the past catches up with the present, NatureRepSCs
- Geron: FDA delays 1st trial of stem cell treatment, AP
- Report of the International Bioethics Committee on human cloning and international governance, UNESCO
- William Brody to join CIRM governing board, CIRM
- Better positioned in stem cells, Blood
- Stable gene transfer and expression in cord blood, Blood
- 'Magnetic' stem cells for hearts, BBCNews
- Generation of iPS cells from human beta-thalassemia fibroblast cells, CellResearch
- Emerging concepts in neural stem cell research, LancetNeuro
- China spinal cord injuries network: changes from within, LancetNeuro
- Ethical issues relating to the banking of umbilical cord blood in Mexico, BMCMedEthics
- A dynamic trio, GreatBeyond
- S Korean firm to open major dog cloning centre, PhysOrg
- Children and population biobanks, Science
- Efficient targeting of expressed and silent genes in hESCs and iPSCs using zinc-finger nucleases, NatureBiotechnology
- Recipe for iPS cells just got clearer, Science
- Cancer stem cells resemble healthy stem cells, resist therapy, NatureRepSCs
- Immortality improves cell reprogramming, Nature
- A p53 mediated DNA damage response limites reprogramming to ensure iPS cell genomic integrity, Nature
- The Ink4/Arf locus is a barrier for iPS reprogramming, Nature
- Linking the p53 tumour suppresor pathway to somatic cell reprogramming, Nature
- Suppression of iPS cell generation by the p53-p21 pathway, Nature
- Immortalization eliminates a roadblock during cellular reprogramming into IPS cells, Nature
- Differentiation stage determines potential of hematopoietic cells for reprogramming into iPSCs, NatureGenetics
- Regulated fluctuations in Nanog expression mediate cell fate decisions in ESCs, PLoSBiol
- Veterinarians using stem cells to treat animals (in spite of scarce evidence and high costs), AP
- The delivery dilemma, NatureRepSCs
- The innate debate over HSCs, NatureRepSCs
- Stem cell patents: a landscape analysis, NatureBiotech
- And then there were two: use of hESC lines, NatureBiotech
- Legislature to duke it out over stem cell regulations, DetroitNews
- Stem cell research opponents try, try again on ballot initiative, StLToday
- Extra embryos pose ethical issue for parents, CalgaryHerald
- The ISSCR: who are we and where are we going? CellStemCell
- Phosphoproteomic analysis of hESCs, CellStemCell
- Phosphorylation dynamics during early differentiation of hESCs, CellStemCell
- Cell-based therapies and functional outcome in experimental stroke, CellStemCell
- Neural transplants in patients with Huntington's disease undergo disease-like neuronal degeneration, PNAS
- 5-HT4 receptor-mediated neuroprotection and neurogenesis in the enteric nervous systems of adult mice, JNeuroscience
- US report backs distinction between science and policy, NatureNews
- Science for policy project final report, BipartisanPolicyCenter
- Toward clinical therapies utilizing hematopoietic cells derived from human pluripotent cells, Blood
- Doubts over stem cell images prompt new inquiry, NewScientist
- Fully functional bioengineered tooth replacement as an organ replacement therapy, PNAS
- Scientists use stem cells to grow fully functioning teeth in mice, Guardian
- Chemotropic guidance facilitates axon regeneration and synapse formation after spinal cord injury, NatureNeuroscience
- Govt to invest more in stem cell research (SKorea), ChosunIlbo
- Hungary detains 4 over illegal stem cell treatment, Reuters
- 'Guerilla' stem cell clinic raided by police, NewScientist
- Healing our brains, changing our selves? Scienceline
- Germany tightens law on stem cell treatments, BMJ
- Journal retracts claim of sperm made from stem cells, AP
- Artificial sperm research 'included plagiarised paragraphs', Telegraph
- Mice made from induced stem cells, NatureNews
- iPS cells can support full-term development of tetraploid blastocyst-complemented embryos, CellStemCell
- iPS cells produce viable mice through tetraploid complementation, Nature
- Manimal planet:anti-mermaid legislation rises from the deep, ScienceProgress
- Church weighs in as Uruguay debates stem cells, Zenit
- Maryland slashes stem cell budget by another $3M, BRN
- Stem cell body finds new way forward, Austral.
- Guidelines for stem cell treatment still not complete (Bermuda), RoyalGazette
- Italian court sidesteps stem-cell challenge, Nature
- Determining the status of non-transferred embryos in Ireland, PEHM
- Men still relevant, say bioethicists, BioEdge
- ESCs, Francis Collins and the NIH, Lancet
- Human dignity in international policy documents: a useful criterion for public policy? Bioethics
- Effects of cell number on teratoma formation by hESCs, CellCycle
- In vitro germ cell differentiation from Cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells, PLoSOne
- In vitro grown human ovarian follicles from cancer patients support oocyte growth, HumanReproduction
- A fertility first: human egg cells grow up in lab, Wired
- Brownback, Landrieu introduce human-animal hybrid prohibition act, BrownbackBlog
- S1435: Human-animal prohibition act of 2009
- Editorial: Reasonable compensation, NYTimes
- Iran claims it has cloned a cow, PressAssn
- Variation in the safety of iPS cell lines, NatureBiotech
- Why Yamanaka's new results don't (necessarily) spell doom for most human iPS cells, TheNiche
- IVF discounts beat cash rewards for research eggs, NewScientist
- A monkey in sheep's clothing, Reuters
- Lingering concerns remain about NIH stem cell rules, ScienceInsider
- Dependence of mouse embryonic stem cells on threonine catabolism, Science
- Jewish law positive over reported UK breakthrough in 'artificial sperm', JerusalemPost
- Editorial: New stem cell rules, NYTimes
- Paralyzed with 7-14 days to decide on a test, VoiceofSanDiego
- In vitro derivation of human sperm from embryonic stem cells, StemCells&Development
- John Harris: a world without men? that's not the real ethical issue here, Independent
- Does lab sperm mean an end to fathers? not in my lifetime, Telegraph
- Sperm-like cells made from human ESCs, Nature
- Scientists 'unconvinced' about sperm cell creation claims, BreakingNews
- Sperm claims under the microscope, Channel4
- 'Synthetic sperm' from stem cells raises hope for male infertility, Guardian
- Induction of pluripotency in adult unipotent germline stem cells, CellStemCell
- Stem cell lawyer says let women be paid for egg donations, UnivMelbourne
- Researchers pleased with final stem cell rules, ScienceInsider
- NIH publishes final "National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research"
- Success with iPSCs, TheScientist
- A role for LIN28 in primordial germ-cell development and germ-cell malignancy, Nature
- Editorial: Time for change at stem cell institute, SacramentoBee
- Stem cell: what's in a name, NRSCs
- We must reverse the Bush legacy of stem-cell problems, Nature
- Pluripotent stem cell-derived gametes: truth and (potential) consequences CellStemCell
- Medicine on the fringe: cell-based interventions in advance of evidence, StemCells
- Ethics report on interspecies somatic nuclear transfer research, CellStemCell
- iPS cells and ES cells are distinguished by gene expression signatures, CellStemCell
- Italians sue over stem cells, Nature
- Human ISL1 heart progenitors generate diverse multipotent cardiovascular cell lineages, Nature
- Limbs regrow without pluripotency, Scientist
- Cells keep a memory of their tissue origin during axolotl limb regeneration
- Uncovering how cells cover gaps in wound healing and embryonic development, ScienceDaily
- Chief scientist quits California stem cell agency, Nature
- Endothelial cells support survival, proliferation and neuronal differentiation of transplanted adult ischemia-induced neural stem/progenitor cells after cerebral infarction, StemCells
- Future directions: use of interventional MRI for cell-based therapy of PD, NeurosurgClinNA
- Steps to the clinic (special issue intro), Science
- FDA regulation of stem cell-based products, Science
- Out with the old, in with the new? Science
- The NIH draft guidelines on human stem cell research, Science
- The increasing complexity of the cancer stem cell paradigm, Science
- Derivation of iPSCs from pig somatic cells, PNAS
- Ohio's third frontier commission awards $5 million to stem cell research, PlainDealer
- Research on human-animal entities, SCRR
- Payment of egg donors in stem cell research in the USA, ReproBiomedOnline
- NY state allows payment for egg donations for research, NYTimes
- NY to pay for eggs for stem cell research, WashPost
- Characterization of hMSC-engineered cartilage, CellsTissuesOrgans
- Genetic basis of inherited macular dystrophies and implications for stem cell therapy
Stem Cells
- Chief scientific officer leaving CIRM, TheNiche
- How science united for hybrid embryo debate, WellcomeTrust
- Induced pluripotent stem cells and the stability of the differentiated state, EMBOreports
- Birth of parthenote mice directly from parthenogenetic ESCs, StemCells
- Bionetworking: experimental stem cell therapy and patient recruitment in India, Anthro&Med
- Disease targeting of a disease-related gene in human induced pluripotent stem & embryonic stem cells, CellStemCell
- Stem cell amendment could receive new restrictions, legislature says (Mich), DetroitNews
- Stem cell chairman to step down at end of term (CIRM)
Consumer Watchdog
- Hero dog of 9/11 sprouts five clones, JoongAngDaily
- NY stem cell committee approves payments for eggs, TheNiche
- Human fallopian tube: a new source of multipotent MSCs discarded in surgical procedures, JofTranslationalMed
- Will women one day father children? Globe&Mail
- Pluripotency: the third option, TheScientist
- Hints to making sperm in a dish, NatureRepSCs
- Parkinson's:the breakthrough, Independent
- Comments on the NIH draft guidelines, TheNiche
- Conflating MTAs and patents, NatureBiotech
- Reply to conflating MTAs and patents, NatureBiotech
- US regulator wades into stem cell therapies for heart disease, NatureBiotech
- India's first true stem cell trials, NatureBiotech
- No dangerous side effects from stem cell treatment for brain disorder, MercNews
- StemCells clinical trial results: cells survive, seem safe, TheNiche
- Disgraced scientist given award while still on trial, KoreaHerald
- CA stem cell chief seeks trials in 4 years, Bloomberg
- Benefits of the stem cell ban, Scientist
- Stem cell research in Spain:If only they were windmills, CellStemCell
- Naive and primed pluripotent states, CellStemCell
- Resetting the epigenome beyond pluripotency in the germline, CellStemCell
- Stem cells and torture, WeeklyStandard
- Geron's Okarma urges Obama to set up stem cell panel, Bloomberg
- A signalling principle for the specification of the germ cell lineage in mice, Cell
- University of Minnesota says stem cell research complaint isn't valid, PioneerPress
- Top stem cell scientist Svendsen leaving UW-Madison for California, CapitalTimes
- US patients try stem cell therapies abroad, CNN
- Stem-cell guidelines are a good start, WashPost
- Pigs offer new stem cell source, BBCNews
- Controversial Chinese stem-cell company gets top billing, GreatBeyond
- The essential guide to stem cells, PopSci
- Disease-corrected haematopoietic progenitors from Fanconi anaemia iPS cells, Nature
- Gene therapy combined with reprogramming makes disease-free cells, TheNiche
- Stem cells treat anaemia in mice, Nature
- Diabetes stem-cell treatment looks to cell capsules, NatureRSC
- Generation of human iPS cells by direct delivery of reprogramming proteins, CellStemCell
- Gene free reprogramming in human cells, Niche
- Call for abstracts - Beyond the embryo: Transnational, transdisciplinary and translational perspectives on stem cell research, Due June 15
- A contact lens-based technique for expansion and transplantation of autologous epithelial progenitors for ocular surface reconstruction, Transplantation
- More on the ACLU suit to invalidate Myriad's patents on breast cancer genes, SCL&BBlog
- Stem cell rules draw torrent of comments, ScienceInsider
- Draft stem-cell guidelines criticized, Nature
- The stem cell research environment: a patchwork of patchworks, SCRR
- After patient dies, Aastrom halts trial, Niche
- Investor-funded research could bring march of science to a standstill, LATimes
- Victoria and California form stem cell alliance, ScienceInsider
- Gene therapy could expand stem cells' promise, ScienceDaily
- Recent developments in stem cell research: Social, ethical and legal issues for the future, IndianaJGlobalLegalStudies (for free download, click 'download' then 'SSRN')
- New York: OK to pay for eggs for stem cell research, BiopolTimes
- hES guidelines need input, not hysteria, Niche
- Senate vote outlaws human hybrids, Times-Picayune
- SB115: Prohibits human-animal hybrids, LALegis
- OK house passes human cloning ban, EdmondSun
- Hwang claims to have cloned pig cells, KoreaTimes
- Physicians oppose stem cell clinic, RoyalGazette
- Hematopoietic stem cell development is dependent on blood flow, Cell
- Biomechanical forces promote embryonic haematopoiesis, Nature
- Retroactive ethics in rapidly developing scientific fields, CellStemCell
- Are NIH's stem cell rules a 'tectonic shift' & a plea to speak out on science policy, ScienceInsider
- Emerging ethical, legal and social issues associated with stem cell research & the current role of the moral status of the embryo, SCRR
- Stem-cell therapy faces more scrutiny in China, Nature
- Adult neural stem cells in the mammalian central nervous system, CellResearch
- Advancing neuroregenerative medicine: a call for expanded collaboration between scientists and ethicists, Neuroethics
- An evaluation regarding the current situation of stem cell studies in Turkey, StemCellRevRep
- Panel votes to outlaw human-animal hybrids, AP
- Soul of a polarized democracy, CommResearch
- Stem cell division, Salon
- Neuroprotective effects of messenchymal stem cells derived from hESCs in transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats, JCBFM
- A history lesson for stem cells, Science
- James Wilson: Gene therapy researcher warns stem-cell scientists not to repeat his field's mistakes, Nature
- A closer look at the single cell, NatureRepSCs
- Caution and hope for the stem cell industry, NatureRepSCs
- Follicle of youth, NatureMed
- The value of a good debate, CellStemCell
- Payment of egg donors in stem cell research in the USA, RBMOnline
- Ontario scientists to get $100 million boost, TheNiche
- Korean aims to succeed where Hwang failed, ScienceInsider
- In Vitro germ cell differentiation from cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells, PLoSOne
- Stem-cell treatments for spinal-cord injury may be worth the risk, Nature
- Human neural stem cells can target and deliver therapeutic genes to breast cancer brain metastases, MolThe
- Is stem cell therapy proarrhythmic? Circulation
- StemGent and Fate therapeutics form latest iPS IP teams, TheNiche
- Change in federal stem cell funding policy spurs interest in the field, JNCI
- MicroRNA-145 regulates OCT4, SOX2 and KLF4 and represses pluripotency in hESCs, Cell
- Japan cuts red tape holding up stem-cell work, Nature
- Unintended changes in cognition, mood and behavior arising from cell-based interventions for neurological conditions: Ethical Challenges, AJOB
- Korea conditionally lifts ban on stem cell study, KoreaTimes
- S.Korea lifts ban on SC research, AFP
- Directed transdifferentiation of mouse mesoderm to heart tissue by defined factors, Nature
- Diversity in public views towards stem cell sources and policies, StemCellRevRep
- The miracle stem cell cures made in Britain, Telegraph
- Researchers create iPS cells that glow green, DailyYomiuri
- Storm over embryo 'bank' which could be used as a body repair kit, DailyMail
- Cloning heats up as next bioresearch fight, CQPolitics
- OK senate fails to override stem-cell ban veto, TulsaWorld
- Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells using recombinant proteins, CellStemCell
- Induced pluripotent stem cells, reading list, Niche
- Stem cell compromise, NYTimes
- Stem cells: Fast and furious, Nature
- Still strict on stem cells, Nature
- Doctor makes human cloning claims, CBSNews
- Latest human cloning claims leave sour taste, NewScientist
- Humanized mouse infected with HIV vaginally and rectally allows human testing, ScienceDaily
- The birth of the biological single parent? Globe&Mail
- Draft guidance for industry: Somatic cell therapy for cardiac disease, FDA
- Magnetised stem cells could treat arthritis, NewScientist
- Proposed NIH stem cell guidelines dismay leading Stanford researcher, Stanford
- NIH announces draft stem-cell guidelines, Nature
- Draft NIH guidelines for human stem cell research - requesting public comment, NIH
- Limited federal funds for stem cell work using donated embryos, WashPost
- Stem cell research in Asia: a critical view, JCellBiochem
- Reproductive medicine meets hESC research, Fert&Steril
- Absence of rules on stem-cell research misleading, IrishTimes
- International stem cell environments: a world of difference, NatureRep:SCs
- Stroke patient's own stem cells used in trial for first time, ScienceDaily
- Horse stem-cell technique to be tested in people, Reuters
- Diabetes breakthrough is 'not a cure', NatureGreatBeyond
- Stem cells can 'treat diabetes', BBCNews
- C-peptide levels and insulin independence following autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed type-1 diabetes mellitus, JAMA
- Looking past red flags: coverage of MS stem-cell transplant research lacks caution, ColumbiaJRev
- Stem cells jump start bone's healing process, ScienceDaily
- Iran at forefront of SC research, WashTimes
- The beginning of the end of the embryo wars, Lancet
- Prospects of SC therapy for replacing DA neurons in PD, TrendsinPharmSci
- Al Gore, Shinya Yamanaka, Genentech's VCs and induced pluripotency, Niche
- Making new eggs in old mice, Nature
- The murky ethics of stem cell tourism, LancetOncology
- Stem cells:low-risk reprogramming, Nature
- Production of offspring from a germline stem cell line derived from neonatal ovaries, NatureCellBio
- Evidence that mice produce egg cells after birth, NYTimes
- Epigenetics: DNA isn't everything, ScienceDaily
- Embryonic stem cell-specific microRNAs promote induced pluripotency, NatureBiotechnology
- Scotland's stem cell deal with China alarms Catholic Church, Times
- Stem cells and neurodegenerative disease: cool science and skepticism, NatureRepSCs
- SC-studded scaffolding fills holes left by simulated strokes in rat brains, NatRepSCs
- Human motor neurons engraft in a rat model of Lou Gehrig's disease, NatureRepSCs
- Bone marrow SCs, surgery assessed for spinal cord injury, NatureRepSCs
- US stem cell move 'could help Scottish scientists', Herald
- China looks to expand stake in SC tech, Reuters
- Stem cell therapy makes cloudy corneas clear, ScienceDaily
- New guidance on the patentability of ESC patents in Europe, NatureBiotech
- Regenerative medicine: Understanding the market, UnivNottingham
- Overcoming opposition, Brazil banks on stem cells, Science
- The challenge of regulating rapidly changing science: SC legislation in Canada, CellStemCell
- Genetic control of wayward PSCs and their progeny after transplantation, CellStemCell
- 'Personhood' bill defeated in ND senate, AP
- Pitt researcher again pursues cloning patent, Trib-Review
- MT anti-cloning measure signed into law, KTVQ
- An act banning reproductive human cloning, MT
- iPS cell technology gains momentum in drug discovery, NatureRevDrugDisc
- Evidence for cardiomyocyte renewal in humans, Science
- Call for abstracts: Beyond the embryo - Transnational, transdisciplinary and translational perspectives on stem cell research
- Stem cell 'deafness cure' closer, BBCNews
- Clarifying the President's Council's clarification of the Obama stem cell policy, BioethicsForum
- Report on the donation of supernumerary embryos from fresh IVS and ICSI treatment cycles, HumanFertility
- Continuous single-cell imaging of blood generation from haemogenic endothelium, Nature
- Novocell announces patent on insulin-producing stem-cell technique, SDUnionTrib
- Stem cells put to test in stroke treatment, HoustChron
- Biomarker system for studying muscle, stem cells and cancer in vivo, FASEBJournal
- Human and murine amniotic fluid c-Kit+Lin cells display hematopoietic activity, Blood
- CIRM enters battle over textbook guidelines, CASCRep
- Stem cell research hits snag in TX, HoustChron
- Catholics similar to mainstream on abortion, stem cells, Gallup
- Synthetic blood could be in circulation within 10 years, SundayTimes
- Stem cells to grow bigger breasts, SundayTimes
- Human induced pluripotent stem cells free of vector and transgene sequences, Science
- Most state stem cell efforts staying afloat, Science
- CIRM close-hauled, seeks bonds to sustain headway, Science
- Uniquely hominid features of adult human astrocytes, JNeuroscience
- Federal funding of ESC research, BioeForum
- Epigenetic regulation of genetic integrity is reprogrammed during cloning, PNAS
- Assessment of the therapeutic efficacy and fate of engineered hMSCs for cancer therapy, PNAS
- The whole world is watching: Hope-and anxiety- run high as the first clinical trial of an ESC-derived therapy begins this summer, Newsweek
- Women may not keep own stem cells, Times
- Synthetic blood from embryos bill, BBCNews
- Generation of iPS cells from human blood, Blood
- Stem cell tourism, what's a scientist to do? Niche
- Stem cell clinical trials index (2), TheStemCell
- Naked regulators, JLawMed
- KFDA plans ban on stem cell-derived cosmetics, JoongAngDaily
- Changes needed to foster Texas stem-cell research, HoustonChron
- Monitoring and regulating offshore stem cell clinics, Science
- New stem cell regulation: By whose authority, NatureRepSCs
- The enlightment returns, Science
- Private cord blood banking, Pediatrics
- Stem cell center looks to recast itself in a supporting role (Australia), Science
- For congress & NIH, headaches ahead on stem cells, Science
- SC research: After Obama's exec. order, NRSC
- China imposes temporary ban on clinical use of therapeutic cloning, Xinhua
- Profiting from pluripotency, TheScientist
- New stem cell policy founded on ethics and expertise, CAP
- Europe plays catch-up to Obama's science drive, NewScientist
- Can gene therapy plus liver 'stem cells' cure diabetes? Niche
- A few states buck stem cell trend with bans, Reuters
- A stem cell battle along state lines, LATimes
- The rules on stem cells, NYTimes
- How we put the stops on science, Newsday
- Our shared values don't stop at the laboratory door, SFChronicle
- GA senate OKs SCl research limits, AccessNoGA
- SB169: Ethical treatment of human embryos, GAGenAssy
- With NIH back in the game, CIRM leans toward translation, Niche
- New battle lines on stem cells, ChiTrib
- 1000 young people to make views on stem cell research known (UK), MNT
- Some states push back against SC research, AP
- Zach Hall on Monday at the Whie House, CASCR
- Human neural stem cell grafts in the spinal cord of SOD1 transgenic rats, JCompNeuro
- Alternative iPS cell characterization criteria for in vitro applications, CellStemCell
- Broader implications of defining standards for the pluripotency of iPSCs, CellStemCell
- Stem cell focus part of new Harvard major, CBS
- Science vs. Ethics? WashPost
- SC decision worries some scientists, NYTimes
- The president politicizes stem-cell research, WSJ
- Obama aims to shield science from politics, WashPost
- Remarks of President Barack Obama: Signing of Stem Cell Executive Order and Scientific Integrity Presidential Memorandum
- Exec. Order: Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells
- Presidential Memorandum: Scientific Integrity
- ISSCR scientists elated for future of hESC research after Obama lifts funding ban
- Finally, a coherent stem cell policy, MSNBC
- Will the UK have to stem brain drain? BBC
- Industry set for stem cell profits, Scientist
- Stem cell scaffold for stroke treatment, Nature
- With Bush ban gone, stem cell research will proliferate, Wired
- Obama to lift ban on funding for ESC research, WashingtonPost
- Product regulation and the clinical translation of stem cell research, StemCellRev
- What a week for iPS! Niche
- Scientists create stem cells purged of carcinogens used in process, LATimes
- Why hESCs make teratomas, NatureReportsSCs
- Highly efficient neural conversion of hES and iPS cells by dual inhib. of SMAD signaling, NatureBiot
- PD patient-derived iPS cells free of viral reprogramming factors, Cell
- Stem cell clinical trials must be closely monitored, NatureReportsStemCells
- hESCs: 10 years on, LabInvestigation
- Korean egg-donor lawsuit thrown out of court, Nature
- Ethical and policy issues surrounding the donation of cryopreserved and fresh embryos for hESC research, StemCellRev
- Highly efficient differentiation of hESCs and iPSCs into mature pancreatic insulin-producing cells, CellResearch
- Cancer risk after exposure to treatments for ovulation induction, AmerJEpidemiology
- Dogs hold out stem-cell hopes, PhilaInq
- piggyBac transposition reprograms fibroblasts to iPS cells, Nature
- 'Ethical' stem cell creation hope, BBCNews
- Canadians make stem-cell breakthrough, GlobeandMail
- REST maintains self-renewal and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells, Nature
- Personhood amendment passes Montana senate, Reuters
- SB0406:Defining person, Montana
- Funding boom or bust? NatureCellBio
- Stem cell federal funding bill enters the senate, GreatBeyond
- Cord-blood banking: worth it or not, LATimes
- In hard times, more US women try to sell their eggs, ReutersUK
- Therapeutic cloning and reproductive liberty, JMedPhilos
- Tissue engineering using autologous microcirculatory beds as vascularized bioscaffolds, FASEBJournal
- SC research supporters offer senate bill, Reuters
- S487: To amend the PHS act to provide for hESC research
- Doctors plan voice box transplant, BBCNews
- Iran investing in stem cells, Scientist
- Bio-electrospraying ESCs, IntegrativeBio
- Directed differentiation of human iPS cells generates active motor neurons, StemCells
- Stem-cell inaction prompts concerns, Nature
- Genome-wide association analysis reveals a SOD1 mutation in canine degenerative myelopathy that resembles ALS, PNAS
- Forebrain ependymal cells are Notch dependent and generate neuroblasts and astrocytes after stroke, NatureNeuroscience
- From one genome, many types of cells. but how? NYTimes
- Stem cells extracted from pets help treat their ailments, ChicagoTrib
- Stem cell researches in Brazil, StemCellRev
- Statins, stem cells and cancer, JCellBiochem
- Cord blood SCs for HSC transplantation in the UK, how big should the bank be? Haematologica
- STEPS: bridging basic & clinical science for cell & neurogen factor therapy in treating stroke, Stroke
- Warning over 'stem-cell tourists', Scotsman
- FDA puts plan for a neural stem cell trial on hold, Niche
- Investors
stem cells, Niche
- Science wins $21B boost as stim package becomes law, Science
- Korean funding for stem cell research dwindling, Chosun
- Post-translational regulation of Oct4 transciptional activity, PLoSOne
- Neuroimaging as a basis for rational stem cell therapy, PedNeuro
- Reprogramming therapeutics, Neuron
- Significant correction of pathology in brains of twitcher mice following injection of genetically modified mouse neural prog cells, MolGenMet
- Regulation of hSC research in Australia, StemCellRevRep
- Big pharma shows its caring side, NewScientist
- ND house passes abortion ban, KXMC
- An act to provide legislative intent as it relates to references to individual, person or human being
- Seven states have launched efforts for personhood rights for pre-born, LifeSite
- Stem cell 'cure' boy gets tumour, BBCNews
- Donor-derived brain tumor following neural SC transplantation in an AT patient, PLoSMed
- A rosette-type, self-renewing hESC-derived neural SC with potential for in vitro instruction and synaptic integration, PNAS
- IFN activates dormant HSCs in vivo, Nature
- Positive results from a heart SC trial, Niche
- Axelrod: Stem cell order coming soon from Obama, HuffPost
- Banks, repositories and registries of stem cell lines in Europe, StemCellRev
- Skin cells reprogrammed as heart cells beat in a dish, Wired
- HR872:To amend the PHS act to provide for hESC research, to direct the NIH to issue guidelines...
- HR873: To amend the PHS act to provide for hESC research
- Casting doubt on the safety of 'off-the-shelf' MSCs for cell therapy, MolecTher
- So many papers, so little time, Niche
- Stem-cell transplant wipes out HIV, Nature
- Brazil to establish nat'l stem cell centre, SciDev
- No to human cloning (Sing.), StraitsTimes
- Fabrication of an artificial 3-d vascular network using sacrificial sugar structures, SoftMatter
- Cotton candy may help grow human tissue, MSNBC
- Telomeres acquire ESC characteristicsa in iPS Cells, CellStemCell
- EU pushes advanced therapies, NatureBiotech
- Stem cells caught in morality clause, NatureBiot
- Osiris seals billion dollar deal with Genzyme for cell therapy, NatureBiotech
- SC scientists expecting more fed funding, MHT
- Deriving sperm & eggs from human skin cells: facilitating community discussion, JCHLP
- Importing hPSC lines derived at another institution, CellStemCell
- Distribution of hESC lines, CellStemCell
- Hierarchical maintenance of MLL MLSCs employs a transcriptional program shared with embryonic rather than adult stem cells, CellStemCell
- Stem cells, systems biology and human feedback, NatureReportsStemCells
- Stem cell institute looks for new ways to raise cash, Science
- Oct4 induced pluripotency in adult neural stem cells, Cell
- Reprogramming with all but Oct4, Niche
- OK stem cell funding plan approved, NewsOK
- Committee again sidesteps cloning research bid, JoongAngDaily
- How to divide up the 'science cake'? BBCNews
- Biological characterization of long-term cultured HMSCs, ArchPharmResearch
- Japanese SC scientist announces promising results, BusinessWeek
- Politics enters state's stem cell research program, LATimes
- Human embryos derived by SCNT using an alternative enucleation approach, Cloning&StemCells
- CIRM training grants approved, but award uncertain in financial climate, Niche
- Obama keeping stem-cell advocates waiting, PhilaInq
- Reprogramming of human somatic cells using human and animal oocytes, Cloning&StemCells
- Animal eggs no good for cloning, Scientist
- Reprogramming of fibroblasts into iPS cells with orphan nuclear receptor Esrrb, NatureCellBio
- Mouse differentiating spermatagonia can generate germinal cells in vivo, NatureCellBio
- Stem cell research:the quest continues, Time
- Evolution by intelligent design, Discover
- Stem cells to be produced from adult cells in Australia, TheAustralian
- Bush's stem cell ban to end? Scientist
- Autologous non-myeloablative haemopoietic stem cell transplantation in relapsing-remitting MS, Lancet
- Stem cell therapy 'reduces the symptoms' of multiple sclerosis, Times
- Scientists anticipate new funds for stem cell research video), NewshourWithJimLehrer
- Stem cell facility might not get built, UnionTrib
- Celebration & concern over US trial of ESC, Science
- Embryonic stem cells and science (Kojo Nnamdi Show), WAMU – Washington, D.C.
- Do parents of ESC lines need ethical protection? SciAm
- SKorean firm says it cloned dogs using SCs, AP
- SCs used to reverse paralysis in animals, PhysOrg
- UConn's new stem cell lines boost health research in the state, HartfordCourant
- 'Not taken in by the media hype', HumReprod
- Adult cells may aid infertile, LATimes
- Always falling behind, CGS
- Legislation to reverse SC ban vowed by US lawmaker, Bloomberg
- DNA Snoops, LATimes
- Scientists see progress in FDA SC trial approval, ISSCR cautions clinical research still at an early stage, ISSCR
- Right on Geron, Scientist
- As US emerges from dark age, Canada's scientific advantage fades, Globe&Mail
- Stem cell blockbuster during Obama's first week, ABCNews
- CIRM Makes a YouTube move, CaliSCReport
- Combinatorial Pluripotency, NatureRepStemCells
- Historic trial to treat spinal cord injury with stem cells, NewScientist
- US allows use of embryonic stem cells, FinanTimes
- First ESC trial gets approval from the FDA, WSJ
- SC therapy gives hope to accident victims, Times
- FDA approves a stem cell trial, NYTimes
- FDA OKs 1st human trials using ESCs, ChicagoTrib
- CA poised to be leader in SC research, UnionTrib
- UK's reputation as world leader in stem-cell research challenged, TimesHigherEd
- Stem cell trials - should they go ahead? Why harm to patients is not a reason to stop them, PracticalEthics
- Stem cell stroke therapy assessed, BBCNews
- Blindness cure will be pioneered in Scotland, Scotsman
- Stem cells:modelling genetic diseases with iPS cells, NatureRevNeuroscience
- Lifting stem cell funding restrictions by exec. order is inadequate according to GPI, WSJMarketWatch
- A superficial success, NatureRepStemCells
- Challenges anticipated in removal of stem cell restrictions, NatureMedicine
- Stem cell board member gets ethics warning, SFChronicle
- Rival stem cell technique takes the heat out of hybrid embryo debate, Guardian
- New policy would boost stem cell research in state and nationwide, StanfordReport
- MPs to investigate stem cell funding row, Independent
- Uncertain future for hybrid research, BBCNews
- Human-animal clone research halted amid funding drought, Telegraph
- Funding halted for stem cell research, Independent
- Independent film-makers for stem cells, Niche
- Ministry set to boost SC patents support, DailyYom
- US stem cell bank has acquired all 21 lines, ChiTrib
- Reprogramming fibroblasts into iPSCs with orphan nuclear receptor Esrrb, NatureCellBiology
- Transplantation of hESC-derived photoreceptors restores some visual function in mice, CellStemCell
- Rats, cats and elephants, but still no unicorn: iPSCs from new species, CellStemCell
- Isolation and production of cells suitable for human therapy: challenges ahead, CellStemCell
- Immoral advances: Is science out of control?, NewScientist
- Neuronal activity-induced Gadd45b promotes epigenetic DNA demethylation and adult neurogenesis, Science
- Big potential in rat pluripotent SCs, NatureRepsSCs
- Characterization of hESCs with features of neoplastic progression, NatureBiotech
- Stem cell therapies the old-fashioned way, NatureReportsSCs
- Stem cell transplants: the power of peer-to-peer, NatureBiotech
- Pfizer's $100m stem cell stake, NatureBiotech
- Public life cut short, NatureBiotech
- Biotech sector ponders potential 'bloodbath', NatureBiotech
- Stem cell companies moving to products, Niche
- 'Scrawny' gene keeps stem cells healthy, ScienceDaily
- Stanford/UCSF study shows that testes stem cells can change into other body tissues, MNT
- Democrats debate methods to end stem cell ban, NYTimes
- Hope of insulin cell transplant, BBCNews
- Bayer filed for stem cell patent before Kyoto U team, JapanToday
- Stem cells: US policies on hESC, NatureRevMCB
- Capture of authentic ESCs from rat blastocysts, Cell
- Scientist: Stem cells could end animal testing, CNN
- Reprogrammed skin cells provide testing ground for new drugs, Nature
- Re-differentiated reprogrammed cells recapitulate patients' disease; other breaking stories, Niche
- Stem cell Therapies as an Emerging Paradigm in Stroke (STEPS), Stroke
- iPS cell generation using a single lentiviral stem cell cassette, StemCells
- Breakthrough of the year: Reprogramming cells, Science
- Nuclear reprogramming in cells, Science
- Year that could be turning point on disease, Times
- Stem cells drug testing predicted to boom under Obama, ScienceDaily
- Non-ESC clinical trials announced, Niche
- How to make a stem cell home, NatureRepSCs
- Weighing the risks and rewards en route to the clinic, NatureRepSCs
- Adult monkey cells reprogrammed, NatureRepSCs
- Patent rules force stem-cell research to seek alternatives, Scotsman
- Using embryos to put fertility first, NYTimes
- Scientists begin digging for genetic triggers, JSOnline
- Rivals race to turn back a cell's clock, JSOnline
- Stem cell ruling 'opens doors' for Scots firms, Scotsman
- Stick to the guidelines and fewer get hurt, NatureReportsStemCells
- Vatican condemns cloning, embryonic stem cell research, WashPost
- Stem cell research critics refile lawsuit to black funding of life science research, Missourian
- NovoCell, Yamanaka make dream team against diabetes, Niche
- Ova time: women line up to donate eggs-for money, WSJ
- 'Hybrid embryo' legal block lost, BBCNews
- Cross-border research on hESCs, StemCellRevs
- Will stem cell science finally deliver? Newsweek
- Australian agency proceeds cautiously with Hwang patent, NatureMed
- Fertility patients' views about frozen embryo disposition, Fert&Ster
- MS Society calls for law change on unproven stem cell trials, MSSociety
- Offshore stem cell treatments, NatureRepStemCells
- Intro to special issue - New release: the complete guide to organ repair, Science
- A call for a new federal ESC research agenda, CAP
- Parents torn over fate of frozen embryos, NYTimes
- Cancer stem cell stories, Niche
- Stopping snake oil treatments, Niche
- World stem-cell session to be held in Baltimore, BaltoSun
- ISSCR releases guidelines for the clinical translation of stem cells, ISSCR
- ISSCR Guidelines for the clinical translation of stem cells(pdf), ISSCR
- ISSCR Patient handbook on stem cell therapies, ISSCR
- New ISSCR guidelines underscore major principles for responsible translational stem cell research, CellStemCell
- Stem cell clinics online, CellStemCell
- hESC-derived motor neurons are sensitive to the toxic effects of glial cells carrying an ALS-causing mutation, CellStemCell
- Non-cell autonomous effect of hSOD1 astrocytes on motor neurons derived from hESCs, CellStemCell
- Potency and fate specification in CNS stem cell populations in vitro, CellStemCell
- Guidelines and techniques for the generation of iPS cells, CellStemCell
- An about-face on stem cells, BaltoSun
- Europe rejects patent governing use of embryonic stem cells, Guardian
- Wisconsin stem cell patent refused by European agency, Independent
- European patent office rejects WARF stem cell application again, PharmaTimes
- WARF responds to rejection of European patent claims, WTNNews
- Legal bid over research regulator, BBCNews
- Stem cells: finding the right path, NatureMethods
- Science, Dogmas and the state (book rev.), Nature
- Stem-cell work could contravene human rights law, bioethicist warns, TimesHigherEd
- Stem cell research heads for a rennaissance, AlterNet
- The regulation of human embryo and stem-cell research in the United Kingdom, NatureRevMCB
- Klein: Federal backing could lead to $1B CIRM loan effort, CaliStemCellReport
- 3 UW spinoffs form major stem cell company, AP
- Yamanaka factors critically regulate the develop. signaling network in mouse ESCs, CellResearch
- Turning back the cellular clock: a farewell to embryonic stem cells? SciAm
- Singapore and compensation for organs and eggs, GlobalBioethicsBlog
- Obama's promise on stem cells doesn't ensure a new war on disease, WSJ
- UK stem cell work under threat, BBCNews
- The current ESC research federal funding policy, JofLegalMed
- A new tech to free SCs from feeder cells, PLoSOne
- Stem-cell futures, Nature
- Editorial: SC institute in a harsh spotlight, SacBee
- Research limited by ban on buying eggs, UnionTrib
- Foes of SC research now face tough battle, AP
- SCs restore hearing, vision in animals, Reuters
- Stem cells drafted for war on wounds, Nature
- An interview with James Thompson, StemCells
- The future of making organs for self-transplantation, PracticalEthics
- Windpipe transplant breakthrough, BBCNews
- Clinical transplantation of a tissue-engineered airway, Lancet
- Stem cell 'living bandage' heals knee injuries, TimesOnline
- Stem cell companies awaiting sea change, InsideBayArea
- Stem cell research adds to optimism, growth of sector, Crain'sDetroit
- UK's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act receives royal assent, BioNews
- A new act is born, UKDeptofHealth
- Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008, UKParliament
- The chilling effect: How do researchers react to controversy, PLoSMed
- Pfizer launches regenerative medicine unit, Niche
- Human oocyte research, JAMA
- Stem cell transplant seems to fend off HIV, Niche
- Vatican fires off warning to Obama over stem cell research, TimesOnline
- Stem cells with potential to regenerate injured liver tissue, PennMedicine
- Stem cell lawsuit dismissed, Missourian
- Little Hoover Commission opens CIRM probe next week, CaliStemCellReport
- Sperm shortage possible after landmark decision, Globe&Mail
- Obama election no panacea for stem cell industry, AP
- Economic woes: California, the stem cell biz and CIRM, CaliStemCellReport
- Stem cell solution, WashPost
- Cdk5 regulates accurate maturation of newborn granule cells in the adult hippocampus, PLoSBio
- Obama weighs quick undoing of Bush policy, NYTimes
- Iran invests $2.5b in stem cell research, Payvand
- Self organized formation of polarized cortical tissues from ESCs...CellStemCell
- Obama election signals change in stem cell fight, MSNBC
- Ok to compensate egg donors (Singapore), StraitsTimes
- iPS from mouse embryonic fibroblast by Oct4 & Klf4 with small-molecule compounds, C ellStemCell
- Japanese researchers make brain tissues from stem cells, AFP
- Stem cell research wins in US election, Niche
- Voters reject amendment 48 'personhood' issue, RockyMountainNews
- Heated battle over stem-cells ends as prop 2 passes, DetroitFreePress
- Frozen mice cloned - are woolly mammoths next? Reuters
- Scientists clone frozen mice, BBCNews
- In search of a viable business model, NatureReportsStemCells
- In Colorado, Voters will decide whether human embryos are people, USNews
- Fearing a non-existing Minotaur? JournalOfMedicalEthics
- Stem-cell vote by UCC governors paves way for campus research, IrishTimes
- UK approves new embryo law, Science
- Stem-cell law goes to the polls, Nature
- Cardinal attacked over 'Nazi' embryo bill outburst, TimesOnline
- Cardinal dubs embryo bill 'Nazi', BBCNews
- Embryonic stem cell debate to begin (Australia), ABCNews
- UCC debate to fuel call for national stem cell policy (Ireland), IrishTimes
- The ethics of phase I trials of biologic agents, NatureCPGastHep
- To Russia, with hope of a miracle cure, ChicagoTribune
- Development of a European hESC registry, RegenerativeMedicine
- Generation of a prostate from a single adult stem cell, Nature
- Promotion of reprogramming to ground state pluripotency by signal inhibition, PLoSBiol
- Sick warned against falling for 'stem cell' tourism, CourierMail
- Last ditch effort to save center at vanguard of stem cell research, Science
- Ban on admixed embryos to remain, Australian
- 'You would barely know adult SCs exist', THE
- MPs back animal-human embryo research, AFP
- Growing prostates from adult SCs - But who would want one? ScientificAmerican
- HSC transplantation in patients with sporadic ALS, Neurology
- Stem-cell derived products: an FDA update, TrendsInPharmSci
- Indian clinics woo 'fertility' tourists, AFP
- Scotland 'must act quickly to keep top stem cell scientists', Herald
- UK & California agree to collaborate on stem cell research, Niche
- U study is discredited, but stem cell has a future, PioneerPress
- Human tissue could be taken from the infirm without consent and used for research, Telegraph
- Stem cell trial nearly a go? Scientist
- Many voters admit to not knowing much about stem cells, UMHSNews
- Efficient and rapid generation of iPS cells from human keratinocytes, NatureBiotech
- Swamping bad cells with good in ALS animal models helps sustain breathing, ScienceDaily
- 'Manipulated' stem cell paper faces retraction, Nature
- Direct control of paralysed muscles by cortical neurons, Nature
- General Assembly ban on all human cloning to be reconsidered by UN ethics panel, UNNewsCentre
- Charges rampant on stem cell issue, DetroitFreePress
- Stem cells: US policies on hESCs, NatureReviews: MCB
- Informed consent to donate embryos for research purposes, JOGC
- Induction of PSCs from primary human fibroblasts with only Oct4 and Sox2, NatureBiotech
- 5 basic things to know about stem cell research, ScienceDaily
- Lgr5 marks cycling, yet long-lived hair follicle stem cells, NatureGenetics
- Global reorganization of replication domains during ESC differentiation, PLoSBio
- A breakthrough, then a surge, in stem cell research, ChicagoTrib
- Revamped guidelines aim to keep pace with stem cell advances, NatureMedicine
- Generation of pluripotent stem cells from adult human testis, Nature
- Generation of mouse induced pluriotent stem cells without viral vectors, Science
- Testicles could provide 'ethical' stem cells, NewScientist
- Can stem cells heal damaged hearts? ScienceDaily
- Guilty: Stem cell researcher, Scientist
- Infertility patients caught in the legal, moral and scientific embryo debate, LATimes
- Chinese stem cell procedure: saviour or scam, TheGazette
- Gov. vetoes California stem cell bill, SacrBusJrnl
- Pitt stem-cell procedure gives hope for regrowing limbs, PittTrib-Review
- Stem-cell research is a weapon in governor's race, News&Observer
- Induced pluripotent stem cells generated without viral integration, Science
- Scientists find way to regress adult cells to embryonic state, WashPost
- Stem cell banks galore, Scientist
- Stem cell trials: balancing hope & risk, Niche
- NIH director resigns, Nature
- Support for embryonic stem cell research among infertility patients, Fertility&Sterility
- Support for selling embryons among infertility patients, Fertility&Sterility
- Drug company gets into stem cell research, MNT
- Controversial 'stem cell tourism' attracts ailing Americans, CapitalTimes
- Australian clinic gets permit to clone cells, Nature
- Stem cell scientists urge clinical trials in US, JournalSentinel
- Michael J Fox campaigns for stem cell research at UNH, SeacoastOnline
- Funding could drive stem cell scientists to other states, nations, JournalSentinel
- Stem cell therapies, ready for success? Niche
- Stem cell research: Persistence pays off, Niche
- McCain equates embryos & fetuses in stem cell statement, Wired
- Australia likely to grant Hwang stem cell patent, Dong-AIlbo
- Evidence that an early pregnancy causes a persistent decrease in the number of functional mammary epithelial stem cells, StemCells
- Molecular coupling of Xist regulation and pluripotency, Science
- MicroRNAs to Nanog, Oct4 and Sox2 coding regions modulate ESC differentiation, Nature
- Key advance in treating SCI found in manipulating stem cells, ScienceDaily
- Transplanted astrocytes derived from BMP- or CNTF treated glial-restricted precursors have opposite effects on recovery and allodynia after SCI, JBiol
- Stem cell project seeks revival, Australian
- Scientists turn skin cells into insulin-producing cells, ScienceDaily
- Michigan stem cell economics study (pdf), MichiganProspect
- Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. receives 'no objection' letterfor TBI trial, Marketwire
- Sydney lab cleared to clone human embryos, WAToday
- McCain changes stem cell tune, Scientist
- GOP wants to close stem cell lab doors, BostonGlobe
- ES-cell derived hematopoietic cells induce transplantation tolerance, PLoSONE
- Cancer stem cells: the root of all evil? TheEconomist
- Embryonic stem cell therapy of heart failure in genetic cardiomyopathy, StemCells
- How to determine whether existing hESC lines can be used ethically, CellStemCell
- Podcast: US Election - Biomedicince and health , Nature
- A high-efficiency system for the generation and study of human iPSCs, CellStemCell
- A drug-inducible system for direct reprogramming of human somatic cells to pluripotency, CellStemCell
- Back and forth on stem-cell research energizes race, NYTimes
- Stem cell pioneers win 'Asian Nobel prize', AFP
- What stem cell therapy can learn from gene therapy, NatureReportsStemCells
- The great stem cell sort, NatureReportsStemCells
- For stem cells, a role on the battlefield, NYTimes
- Wisconsin's private funding of SC research bucks coastal models, WTNNews
- hESC registries: Value, challenges and opportunitiesJofCellBiochem
- Neuroprotective effect of transplanted hESC-derived neural precursors in an animal model of MS, PLoSONE
- 2008 amendments to the National Acadamies' Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Researchers tout need for all forms of stem cell research, ISSCR
- Interstate rivalry put on hold by stem cell research, MNT
- Changes to embryonic stem cells caused by Down Syndrome revealed, ScienceDaily
- Neural stem cell transplantation can ameliorate the phenotype of a mouse model of SMA, JCI
- Injections of hope, WashPost
- California lawmakers make stem cell history, CaliStemCellReport
- Republicans at odds over human embryo research, Nature
- GOP platform calls for banning ALL embryonic stem cell research..., FramingScience
- Researchers report advances in cell conversion technique, NYTimes
- Presidential elections will force stem cell showdown, Wired
- HSCI researchers turn one form of adult mouse cell directly into another, HarvardScience
- A stem-cell revolution, TechReview
- Team's method a boon for stem cell research, UnionTribune
- Blood transfusion for stem cell company?, Nature
- Tiny cellular antennae trigger neural stem cells, ScienceDaily
- Enrichment & differentiation of human germ-like cells by feeder cells & bFGF signalling, StemCells
- Japanese scientists create stem cells from wisdom teeth, Telegraph
- An intrinsic mechanism of corticogenesis from embryonic stem cells, Nature
- Michigan voters to decide on medical marijuana, stem cell research, DetroitFreePress
- WiCell Research Institute starting stem cell bank, MilwaukeeJSentinel
- Third annual translational stem cell research conference, NYSCF
- World stem cell summit
- Stem cells & breast surgery, WSJ
- 70 doctoral fellowships funded by NSF to move stem cell discoveries from bench to bedside, MNT
- Unproven stem-cell therapy ban, Nature
- Bulgarian minister resigns after bone marrow transplantation investigation, BMJ
- Fighting for the right to clone, Discover
- Novel method to grow hESCs developed, ScienceDaily
- Stem cell research and the presidential candidates, BiopoliticalTimes
- Scientists create universal blood from stem cells, Wired
- Biological properties & enucleation of red blood cells from hESCs, Blood
- Immune response to hESC in mice suggests human therapy may face challenge, ScienceDaily
- McCain, Obama discuss abortion, ESC research during forum, MNT
- Limbs savedby menstrual blood stem cells, ScienceDaily
- Stem cells for joints: NIH studies, FDA worries, horses run on, TheNiche
- Injured? Horsing around with stem cells may get you back in the saddle, Wired
- Disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells, Cell
- To mix or not to mix? StraitsTimes
- Report finds grave flaws in urology trial, Nature
- Stem cell study battle heats up (Mich), DetroitNews
- Juice for today's athlete, Newsweek
- Gov't to compensate egg donors (Korea), KBS
- New possibilities for stem cell research, SFGate
- 'Clone wars' to commence in court, KoreaTimes
- Gang of four at the gateway of life, NYTimes
- Stem cells: Ethics questions add to concerns about NIH lines, Science
- Buck Institute opens stem cell research training lab, MarinIndependent
- A disease cell line library, Scientist
- Embryonic-like stem cells can be created without cancer-causing gene, ScienceDaily
- Genetic find puts scientists a step closer to generating replacement organs, Globe&Mail
- iPS cells generated from patients with ALS can be differentiated into motor neurons, Science
- State board to decide on ballot signatures next month (Mich), LSJournal
- S Korea rejects disgraced clone scientist's license, Reuters
- Egg shortage hits stem cell studies, SFChronicle
- Slaves to consent? PracticalEthics
- Dealing with a time before regulations, ConsumerWatchdog
- Stem cell business news, Niche
- Universities could end research on some federally eligible stem-cell lines, Chronicle
- Researchers may abandon stem cell lines, Scientist
- X Files: I want to stem cells, Wired
- Harvard stem cell research gets boost, BostonGlobe
- Ministry of health: no gene therapy for athletes allowed in China, ChinaView
- Ian Wilmut's move from cloning, Niche
- German documentary reveals possible genetic doping in China, DeutscheWelle
- Stem Cells Breakthrough (Video), NovaScienceNow
- Behavior of hippocampal stem/prog. cells following grafting into the injured aged hippocamp, JNeuroRes
- 30 years: From IVF to stem cells, Nature
- Is it time to give up on therapeutic cloning? A Q&A with Ian Wilmut, ScientificAmerican
- Multipotent somatic stem cells contribute to the stem cell niche in the Drosophila testis, Nature
- CIRM reviews the business of human eggs, CaliStemCellReport
- Human blood vessels grown in mice, BBCNews
- Fame-courting biotech running short of cash, BostonGlobe
- Groups file appeal against WARF in stem-cell patent dispute, WTN
- Consumer groups file appeal on challenge of human stem cell patent held by WARF, MarketWatch
- Standards in stem cell research, MedicalNewsToday
- The ethics of characterizing difference, GenomeBiology
- Stem cell affordability bill marches towards Schwarzenegger, CaliStemCellReport
- Court victory for subject of experimental therapy, NatureNews
- Stem-cell treatment called 'medical hoax', UPI
- Klein resigns as head of stem cell lobbying group, CaliforniaStemCellReport
- Researchers map cells' inner landscapes, ScienceDaily
- Highly efficient, functional engraftment of skeletal muscle SCs in dystrophic muscles, Cell
- Stem-cell tourism troubles experts, PhilaInquirer
- Ministers delay embryology debate, BBCNews
- Code on embryo screening planned, BBCNews
- New method for controversy-free embronic stem cells, Wired
- Stem cell prospects dim in NJ, TheScientist
- Voters to decide fate of stem cell research, DetroitFreePress
- Historic IVF deal leads to baby joy, NorthernEcho
- HLA-haplotyope banking and iPS cells, NatureBiotech
- Dog cloners baring their teeth, Nature
- Effort launched to end state's ban on stem cell research, DetroitFreePress
- Pluripotent stem cells induced from adult neural stem cells by reprogramming with two factors, Nature
- Gender 'impacts on transplants', BBCNews
- Harnessing stem cells for health needs in India, CellStemCell
- Final decision expected on European stem cell patent, Nature
- What got funded: Stats on CA's new stem cell line grants, TheNiche
- PIMS may have stem cell and bone marrow transplantation centre, PakistanDaily
- Human-pig hybrid embryos given go ahead, Telegraph
- A drug-inducible transgenic system for direct reprog. of mult. somatic cell types, NatureBiot.
- Transcription factor MEF2C influences neural stem/prog. cell diff. and maturation in vivo, PNAS
- Garden state slips in tech rajkings, NJBiz
- Directed differentiation of hippocampal stem/ progenitor cells in the adult brain, NatureNeurosc
- Stem-cell urological treatment was not carried out illegally, Nature
- Informed consent and federal funding for stem cell research, HastingsCenterReport
- WARF stem cell patents officially affirmed, CapitalTimes
- La. Gov. Jindal signs cloning bill, HoumaToday
- Int'l stem-cell collaborations launched, Nature
- Ronin is essential for embryogenesis and the pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells, Cell
- Stem cells in fat might help arthritic dogs walk, TheNiche
- Cohen introduces legislation to fund stem cell research with venture capital, PolitickerNJ
- Fat patent stem cell wars, TheNiche
- Intra-individual change over time in DNA methylation with familial clustering, JAMA
- Induction of pluripotent SCs by defined factors is greatly improved by small-molecule compounds, NatureBiotech
- European patent office hears dispute on human stem cells, Earthtimes
- Governor's veto of human cloning bill stirs abortion critics (Ohio), DailyReporter
- Pfizer eyes new use for stem cells, Forbes
- New source of heart stem cells found, AFP
- Editorial: Germ cells from stem cells, BiologyOfReproduction
- NJ Stalls stem cell plans, Scientist
- Bring control to stem cell use, BangkokPost
- Experts find hybrid embryos easy to make, FT
- Hematopoietic vs Embryonic Sources for Stem Cell Research, JAMA
- Embryonic stem cell-derived gametes and genetic parenthood: a problematic relationship, CQHE
- Japan ramps up patent effort to keep iPS lead, Nature
- Sweeping cancer fight launched by CIRM/Canada, CaliforniaStemCellReport
- Loophole in embryology bill could allow cloning without new legislation, TimesOnline
- Stem cell field grows despite controversy, WashPost
- Embryonic stem cells still gold standard, Scientist
- Mass to spend $1B on biotech, Reuters
- Bishops seek stem cell ally in White House, StLToday
- Skorea firm says it clones cancer-sniffing dogs, AFP
- Cancer stem cells could cause tumors, be key to cure, WiredScience
- Banking on cord blood SCs, NatureReviewsCancer
- Reprogramming ups mortality? TheScientist
- Imbalance between pSmad3 and Notch induces CDK inhibitors in old muscle stem cells, Nature
- Integration of external signaling pathways with the core transcriptional network in ESCs, Cell
- Geron says its embryonic stem cells won't make immune system react, Bloomberg
- Stem cell discovery sheds light on placenta development, ScienceDaily
- More patients seek experimental stem cell therapy, BostonGlobe
- New task force to tackle stem cell tourism, TheScientist
- Stem cell guidelines on the way, Scientist
- ISSCR 2008: Making beta cells, InTheField
- Egg shortage hits race to clone human stem cells, NatureNews
- Stem cell trials for the heart getting bigger,TheNiche
- Laying the regulatory path for advanced therapies, Nature:NRD
- Fresh hurdle for stem cell hunt, BBCNews
- Fight to clone a human, HeraldSun
- Scientific information is largely ignored when forming opinions about SC research, ScienceDaily
- FDA scrutinizes human stem cell therapies, NatureBiotech
- Improving brain function in rats following stroke, ScienceDaily
- Implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells
promotes neuroplasticity in murine
models of stroke, JCI
- Embryo-free stem cell research gets an advance, CellNews
- A combined chemical and genetic approach for the generation of iPS cells, CellStemCell
- Neonatal chimerization with human glial progenitor cells can both remyelinate and rescue otherwise lethally hypomyelinated shiverer mice, CellStemCell
- Policies stymie stem cell progress, Scientist
- Is sex necessary for reproduction, SFGate
- Bill: No public funds for therapeutic cloning (LA), PressDemocrat
- Scientists develop “cyborg engineering” for coronary bypass grafting, FASEBJournal
- Japan to allow limited human embryonic cloning, NatureNews
- Johns Hopkins researchers develop human stem cell line containing sickle cell anemia mutation, JHMI
- Improved efficiency and pace of generating induced pluripotent stem cells from human adult and fetal fibroblasts, StemCells
- Brazil's top court approves stem cell research, AP
- Stem cells get real, Forbes
- Neurons derived from reprogrammed fibroblasts functionally integrate into the fetal brain and improve symptoms of rats with Parkinson's disease, PNAS
- US experts bemoan nation's loss of stature in the world of science, WashPost
- Brazil court to decide on embryonic cell research, Reuters
- Balancing act: (HFEA Chair), Guardian
- RM 32 million for stem cell research (Malaysia), NewStraitsTimes
- Poll - More Americans condemn fur clothing than divorce or embryonic stem cell research, LifeSite
- (LA) Senate committee clears bill to ban funds for human cloning, Advocate
- S. Korea
Church: no to bioethics law, it permits sale of human eggs, AsiaNews
- The ground state of embryonic stem cell self-renewal, Nature
- A Wellcome debate, Guardian
- British nod to embryo 'chimeras' raises hackles in Germany, DeutscheWelle
- The New Law on Admixed Embryos and the Genetic Heritage of the Living Kingdom, PracticalEthics
- Has research on embryos produced any significant medical advances yet? Independent
- Enter the cybrids, NYTimesBlogs
- State's stem cell bill (Minn.), MinnPost
- Cells from 'cytoplasmic hybrids' won't make it into humans, TimesOnline
- UK lawmakers approve embryo research, AP
- MPs vote against human-animal hybrid embryo ban, Telegraph
- Who's afraid of a synthetic human? TimesOnline
- 'Hope' makes a case for stem cell research, LATimes
- The ethics of 'human admixed embryos': Concerns and responses, PracticalEthics
- A conversation about the HFE Bill, WellcomeTrust
- Stem cell sector awaits patent ruling, Scotsman
- Gordon Brown accepts compromise over fathers to save key parts of embryo Bill, TimesOnline
- Stem cell IPO faces long odds, Reuters
- New South Korean law tightens rules on cloning, AFP
- Adult cells steal trick from cancer to become stem-cell like, ScientificAmerican
- Can a cell have a soul?, BMJ
- CIRM affordable access bill easily clears senate (Cali.), CaliforniaStemCellReport
- The harsher reality of the FDA hold on Geron, CaliforniaStemCellReport
- Geron stem cell trial held up by FDA; Shares fall, Bloomberg
- BBVA Foundation international study on attitudes to stem cell research, EurekAlert
- Public want more debate on human embryo research, TimesOnline
- How embryonic stem cells develop into tissue specific cells demonstrated, ScienceDaily
- Stem cell study grants awarded, BaltimoreSun
- Open-air demo supports UK embryo research, NatureNews
- Gov Paterson announces nearly $109M in new stem cell research funding, NewYorkState
- First genetically modified human embryo: Advance or abomination, Wired
- Stemcell research special edition, TimesOnline
- DeGette tests support for new stem-cell bill, DenverPost
- Curbs to be relaxed on stem-cell consent, Times
- Scientist team creates girst GM human embryo, SundayTimes
- Fertility expert Lord Winston 'relaxed' about embryo bill failure, Telegraph
- Embryonic stem cell research bill clears Minn. House but faces veto threat from Pawlenty, StarTribune
- $271M in stem cell grants OKd, SFChronicle
- Stem cell bill narrowly passes house (Minn.), StarTribune
- SC group gets its first building block, UnionTribune
- Mo. appeals court rules on challenge to ballot summary of stem cell research ban,MedNewsToday
- Stem cell funds likely, post-Bush, DenverPost
- Humans 'to grow replacement body parts', Times
- Corzine defends stem-cell firm in NJ, CourierPost
- Doctor: Cloning ban would harm Ohio research, TheEnquirer
- Embryonic stem cells 2.0, NatureReportsStemCells
- Doctors accused of doing illegal stem-cell trials, Nature
- Use of DIY stem cell blood kits curbed, Independent
- Stem cell firm to open in NJ after getting $589k in grants, Newsday
- 'Stem cell' creams scream sell, BradentonHerald
- Stem cells found for the first time in the pituitary, ScienceDaily
- Army applies stem cell research to regrowing extremities, DailyTech
- Call for embryo research (Ireland), IrishMedicalTimes
- Embryonic stem cell debate trips up Ohio cloning bill,
- It's science vs. religion again for Louisiana's legislature, KnoxNews
- German lawmakers loosen limits on stem cell research, DerSpiegel
- Germany relaxes rules in stem cell research, AHNNews
- Building baby from the genes up, WashingtonPost
- FDA hearings on stem cell drugs, WallStreetJournal
- Stem cell conference pushes the science nearer its goals, Scotsman
- Cardinal posts youtube protest, Scotsman
- Church leaders clash over embryos, Scotsman
- Scientists win public support on embryo research (UK), TimesOnline
- Hybrids: separating hope from the hype, Telegraph
- Budget negotiators restore $19M for stem cells (Maryland), wjz
- Stem cells made to mimic disease, BBCNews
- New stem cell hub opens in Brisbane, SydneyMorningHerald
- State stem cell grants awarded (Connecticut), Courant
- First British human-animal hybrid embryos created by scientists, Guardian
- UK's first hybrid embryos created, BBCNews
- Hybrid embryos made by UK scientists, Telegraph
- Stem-cell banking: lifeline or sub-prime?, NatureReportsStemCells
- Embryology research is controversial...but would you refuse the treatment?, TimesOnline
- Cardinal agrees stem cell meeting (UK), PressAssociation
- VetCell moves into multi-billion dollar N.American market, BusinessWeeklyUK
- Stem cells from hair follicles may help 'grow' new blood vessels, ScienceDaily
- A reprogramming rush, Nature
- Stem cells: 5 things to know before jumping on the iPS bandwagon, Nature
- Rabbis back embryo bill as a life-saver, JewishChronicle
- British Muslims fully support Catholic leaders in opposition to embryo bill, MedNewsToday
- hESC lines differ in genes that could control disease susceptibility, ScienceDaily
- Researchers create protective sac for growing stem cells, USNews
- A matter of life & death (a detailed look at the UK embryology bill), Guardian
- A clump of cells? Or a living being with a soul?, Independent
- Stowers awaits resolution of life sciences controversy (Missouri), KCCommunityNews
- PM to allow free vote on 'ethical' aspects of embryo bill, Guardian
- Brown's embryology letter to MPs in full, Guardian
- Nebraska governor signs stem cell bill, OmahaWorld-Herald
- State health department overpaid on stem cell grants (Illinois), WQAD
- Knesset approves organ donation law, JerusalemPost
- More new lines of parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells, CellResearch
- Stem cell stalemate: Minn. authors say US falling behind other nations, MinnPost
- Senate approves life sciences funding (Mass), MassLive
- Therapeutic cloning treats Parkinson's Disease in mice, ScienceDaily
- Therapeutic cloning in individual parkinsonian mice, NatureMedicine
- Scientists predict new era for stem cells after presidential election, MercuryNews
- Md senate approves budget: reduces stem cell research funding, MedNewsToday
- Unproven stem-cell treatments spur research group guidelines, Bloomberg
- Stem cell firm looks elsewhere as US delays tests, GuardianUnlimited
- Biopolitical Times: CIRM eyeing ways to pay women for eggs, CaliforniaSCReport
- Rowan Williams: Society can't handle science, Telegraph
- Embryo research bill could block life-saving stem-cell treatments, Times
- Brazil announces US$5 million for stem cell research, SciDevNet
- How to grow stem cells with a plastic toy, Wired
- Banking on the future of stem cells, Nature
- Gordon Brown hints Catholic MPs will get free vote on Embryology Bill, Telegraph
- Deadly sins 101: Is stem cell research worse than sloth?, Slate
- US upholds 2 more stem cell patents, AP
- Female sperm and gay guinea pigs, SanFranciscoChronicle
- 'Lab-made' gamete ban to be lifted in UK?, Scientist
- Building people's faces from stem cells may be possible in two decades, BMJ
- New stem cell technique improves genetic alteration, ScienceDaily
- MPs back artificial sperm for childless, Guardian
- Scientists to create iPS cells from Japanese patients, DailyYomiuri
- More than 100 academics call for MPs to have free vote on embryo research, TimesOnline
- Catholic MPs to rebel over embryo bill, Telegraph
- Brazilian scientists battle animal experimentation bans, Science
- Brazil court puts off stem cell ruling, AP
- Brazil court to rule on stem cells, AP
- Stem cell bank to be set up in HCM City, VietNamNews
- Molecular alliance that sustains embryonic stem cell state identified, ScienceDaily
- Cancers inhibited by stem cell protein, NewScientist
- German science takes an international view, Science
- Senate slashes stem-cell funds (Maryland), BaltimoreSun
- £600k to promote stem cell research (UK), MLWMagazine
- The next big battle at the legislature: stem cells (Minnesota), MinnPost
- Government set to launch stem cell project at 4 institutions (Japan), YomiuriShimbun
- Brazil's church lobbies on stem cells, AP
- Birds do it. Bees do it. Dragons don't need to., NYTimes
- WARF stem cell patent upheld; fight to continue, BizJournalofMilwaukee
- Stem cell patent used by Geron upheld, SanJoseBizJournal
- House OKs $1billion life-sciences bill, ProvidenceJournal
- EuroStemCell researcher challenges amniotic stem cell claims, InnovationsReport
- U of Michigan pushes stem cell research forward, Metromode
- Life sciences bill advances (Mass), WorcesterTelegram
- Stem cells: A sure bet in the '08 race, CNNMoney
- Stem cell funds under scrutiny (Maryland), BaltimoreSun
- State weighs tabling stem cell funding (Maryland), WashingtonPost
- Bill takes aim at CIRM governance, stem cell research payback, EastBayBusinessTimes
- Nebraska's revised stem cell bill gets pro-life ok, ChristianPost
- One big step for Geron, SiliconValley
- Judge rejects Carnahan's ballot language for stem-cell amendment (Missouri), AP
- China makes big leap forward on stem cell harvests, ChinaDaily
- Scientists move towards stem cell therapy trials to mend shattered bones, EurekAlert
- Opportunities in China lure scientists home, WashingtonPost
- Stem cell advance for stroke treatment, Wired
- Neuralstem sells option to license stem-cell product, BaltimoreSun
- Stem cells for diabetes, Forbes
- Collaboration For Safety Studies For Stem Cell Therapy In SMA, BioresearchOnline
- Korea plans center for neuroscience, KoreaTimes
- Defending life and dignity (Leon Kass), AmericanEnterpriseInstitute
- Defining mol. cornerstones during fibroblast to iPS cell reprog. in mouse, CellStemCell
- Committee to reconsider stem cell bill (Nebraska), OmahaNewstand
- Controversial stem cell treatment attracts thousands, ABCNewsNightline
- How much is that cloned doggie in the window?, Independent
- Generation of PSCs from adult mouse liver and stomach cells, Science
- Epithelial cells made pluripotent, TheScientist
- Stem cells: A new path to pluripotency, Nature
- Stem cells: Beyond the flat world, Nature
- Stem cells: In search of common ground, Nature
- German parliament postpones stem cell law decision until march, DW-World
- Stem cell fracture treatment showing results, AustralianBroadcastingCorp
- Beauty industry embraces stem cell technology, CBSNews
- Stem cell therapy offers hope for pets dogged by pain, USAToday
- Biotech bill backers expect quick passage (Mass.), BostonHerald
- $1B set for state life sci (Mass.), WorcesterTelegram
- Human stem cell tests could begin this summer, CNNMoney
- Slow Calif. science plan a lesson for Mass., BostonGlobe
- Calif. stem cell institute gets 50 applications for cell line funding, SanFranBusTimes
- State lawmakers poised for stem cell debate (Nebraska), BeatriceDailySun
- Stem cells: Stuck in New Jersey, Nature
- Stem cells may help trial drugs, PressAssociation
- Stem cells shine in Shanghai, CellStemCell
- German scientists campaign for liberalisation of stem cell law..., BMJ
- Stem cells nudge closer to ballot spot (Michigan), DetroitFreePress
- Human embryos created to fight inherited disease, Guardian
- Q&A: three-parent embryos, Telegraph
- Finnish patient gets new jaw from own stem cells, Reuters
- Scientists claim victory in blocking stem-cell law (UK), TimesOnline
- Humane biology: stem cell researchers have won a sensible concession, TimesOnline
- Nuclear transfer: Still on the table, Science
- Seismic shift for stem cell research, Science
- Shinya Yamanaka: Modest researcher, Results to brag about, Science
- Ministry to widen ban on stem cell research (Japan), HeraldAsahi
- Pope says some science shatters human dignity, ScientificAmerican
- Centre offers genetic fix for unborn babies, CourierMail
- Stem cell passes state senate (New Mexico), CNJOnline
- Stem-cell ballot language submitted (Michigan), DetroitFreePress
- Questioning the allure of putting cells in the bank, NYTimes
- Bush praises skin to stem cell breakthrough in state of the union, Wired
- CIRM disagrees with Pres. Bush's misleading position on stem cell research, CIRM
- Human embryonic stem cell derivation from poor-quality embryos, Nature
- Flawed embryos seen as source for stem cells, BostonGlobe
- Stem cell transplants 'may benefit stroke victims', InTheNewsUK
- Game of life, TheAge
- Committee considers stem cell research bill (New Mexico), ElDefensorChieftain
- Doctor linked to stem cell fraud is back, IOL
- European registry makes stem-cell use transparent, Nature
- Historian chosen to head fertility watchdog, TimesOnline
- Dogs get pricey stem cell therapy, LiveScience
- Thomson: Massive stem cell investment needed to catch California, CapitalTimes
- Injection of hope through China's stem cell therapies, LancetNeuro
- Commentary: Somatic cell nuclear transfer, progress & promise, StemCells
- Girl dies, had tried stem cell therapy, SanJoseMercuryNews
- Eliot stiffs ethics in stem cell tiff, NYPost
- Ministers will rethink Bill that could block stem-cell experiments, TimesOnline
- You are holding back life-saving research, scientists tell ministers, TimesOnline
- El Segundo undergoes stem cell therapy, ThoroughbredNews
- Green light for hybrid research (UK), BBCNews
- Q&A: Hybrid Embryos, Guardian
- California company sees fertile ground in stem cells, Guardian
- Human embryos cloned from adult cells, Nature
- Development of Human cloned Blastocysts Following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) with Adult Fibroblasts, StemCells
- Stem cells: A national project (Japan), Nature
- Stem cell scientists break through red tape (Japan), AustralianBusiness
- Embryos challenge fails in lords, BBCNews
- Lawmakers to again consider money for stem cell research (Florida), CBS4
- States vie for stem-cell scientists,
- Identification of a novel neural stem cell type, ScienceDaily
- Parliament must retain moral authority over science (Mary Warnock, comment), Guardian
- Lab cites stem cell advance: harvest method could leave embryos undamaged, WashPost
- Human embryonic stem cell lines generated without embryo destruction, CellStemCell
- Niche control of stem cell function, ScienceDaily
- Scientists merge mammalian cells from two species, creating chimera, UChicagoChron
- Public access backlash, Science
- A dog's stem cell life, ABCNews
- China parents to sue over 'tainted' umbilical cord blood, Reuters
- Egg sharing: Women come forward (UK), NewcastleUniversity
- Japan researcher proposes stem cell bank, ScientificAmerican
- Can a no-star movie move the stem cell debate?, ZDNet
- Albany: First grants from stem cell program, NYTimes
- Experimental drugs flourish in China, AsiaTimes
- Senators may revisit embryonic research ban (Nebraska), OmahaWorldHerald
- US deal boosts radiation drug, WashingtonPost
- A conversation with Story Landis, of the NIH stem cell task force, NatureReports
- State demands strain US stem cell scientists, NatureReports
- Election fireworks (US), Nature
- Science and the next US President, Science
- Desperate Americans seek unproven cell treatments in China, AP
- Germany's top evangelical church leader backs continuing hESC research, LifeSite
- Decline in scientific gaffes by celebrities, FinancialTimes
- Physicist takes the helm of Italy's research council, Nature
- Osiris gets $224.7 mln contract for stem-cell therapy, Reuters
- Concern over destroyed embryos by IVF clinics, TelegraphUK
- Disgraced cloner seeks license in comeback bid, Nature
- Shiites and Sunnis disagree over cloning, WiredScience
- New law provides permanent state funding for stem cell research (Illinois), WBBM
- Bishops: Limit stem cell research (Massachusetts), WorcesterTelegram
- Artificial blood vessels 'closer', BBCNews
- A budget too small (US), Science
- House of Lords debates the revised Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, PHG
- Development: Is therapeutic cloning dead?, Science
- Stem cell breakthrough: don't forget ethics, Science
- Catholics move to end Illinois' funds for ESC research, CatholicNewsService
- Government to fund iPS study (Japan), DailyYomiuriOnline
- Chip-based gene transfer, LabOnAChip
- New way to sort stem cells discovered, ScienceDaily
- Stem cell therapies' safety under microscope of FDA, WorcesterTelegram
- Widespread support for non-embryonic stem cell research...majority believes embryonic stem cell research still necessary, EurekAlert
- Catholic grant awarded to adult-stem cell research team, ChristianToday
- Stem cell institute (CA) making grants to the private sector, SanJoseMercuryNews
- Europe's stem cell scientists report on progress, CORDIS
- Hwang trying to resume stem cell research, Chosun
- MD stem cell comm. issues nationwide RFA for post-doctoral fellowships, EarthTimes
- Caution urged in new method for new method for stem cells, BostonGlobe
- Talkin' bout regeneration, SydneyMorningHerald
- I know the risk. It's my only hope, GuardianUnlimited
- GSK Invests in Move from 'Made in China' to 'Discovered in China', SeekingAlpha
- Researchers find great grandaddy of all blood cells, USNews&WorldReport
- Stem cell agency (CIRM) hands out $54 million to young scientists, SanJoseMercuryNews
- Health-India: Prime destination for unethical clinical trials, IPSNews
- Maverick scientists 'could use stem cells to create humans', TelegraphUK
- Stem cell panelist steps aside (California), SacramentoBee
- Competition for stem cell research funding surges (Maryland) , BaltimoreBusJournal
- Stanford no. 1 in stem-cell insitute grants, SanJoseMercuryNews
- Stem-cell patch may fix damaged hearts, ReutersUK
- Labour backbenchers rebel on embryo bill, LifeSite
- Modified stem cells ease Muscular Dystrophy symptoms (in mice), USAToday
- Stem cell institute correct in rejecting claims over conflict of interest, Reuters
- UW-Madison, WARF want federal funding for new stem cell technique, WisTechNet
- Scientists cure mice of sickle cell using stem cell technique, WashingtonPost
- Treat. of sickle cell anemia mouse model with iPS cells gen. from autol. skin, Science
- Watchdog (HFEA) delays decision on whether to allow cybrid embryos, TimesOnline
- Generation of iPS cells without Myc from mouse and human fibroblasts, NatureBiotech
- Standing in the way of stem cell research, WashingtonPost
- Vote may allow stem cell sperm, TimesOnline
- The ethical regulation of science, Nature
- Italy reappoints institute head despite controversy, Nature
- Six US insitutions cooperate in stem cell research, ChinaView
- An inconvenient truth: research on hESC must go on, Nature
- Dior targets adult stem cells, WomensWearDaily
- The quality of public dialogue, Science
- State auditor (California) to review stem cell institute finances, SacramentoBizJournal
- Stem cell pioneer says embryonic research still needed, AFP
- Research funders (UK) ask public what they really think about stem cell research, MRC
- Stem cell therapies for the brain more complicated than thought, ScienceDaily
- Suddenly, Connecticut is stem cell central, NYTimes
- Govt to back study on nonembryonic stem cells (Japan), DailyYomiuriOnline
- Good riddance to stem cell clinic (Barbados), NationNews
- Peers attack 'fatherless' IVF bid, BBCNews
- Induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from human somatic cells, Science
- Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined factors, Cell
- Reprogramming the debate - stem cell finding alters ethical controversy, EurekAlert
- Stem cell breakthrough uses no embryos, AssociatedPress
- New stem cell method could ease ethical concerns, NYTimes
- Stem cells without embryos - skin cells transformed, ReutersUK
- Questions, answers on stem cells, AssociatedPress
- Catholic church statement on HFE bill, ChristianToday
- Nervous journal double checks cloning study, ABCNews
- Wary of cuts, stem cell leaders racing to spend '07 money (MD), MDDailyRecord
- Dolly creator Prof Ian Wilmut shuns cloning, Telegraph
- Stem cells: Primates join the club, Nature
- Stem cell research was negligent: Probe (Australia), SydneyMorningHerald
- Scalable human ES culture for therapeutic use, GeneTherapy
- Cloned monkey stem cells produced, Nature
- AMA recommends public cord blood banks, AP
- Schwarzenegger appoints talk show host Leeza Gibbons to stem cell board, IHT
- Scientists use monkey clones to extract stem cells, NYTimes
- Bishops issue guidelines for Catholic voters, LATimes
- Stem cells model disease, TheScientist
- Scientists make monkey cloning breakthrough, Telegraph
- World faces choice on human cloning: UN Study, WashingtonPost
- Is Human Reproductive Cloning Inevitable: Future options for UN Governance, UNU-IAS
- SKoreans use human stem cells in experiment, AFP
- Vietnam ready to research stem cells, ThanhNienNews
- Lawmakers to tackle stem cell research controversy (Nebraska), KMEG
- Cost or benefit? Effect of stem cell amendment changes (Missouri), JoplinGlobe
- Concern over menstrual blood bank, BBCNews
- Now, store stem cells of your pets in Dubai, KhaleejTimes
- Bid for stem cell financing was late and lukewarm, organizers concede, NYTimes
- NJ democrats grapple with rebuke of stem cell initiative, NYTimes
- Stem cell find for child cancer, BBCNews
- An American scientist in Tehran, NatureReportsStemCells
- Cancer research gets go ahead (Texas), HoustonChronicle
- Stem cell federalism flunks in New Jersey, ScienceProgress
- Bank your menstrual stem cells via FedEx, WiredScience
- New Jersey voters defeat stem cell measure, NYTimes
- Just the facts: Debunking certain myths about SC therapy, MalaysiaStar
- VistaGen gets $1.2m grant for stem cell-based drug, SanJoseBusinessJournal
- Teva and Technion in stem cell collaboration, GlobesOnline
- Chinese stem cell venture for Monash, AustralianLifeScientist
- Cancer research bonds lead Tuesday's election lineup (Texas), DallasMorningNews
- Researchers developing new drug delivery system to brain, ScienceDaily
- New territory mapped in stem cell transplantation, HospitalForSickChildren
- Stem cells can improve memory after brain injury, Today@UCI
- Bystander stem cells keep original neurons humming, ScientificAmerican
- 'Therapy' adds ray of 'hope' for Evans City girl, PittsburghTribReview
- EU approves rules regulating gene therapies, other advanced disease treatments, IHT
- Stem cells can improve memory after brain injury, ScienceDaily
- NJ Gov spends $150k to back embryonic stem cell research vote, LifeNews
- Patrick makes pitch for $1b, 10 year biotech initiative (Mass),
- Stem cell bank gets first chunk of $1b initiative, MassHighTech
- Fostering stem cell research, BostonGlobe
- Stem cell argument in council (Australia), SunshineCoastDaily
- Embryonic stem cells could be ballot issue (Michigan), GrandRapidsPress
- Martin faces fight of his life (Tasmania), Mercury
- 17 seek $227m for building stem cell research facilities (California), SanFranBusinTimes
- New laws boost cord blood plans (California), SacramentoBee
- The IVM babies: Twins are first in Britain to be born using new technique, DailyMail
- Australian bishops offer election guidelines,
- Life sciences center approves fund for stem cell bank (Mass), BostonHerald
- NJ court clears stem cell vote, Newsday
- Opponent of cancer bond gives warning, $3b could go to hESC research, HoustonChron
- Cell research fused (Australia/China), Science
- Stem cell research gets support (NJ - poll results), Forbes
- Constant policing of our research makes us look sinister, say scientists, TimesOnline
- Italian bioethics committee in uproar, Nature
- US sucks in the world's top science graduates, THESOnline
- Europeans forgo US labs, Nature
- UMass moves closer to stem cell bank, WorcesterTelegram
- Counting on embryos, Science
- Stem cell research laws 'must be relaxed' (UK), TimesOnline
- NJ Gov. urges voters to approve $450m stem cell referendum, Kaiser
- Michigan fights for stem cell cash, DetroitNews
- Hurdle remains for NJ stem cell research, StarLedger
- Legal action launched over proposed stem cell initiative (Mo.), MissouriNet
- 'Interspecies' rodents created using embryonic stem cells, ScienceDaily
- Senate approves Dole amendment to support national cord blood center, WNCT
- NIH leader urges stem cell research, ChicagoTribune
- Sens. Harkin, Specter Remove Spending Bill Provision That Would Have Expanded Federal Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Kaiser
- Attorney represents frozen human embryo in court (Calif), MSNBC
- Stem cell 'insurance scheme' exploits families say scientists, TheTimes
- NJ appeals court agrees to hear suit challenging $450m stem cell referendum, Kaiser
- Pluripotency redux -- advances in stem-cell research, NEJM
- Alternative energy for embryonic stem cell research, NatureReportsStemCells
- Guidelines on research on genetic modification (China), ChinaDaily
- Criteria creep: Pol. motivated ext. of US SC registry makes no scientific sense, Nature
- Service allows IVF couples to use surplus embryos for creation of stem cell lines, Kaiser
- New head of stem cell agency not affected by tainted research, SanFranciscoChronicle
- Stem cell therapy gives dogs a new leash on life, Oregonian
- IVF 'Cell Bank' plan criticised (UK), BBCNews
- State reviews stem cell grants (Conn), ConnecticutPost
- City to gain state stem cell insititute (NJ), DailyTargum
- White coats defeat grey suits in a clash between science and whitehall, TimesOnline
- Group renews battle to bar stem cell vote (NJ), CourierPost
- Doc's 'supercharged' plan, BostonHerald
- IVF mothers face twins ban (UK), TimesOnline
- US Firm eyeing cell test review (Calif/Australia), HeraldSun
- UCSB gets $3m gift for stem cell center, SoCalTech
- First steps taken to put stem cell ban to voters, DetroitFreePress
- Neighborly care keeps stem cells young, ScienceDaily
- Qld Parliament passes embryonic stem cell bill, ABCNews
- Pope to SKorea, No stem cell research, AssociatedPress
- Health council repeals Romney limit on stem cell research (Mass), BostonGlobe
- Voters may decide on lifting stem cell ban (Mich), DetroitFreePress
- "Show me" bioethics and politics, AJOB
- Doubts raised over stem-cell marker, Nature
- Health authorities approve stem cell rules (Mass), Boston.Com
- Antidepressant effect of stem cell derived monoaminergic grafts, NeuroReport
- Oman gives the nod to stem cell 'therapy', KhaleejTimes
- Qld parliament to vote on contentious stem cell decision (Australia), ABCNews
- 3 scientists will share nobel prize, ChronicleOfHigherEducation
- California stem cell institute takes back $3m in grants, Wired
- Stem cell institute approved by trustees (Conn), UnivConn
- Soulless clones and spineless men, ThePilot
- Therapeutic misconception and stem cell research, NatureReportsStemCells
- Stem cell grantee withdraws application, LATimes
- Clinton vows to rescind Bush restrictions on fed. hESC research funding, Kaiser
- Warning for UK stem cell research if US relaxes rules, GuardianUnlimited
- hESC Remain Embryonic Because Of Epigenetic Factors, ScienceDaily
- Stem cells 'prompt cancer spread', BBCNews
- Calif. stem cell agency back on track?, TheScientist
- WARF submits technical changes to stem cell patents, WiscTechNetwork
- Glaxo, Astra, Roche back stem cells for drug tests, Reuters
- Individuals get first dibs on Calif. stem cell debt, Reuters
- South Korea To Lift Ban on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, KaiserNetwork
- Stem cell fraudster is 'working in Thailand', Nature
- Of animal eggs and human embryos, NYTimes
- New use for stem cells found in war on terrorism, ScienceDaily
- Stem cell funding stalled by contract (MD), MDDailyRecord
- Stem cells by any other name: the US registry formerly known as embryonic, Nature
- State readies for first stem cell bond sale, SFBusinessTimes
- Symposium investigates stem cell therapy for the skin, CosmeticsDesign-Europe
- NJ Judge Rules $450M SC Bond Proposal Must Remain on Ballot, KaiserNetwork
- Scientists criticicize adult stem cell claim, TheScientist
- Stem cell therapy ‘will be commonplace’, SundayHerald
- Male testicles are potential fountain of stem cell youth, WiredScience
- Generation of funct. multipotent adult SC from GPR125+ germline progenitors, Nature
- Conn.:$45m in stem cell fund requests, HoustonChronicle
- Abortion foes try to halt $450m stem cell referendum (NJ), Newsday
- NIH announces plan to implement president's stem cell executive order, NIH
- Beyond the teachable moment, JAMA
- Sexual function affected by SC transpl. according to long term study, ScienceDaily
- Stem cells can repair diseased lungs: Study, AFP
- Stem cell pioneer joins science exodus, TheAgeAustralia
- Collins work on UMass game plan for stem cells, WorcesterBusinessJournal
- Stem cell pioneer to lead state's institute, LosAngelesTimes
- Are we ready for a stem cell clinic?, BermudaSun
- Taichung hospital joins spinal cord injury group, TaipeiTimes
- Help for hounds: Stem cell therapy goes to the dogs -- and horses , Newsweek
- Scientists isolate stem cells in womb, ScienceAlertAustralia&NewZealand
- Specialized brain cells survive, function, ScienceDaily
- Embryonic stem cells thrive when shaken, ScienceDaily
- Broad foundation donates $20m to UCLA stem cell institute, UCLANews
- Embryo cloning bill passes legislative assembly (Western Australia), ABCNews
- Expert urges caution over athlete stem cell storage plan (Australia), ABCNews
- Britain to allow creation of hybrid embryos, WashingtonPost
- Vatican decries 'monstrous' British approval for hybrid embryos, CatholicWorldNews
- City council (Detroit) wants stem cell research ban lifted, TheWire
- U Washington gets $10m federal grant for embryonic stem cell research, SeattleP-I
- Human source of SCs with potential to repair muscle identified, ScienceDaily
- Hybrid embryo research likely to be approved,
- Britain decides boundaries of stem cell tech, ChristianScienceMonitor
- New wording for stem cell measure, STLToday
- Governor (Illinois) allows stem cell funding, ChicagoTribune.
- Study refutes theory of how adult stem cells segregate DNA, GEN
- Stem cell 'immortal strand' hypothesis refuted, ScienceDaily
- Ballot Proposal To Modify Missouri Amendment Flawed, Opponents Say, KaiserNetwork
- Texas supreme court declines to consider case of frozen embryos of TX couple, KaiserNet
- Embryonic stem cells are identifiable by appearance alone, ScienceDaily
- Chua: Stem cell claims of miracle cures baseless, MalaysiaStar
- When is a stem cell not really a stem cell?, ScienceDaily
- Newcastle proceeds in stem cell trials (Australia), ABCNews
- Embryonic stem cells can repair damaged hearts, MedicalNewsToday
- Stem cell agency's science boss quits (California), SacramentoBee
- Group launches anti-stem cell initiative (Missouri), ColumbiaTribune
- New patent rules (US) hurt biotech?, TheScientist
- Qld MPs to debate stem cell research (Australia), TheWestAustralian
- State's stem cell policy begins to pay off (Connecticut),
- Petition removed from Granholm's website (Michigan), WNDU
- CU stem cell work forges ahead (Colorado), RockyMountainNews
- Top Japanese stem cell scientist joins S.F. research center, SanJoseMercuryNews
- Stem cell firm given US patent boost, Scotsman
- Embryos turned into 'personalized stem cell lines', ABCNews
- AIDS interferes with stem cells in the brain, ScienceDaily
- Mich. Gov. Sued for Allegedly Discriminating Against Opp. of hESC Research, Kaiser
- Federalism by necessity: State and private support for hESC Research, RockefellerInst
- Stem cell amendment changes little in Missouri, NYTimes
- LDS beliefs open door to stem cell research, SaltLakeTribune
- Stem cell board (California) names interim president, SacBee
- Not all embryonic stem cell lines are created equal, HHMI News
- Stem cell scientist sets record straight on spinal cord injury trials, Wired
- Human embryonic stem cells leap the barrier, Medical Journal of Australia
- NSW (Australia) govt boosts funding for stem-cell research, ABC
- Within Discredited Stem Cell Research, a True Scientific First, NYTimes
- Former UPenn postdoc faked images, TheScientist
- YouTube does science, Wired
- Even a $400k salary can't woo stem-cell chief to golden state, Wired
- Fabricated stem cell line origin revealed, The Scientist
- The EU and stem cell research: Why Europe may soon split along religious lines, Spect.
- Royal society supports research on human-animal hybrid embryos, PHGFoundation
- Thinking inside the box. To cope with an increasing disease burden, drug discovery needs biologically relevant and predictive testing systems, EMBO Reports
- UK set to reverse stance on research with chimeras, Nature
- Stem cell dissent roils states, LATimes
- EU researchers call for action on stem cell legislation, Cordis
- Scientists call for changes in stem cell laws, scenta
- Future of stem cell test may hang on defining embryo harm, Washington Post
- What fertility patients want, NewsObserver
- NJ: Corzine signs $450M stem cell bill, Forbes
- House panel narrowly passes embryonic stem cell research-N. Carolina, (HB1837), ABC
- Ethics group adopts opinion on human embyonic SC use in FP7 projects (EU), CORDIS
- Willingness to donate frozen embryos for stem cell research, Science
- Undertaking Research in Other Countries, Loane Skene, PLOS: Medicine
- Stem cell researcher's move attracts funding, Nature
- Stem cell patent skeptics also filed, JS Online
- A stem cell surprise, Newsweek
- Germany close to ending embryonic stem cell research ban,
- Authors retract Science paper, The Scientist
- Realising the promise of stem cells, Cosmos
- Mo. stem cell movement suffers setbacks, Guardian
- Stem cell science: current ethical and policy issues, Clin Pharm & Therapeutics
- Patrick (Massachusetts) unveils details of biotech plan, BostonGlobe
- Singapore firm abandons plans for stem cell therapies, Science
- Premier (Bermuda) and his wife to run stem cell clinic, Bermuda Sun
- Books - Dev. Biology: Passage to Global Stem Cells
, Science
- Patients may be misled on stem cell benefits, Irish Medical Times
- Stem cell treatment under scrutiny (Bangkok), The Nation
- (Recommendations on the ethical review of hESC FP7 research projects)
- Ethics Council Urges Relaxing German Stem Cell Rules, DW-World
- Surgeon General Nominee: Bush's Stem Cell Program Is "Effective", Wired Science
- Treasury-funded stem cell group to close (UK) , The Telegraph
- Stem cell research planning begins (Ireland), Irish Medical Times
- Anne McLaren Dies, The Scientist
- Surgeon Gen. nominee defends himself, LATimes
- Ex-Surgeon General Says White House Hushed Him, Washington Post
- (Massachusetts) Murray, others hear pitch for $1B biotech initiative, Worcester Telegram
- Stem cell science to be boosted (Victoria, Australia), Sydney Morning Herald
- Stem Cell Research Bill At Center Of Debate (North Carolina), WXII
- Car Accident Claims Renowned Geneticist, Science
- Academic pair killed in car crash, BBC News
- Comments on stem cell study's success - primates with Parkinson's,
- Brownback Splits the Difference On Stem Cell Research, NYTimes
- Conservative Groups Object to Surgeon General Nominee,
- First Stem Cell Reports Show Two Projects (Missouri), KAIT
- Insight into neural stem cells has implications for designing therapies, UCSF News
- Mass. finalizing life science bill, The Scientist
- Stem cells 'to boost' risky egg trade, ABC News
- Character. of hESC lines by the Int'l Stem Cell Init., Nature Biotechnology
- 4 Scientists Support Challenge to Wisconsin's Stem-Cell Patents, Chron of High Ed
- Chimera embryos have right to life, say bishops, The Telegraph
- Delaware Rejects Stem-Cell Legislation, Chronicle of Higher Education
- Oz stem cell clinic turns to diseased embryos, Nature
- Couples are ‘driven to IVF tourism by ethical disparities across Europe’, The Times
- Stowers Institute (MO) puts expansion plans on hold, Kansas City Star
- Scientists welcome NSW stem cell decision, The Australian
- Embryonic stem cells created from unfertilized eggs, Houston Chronicle
- Stem cell ban lifted by NSW MPs, Sydney Morning Herald
- Warning against stem cell tourism, ABC News
- Ministry (Saudi Arabia) forms stem cells committee, arab news
- S.F. stem cell agency will meet to pick new boss,
- Survey challenges stem cell stance, New Zealand Herald
- Study: Donated embryos could result in more than 2,000 new embryonic stem cell lines
- Bipartisan effort in congress vows to push stem cells, USA Today
- Stem cell research bill dies on Oregon House floor,
- Harkin & Specter To Add Stem Cell Provision To Spending Bill,
- President Bush Discusses Stem Cell Veto and Executive Order, The White House
- Bush likely to see more stem cells bills, Chattanooga Times Free Press
- Embryonic stem cell research divides states,
- New Jersey awards $10 million for stem cell research,
- Human cloning closer than ever before, Cosmos
- Assembly panel (NJ) advances $450M for stem cell plan, Newark Star Ledger
- (UK) Academy of Medical Sciences Report: Inter-Species Embryos
- Scientists call for right to use animal/human embryos, Guardian
- Bush Moving to Bolster Stem Cell Alternatives, Washington Post
- Castle (D-DE), Congress gird for stem cell override battle, DelawareOnline
- Spare the Embryo, Save the Stem Cell, ScienceNow
- (US) Harkin to tie stem cell research to spending bill,
- Adult stem cell figure retracted, The Scientist
- 50 million Europeans suffer from neurological diseases,
- Scientists Urge Bush to Rethink Opposition to Stem-Cell Bill, Chron High Ed
- Neural Stem Cells Reduce Parkinson's Symptoms In Monkeys, ScienceDaily
- Japan gets ahead of the curve, Time
- S. Korean scientists to lead stem cell quality standard research, Yonhap News
- WARF enters licensing agreements for stem cell products, WisTechNet
- Hwang Woo-suk to Resume Cell Cloning Abroad, Korea Times
- Adult Versus Embryonic Stem Cells: Treatments (Letter), Science
- Massachusetts losing ground in stem cell race, Boston NOW
- N.J. Plans $450M Stem Cell Research Referendum, 1010WINS
- Statement from the governor (NJ) on stem cell research grants, PoliticsNJ
- The hard cell, Nature
- House votes to expand stem cell research, NY Times
- Deja vu for a Bush stem cell veto, Time
- Studies cite new process for stem cells, Boston Globe
- Stem cell finding could disarm foes, Miami Herald
- Stem Cells: Recycling the abnormal, Nature
- Simple switch turns cells embryonic, Nature
- The stem cell market: Patents and the pursuit of scientific progress, NEJM
- U.S. House defeats Democratic bill banning human cloning, Intl Herald Tribune
- Australian Cardinal, Bishop Threaten To Refuse Communion to Catholic MPs Who Vote in Favor of Therapeutic Cloning Bill, Kaiser Network
- (Australia) Catholics rebel on stem cell vote warning,
- (Florida) Court OKs ballot language for stem cell amendments, St Petersburg Times
- Fertilized eggs yield stem cells, The Scientist
- More grants approved for stem cell research, Union-Tribune
- Stem cell research bill will be passed:Firth (NSW, Australia), ABC News
- Congress plans to send Bush measure easing restrictions on stem cell research, Bos. Herald
- House will send stem cell bill to Bush next week, defying veto threat,
- Groups to respond to WARF's patent defense, Business Journal of Milwaukee
- Stem cell bill sits on governor's desk (Illinois),
- Wis. foundation challenges decision to reject stem cell patents, Gazette Extra
- Stem cell research backed by premier (Canada), Hamilton Mountain News
- Illinois Lawmakers Approve Stem Cell Research,
- Stem cell, redevelopment bills signed into law (Georgia), Gwinnett Daily Post
- NSW MPs (Australia) To Vote On Stem Cell Research, AHN
- Doubts over gene 'cures', Guardian
- OpEd: Government "cybrid" back down doesnt go far enough, LabNewsOnline
- Stem Cell Network receives $995,000 federal grant, Ottawa Business Journal
- Event: International exchanges on stem cell research, June 14, 2007
- New Beta cells without stem cells? The Scientist
- National Academy of Sciences Bars Public from State Stem Cell Meeting, FTCR
- Royal Society response to Human Tissues and Embryos Bill, Royal Society
- Biosciences hit £2.5bn turnover (Scotland), Sunday Herald
- Pluristem Buys Patents Covering Stem Cell Production Tool for $2M, GEN
- Geron says stem cells produce insulin, Sydney Morning Herald
- OpEd: Scotland is at the forefront of stem cell research but, with America investing billions of pounds, can we make serious money out of this science? Sunday Herald
- Stem cell hair hope for baldies,
- UW establishes stem cell and regenerative medicine center,
- A decade of cloning mystique, Science
- Human Tissues and Embryos (Draft) Bill (UK), Dept of Health
- OpEd: Correcting a misconception (UK), Guardian Unlimited
- Stem cell awards (Maryland) favor academic research, Baltimore Business Journal
- California high court clears the way for stem cell grants, SF Gate
- UCI launches effort to develop patient-specific stem cell lines, WebWire
- Proposition 71 and CIRM—assessing the return on investment, Nature Biotechnology
- OpEd:Expose state's (Maryland) stem cell funding to sunlight, Baltimore Sun
- As Demand for Donor Eggs Soars, High Prices Stir Ethical Concerns, NY Times
- Responsible Oversight of Human Stem Cell Research, PLoS Medicine
- German Scientists Plead for More Access to Stem Cells, DW-World.De
- Embryonic stem cells trial on track to start, Financial times
- Group pushes state (Michigan) to lift restrictions on stem cell research, The Oakland Press
- Audio: Expanding federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research (Orrin Hatch), NEJM
- Analysis: Stem cells closer to trials, UPI
- Massachusetts proposes stem cell research grants, NY Times
- Generation of functional hemangioblasts from human embryonic stem cells
- CureDuchenne Funds Dr. Giulio Cossu’s Adult Stem Cell Study,
- House committee passes stem cell bill (Delaware),
- Lawmakers end session without approving stem cell bill (Florida),
- Stem cell institute (California) names acting president, San Jose Business Journal
- March of Dimes awards $250K prize to stem cell research, reproductive biology pioneers
- Bracks (Victoria, Australia) to sell stem cell plan to governator (California),
- Stem cell bill clears upper house (Victoria, Australia),
- GOP field united on war, divided on social issues, Washington Post
- Supreme Court ruling seen as blow to WARF stem cell patents, Wisc Tech Network
- Stem cell measure defeated (Missouri), Columbia Tribune
- America COMPETES Act Passes Senate, US Senate com. on comm., science & transp.
- Seed study might help stem cell research, Science Daily [article]
- Panel submits stem cell guidelines to Health Ministry of India,
- Spanish stem cell bank interviews examine the interest of couples in donating surplus human IVF embryos for stem cell research, Cell Stem Cell
- Disputed stem cell bill gets early OK (Minnesota), Twin
- Agency to propose lifting stem cell limits (Massachusetts), Boston Globe
- EU lawmakers back rules for stem cell, other cures, Scientific American
- EU parliament set for clash over stem cell research,
- Launch of UK National Stem Cell Network, PHG Foundation
- Oocyte donation for stem cell research (Letter), Science
- UCSB Snags “Father of Stem-Cell Research” (California), Santa Barbara Independent
- Official indecision holding up potentially life-saving stem cell research, scientists say (UK)
- Here's why Wisconsin's stem cell patents are being challenged, WiscTechNetwork
- Warning on stem cell funding level (UK), The Herald
- ReNeuron receives notice of European patent grant covering key neural stem cell lines
- Justices hear debate on stem cell research (Florida), Miami Herald
- House panel votes to ban funds for embryonic stem cell research (Texas), KWTX
- Stem cell support in Islam (and not in the oval office), alt.muslim
- Embryonic stem cell pioneer chose to publish, not patent, Union Tribune
- Editorials, Opinion Pieces Respond to Senate Approval of Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, HOPE Act, KaiserNetwork.Org
- Mo. Senate approves MOHELA plan, STLToday
- Stem cell study homes in on cause for ALS,
- The Global Stem Cell Patent Landscape, Nature Biotechnology
- ...Human sperm created from bone marrow, News-Medical.Net
- Autologous Nonmyeloablative Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, JAMA
- Sex Differences Found in Stem Cells, MSNBC
- Fetomaternal Cell Trafficking and the Stem Cell Debate, JAMA
- USPTO Rejects WARF's Claims, Public Patent Foundation
- Stem Cell Bill Clears Senate, NY Times
- No Funds for Embryonic Stem Cells (Florida), St Petersburg Times
- China Challenges the West in Stem-Cell Research, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Embryonic Stem Cell Legislation (US) Stokes Hearty Debate,
- Seed Money to Bring in Pioneers, Nature
- Mikulski Says Congress Ready to Override Bush Stem Cell Veto, Examiner
- High Court Asked for Stem Cell Decision (California), San Diego Union Tribune
- Medicine Needs Hybrid Embryos, (UK) Scientists Say, The Independent
- Heart Valve Grown From Stem Cells, BBC News
- NY Stem Cells Get Green Light, The Scientist
- European Commission creates registry for human embryonic stem cell lines
- For Athletes, the Next Fountain of Youth?, NY Times
- Coleman stem cell bill (US) to come up for vote next week, La Crosse Tribune
- O'Malley Seeks Increase in State (MD) Stem Cell Funding, Baltimore Sun
- Senate Passes Delaware Stem Cell Bill, Daily Times
- Stem Cell Proposals Will Be First Up For Senate After Recess (US) , Congress Daily
- Patents on Stem Cells Limited, Sacramento Bee
- Patent Office Upholds Challenge to WARF Stem Cell Patents, WTN News
- Statement of Atty Genl Martha Coakley (Mass.) Regarding Stem Cell Regulations
- Knives Come Out on Stem Cell Bill (California),
- Good News For State's Stem-Cell Research Inst. (California), Mercury News
- The Egg Trade - Making Sense of the Market for Human Oocytes, NEJM
- Feds to Toss Three Wisconsin Stem Cell Patents, WBAY-TV (Wisconsin)
- States Take Lead in Funding Stem-Cell Research, NPR
- State Budget Approves Money for Stem Cell Research (New York), WSYR-TV
- California:Stem Cell Grants Come With Dash of Criticism, SF Chronicle
- Inquiry into Prominent Stem Cell Research Underway, New Scientist
- Stem Cells: The Hard Copy, News@Nature
- Undertaking Research in Other Countries: National Ethico-Legal Barometers and International Ethical Consensus Statements, Loane Skene, PLOS: Medicine
- House Committee Advances Anti-Stem Cell Measure (Missouri), Belleville News Democrat
- Competing Stem-Cell Bills Get Committee Pass (Florida), Tallahassee Democrat
- California Grant Raises Concerns, The Scientist
- Fresh Questions on Stem Cell Findings, New Scientist
- Catholic Diocese Takes Stem Cell Research to the Pulpit, KMBC-TV Kansas City
- The stem cell blogs of China, Salon
- Tackling the Moral Questions: See How Various Faith Groups Are Responding to Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Center for American Progress
SCoPE News Roundu - Sept. 14, 2007
National News and Commentary
The Broad Foundation Donates $20 Million to UCLA Stem Cell Institute, UCLA, 10 September 2007.
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation donated $20 million to fund adult and embryonic stem cell research at UCLA. The money will be used in coordination with other grants UCLA stem cell scientists have received, in order to enhance a program that brings together biologists, chemists, engineers, geneticists and other scientists to develop new and more effective treatments for cancer, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson's disease, metabolic disorders and other medical conditions.
International News
Britain to Allow Creation of Hybrid Embryos, Washington Post, 10 September 2007.
The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which oversees human embryo research in Britain, said that they would allow the creation of embryos that are part human and part animal for use in medical experiments. HFEA is now expected to reach a decision on two previously submitted proposals on the creation of hybrid embryos by November. Opponents of the decision argue that it is unethical to create partly human embryos solely to harvest their stem cells, and some have raised the argument that rogue scientists might grow the embryos into weird human-animal creatures. British regulations demand that all human embryos used in research be destroyed no more than 14 days after their creation.
Expert urges caution over athlete stem cell storage plan, ABC Australian News, 7 September 2007.
The Australian Stem Cell Institute is urging caution on a proposal to store the stem cells of elite athletes for use later in the treatment of injuries. Although stem cells have helped patients recover from fractures, the Institute says that most fractures heal rapidly regardless of the cells.
Embryo Cloning bill passes Legislative Assembly, ABC Australian News, 7 September 2007.
In a conscience vote, legislation allowing the cloning of human embryos for research purposes in Western Australia passed the Legislative Assembly. The bill, which also allows excess embryos created through fertilization to be used for research purposes, now moves to the Upper House.
Embryonic Stem Cells Thrive When Shaken, Georgia Tech University, 10 September 2007.
Georgia Tech and Emory researchers discovered that moderate and controlled physical movement of embryonic stem cells in fluid environments, similar to shaking that occurs in the womb from the mother’s natural movement, improves their development and suggests that different types of movement could some day be used to control what type of cell they become.
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Used to Grow Cartilage, Stem Cell Research News, 7 September 2007.
Biomedical engineers centered in Rice University have developed a new technique for growing cartilage from human embryonic stem cells that could be used to grow replacement cartilage for the surgical repair of knees, jaws, hips, and other joints. Building upon their work of converting stem cells into cartilage cells, researchers developed a process for using the cartilage cells to make cartilage tissue, and showed that cartilages can be generated that mimic the different types of cartilage found in the human body.
SCoPE News Roundup
September 7, 2007
National News and Commentary
ISSCR Backs Controversial California Effort, California Stem Cell Report, 4 September 2007.
The prestigious International Society for Stem Cell Research has endorsed the concept of a stem cell research facility linked to the current land development proposal in Northern California.
Ballot Proposal To Modify Missouri Amendment Protecting Embryonic Stem Cell Research in State Flawed, Opponents Say, Kaiser Daily Women’s Health Policy, 29 August 2007.
In Missouri, the group Cures without Cloning stated that they would revise their proposal that seeks to modify a state constitutional amendment that protects human embryonic stem cell research, after opponents said the proposal's definition of "human" would exclude people with common genetic abnormalities. The amendment, approved in November 2006, ensures that stem cell research permitted under federal law is protected in the state, prohibits human cloning, and allows stem cell research that involves somatic cell nuclear transfer. If accepted, the proposal would create a new definition of cloning that would ban somatic cell nuclear transfer, as well as bar tax dollars from funding research using techniques banned by the definition.
Within Discredited Stem Cell Research, a True Scientific First, New York Times, 3 August 2007.
Upon reexamination of discredited Korean scientist Dr. Hwang Woo Suk’s embryonic stem cells, a team of Boston scientists found that the cells were the product of parthenogenesis, or that they were derived from an unfertilized egg. If they had recognized what had occurred, Dr. Hwang’s team would have been credited as the first to use parthenogenesis to develop embryonic stem cells.
International News
Hybrid embryo research likely to be approved, Telegraph, 5 September 2007.
The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) will soon decide whether to permit scientists to create human-animal hybrid embryos to extract stem cells for research. HFEA is expected to approve the concept in principle, especially after warnings that it would be a major blow to British science if the Government watchdog refused to allow it. If they rule in favor of hybrids, two British applications will be sent before the license committee in November. In the meantime, the Government has published a draft Bill which would allow hybrid embryos created using cloning techniques but not "true hybrids" where a human egg is fertilized with animal sperm or vice versa.
Is Totipotency of a Human Cell a Sufficient Reason to Exclude its Patentability under the European Law?, Stem Cells, 30 August 2007.
Human totipotent cells have the potential to generate either an entire new organism or only different tissues or organs of an organism, and hence simultaneously fit the definition of the unpatentable human body at the earliest stage of its formation as well as of an element of the human body. However, the authors argue that while the Biopatent Directive maintains that that human body can not be patented, the patentability of human totipotent cells should be evaluated based on their location and method of derivation, specifically whether they were located in the human body, or were otherwise produced by means of a technical process.
Qld MPs to debate stem cell research, AAP, 20 August 2007.
Queenland MPs are expected to have a conscience vote on new laws that would allow embryonic stem cell research within tight restrictions. The Research Involving Human Embryos and Prohibition of Human Cloning Amendment Bill 2007 allows for the creation of human embryos by cloning for research, and for the creation of hybrid embryos.
Haematopoietic stem cells do not asymmetrically segregate chromosomes or retain BrdU, Nature, 29 August 2007.
Scientists at the University of Michigan found that in blood-forming stem cells, the DNA they labeled divided in a manner consistent with random chromosome segregation, as opposed to the previously accepted model of an immortal strand. The immortal strand hypothesis stated that adult stem cells segregate their DNA in a non-random manner during cell division, a process which allowed the cells to minimize their chances of accumulating harmful mutations. The experiments also revealed that BrdU is not a general stem cell marker, but is instead quite insensitive and nonspecific.
Direct Reprogramming of genetically unmodified fibroblasts into pluripotent stem cells, Nature Biotechnology, 27 August 2007.
Scientists at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research were able to separate reprogrammed cells from ordinary fibroblasts based on the different appearances of the two cells, rather than having to use markers to isolate successfully reprogrammed cells. They are now working to eliminate the virus that was initially used to introduce the foreign DNA that induced the reprogramming of specialized mouse skin cells into unspecialized stem cells.
Differential Notch signalling distinguishes neural stem cells from intermediate progenitors, Nature, 26 August 2007.
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions discovered that the active presence of a protein known as CBF1 denotes a neural stem cell, while cells in which the protein has been “turned off” age irreversibly into progenitor cells.
Mouse Adult Skin Cells Reprogrammed to Embryonic State, International Society for Stem Cell Research, 21 August 2007.
Japanese and American research teams have shown that mouse adult skin cells can be reprogrammed to acquire the properties of embryonic stem cells, such that they are capable of self-renewal and of generating all body cell types. Thus far embryonic stem cells have only been derived from early embryos.
Teratoma Formation Assays with Human Embryonic Stem Cells: A Rationale for One Type of Human-Animal Chimera, Cell: Stem Cell, 16 August 2007.
Researchers justify the use of a specific type of human-animal chimera experiments, the evaluation of hES cell developmental potency via teratoma formation in immunodeficient mice. They argue that the experiment raises no significant moral concerns and should fall under the jurisdiction of animal care and use committees, rather than be subject to formal review by the stem cell research oversight process.
June 15, 2007
National News and Commentary
Stem Cell Logic, Muskegon Chronicle, 11 June 2007.
Michigan's severe restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research defy logic, and threaten to push the state's studies in this field to the scientific backwaters. As it stands, surplus embryos created in Michigan for in vitro fertilization procedures can be, and are, discarded legally. But those same embryos, which hold much potential value for human medicine because of their versatility, are off-limits to the state's research laboratories.
Lieutenant Governor Paterson Urges President Bush to Sign Stem Cell Legislation, Media Newswire, 11 June 2007.
Lieutenant Governor David A. Paterson today issued the following statement regarding the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, which would provide for human embryonic stem cell research.
Geron Reports Stem Cell Research Data,, 11 June 2007.
Geron Corp. said Monday its stem cell treatment for spinal cord injuries is tolerated by the human immune system. At the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies meeting in San Diego, the company presented research showing GRNOPC1, which uses embryonic stem cells, is not directly attacked by the immune system. That means patients treated with GRNOPC1 could need lower doses or less treatment with immune-suppressing drugs than other transplant recipients, according to the company.
UC Irvine Awarded $3.9 Million To Upgrade Stem Cell Research Facilities, Training, Medical News Today, 11 June 2007.
UC Irvine has been awarded $3.9 million to upgrade its core embryonic stem cell research laboratory and expand a program to train young scientists on research techniques involving human embryonic stem cells. The grant brings total CIRM funding for UCI to $17.5 Million
N.J. Voters to Decide on Stem-Cell Funding,, 13 June 2007.
In November, New Jersey voters will decide whether to use $450 million in taxpayer money to fund stem-cell research, including research that destroys human embryos. Gov. Jon S. Corzine and top legislators reached a 10-year agreement Tuesday. If approved by voters, grants would go to institutions that could include colleges and universities, state and local government agencies and entities that do scientific and medical research on both adult and embryonic stem cells and umbilical cord blood, Assemblyman Neil Cohen told The Associated Press.
Views Sought on Stem Cell Research, Media Newswire, 13 June 2007. Aberdeen researchers want to find out what the public really think about a controversial area of science that is often in the news. The University of Aberdeen team is trying to build a picture of the public's perception of stem cell research. They also want to establish the extent to which these views are shaped by the media.
WARF Enter Licensing Agreement for Stem Cell Products, Wisconsin Technology Network, 14 June 2007.
The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation has entered into global licenses agreements with two prominent technology companies, allowing them to develop and commercialize growth media and tissue culture services used in embryonic stem cell research. Terms of the license agreements were not disclosed.
Harkin to Tie Stem Cell Research to Spending Bill, The Hill, 14 June 2007.
As President Bush prepares to veto the measure Congress sent him last week, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) is planning to attach the pro-research legislation to the spending bill being crafted by his Appropriations labor subcommittee.
Fraudulent Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in South Korea: Lessons Learned, NIHPA Author Manuscripts, 15 June 2007.
Now that most of the smoke has cleared from the South Korean human embryonic stem cell fraud, it is time to reflect on some lessons that one can learn from this scandal.
Developmental reprogramming after chromosome transfer into mitotic mouse zygotes
Nature 447, 679-685 (7 June 2007)
Dieter Egli, Jacqueline Rosains, Garrett Birkhoff& Kevin Eggan
Until now, animal cloning and the production of embryonic stem cell lines by somatic cell nuclear transfer have relied on introducing nuclei into meiotic oocytes. In contrast, attempts at somatic cell nuclear transfer into fertilized interphase zygotes have failed. As a result, it has generally been assumed that unfertilized human oocytes will be required for the generation of tailored human embryonic stem cell lines from patients by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Here we report, however, that, unlike interphase zygotes, mouse zygotes temporarily arrested in mitosis can support somatic cell reprogramming, the production of embryonic stem cell lines and the full-term development of cloned animals. Thus, human zygotes and perhaps human embryonic blastomeres may be useful supplements to human oocytes for the creation of patient-derived human embryonic stem cells.
Generation of germline-competent induced pluripotent stem cells
Nature advance online publication 6 June 2007
Keisuke Okita, Tomoko Ichisaka & Shinya Yamanaka
We have previously shown that pluripotent stem cells can be induced from mouse fibroblasts by retroviral introduction of Oct3/4 (also called Pou5f1), Sox2, c-Myc and Klf4, and subsequent selection for Fbx15 (also called Fbxo15) expression. These induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells (hereafter called Fbx15 iPS cells) are similar to embryonic stem (ES) cells in morphology, proliferation and teratoma formation; however, they are different with regards to gene expression and DNA methylation patterns, and fail to produce adult chimaeras. Here we show that selection for Nanog expression results in germline-competent iPS cells with increased ES-cell-like gene expression and DNA methylation patterns compared with Fbx15 iPS cells. The four transgenes (Oct3/4, Sox2, c-myc and Klf4) were strongly silenced in Nanog iPS cells. We obtained adult chimaeras from seven Nanog iPS cell clones, with one clone being transmitted through the germ line to the next generation. Approximately 20% of the offspring developed tumours attributable to reactivation of the c-myc transgene. Thus, iPS cells competent for germline chimaeras can be obtained from fibroblasts, but retroviral introduction of c-Myc should be avoided for clinical application.
In vitro reprogramming of fibroblasts into a pluripotent ES-cell-like state
Nature advance online publication 6 June 2007
Marius Wernig, Alexander Meissner, Ruth Foreman, Tobias Brambrink, Manching Ku, Konrad Hochedlinger, Bradley E. Bernstein & Rudolf Jaenisch
Nuclear transplantation can reprogramme a somatic genome back into an embryonic epigenetic state, and the reprogrammed nucleus can create a cloned animal or produce pluripotent embryonic stem cells. One potential use of the nuclear cloning approach is the derivation of 'customized' embryonic stem (ES) cells for patient-specific cell treatment, but technical and ethical considerations impede the therapeutic application of this technology. Reprogramming of fibroblasts to a pluripotent state can be induced in vitro through ectopic expression of the four transcription factors Oct4 (also called Oct3/4 or Pou5f1), Sox2, c-Myc and Klf4. Here we show that DNA methylation, gene expression and chromatin state of such induced reprogrammed stem cells are similar to those of ES cells. Notably, the cells—derived from mouse fibroblasts—can form viable chimaeras, can contribute to the germ line and can generate live late-term embryos when injected into tetraploid blastocysts. Our results show that the biological potency and epigenetic state of in-vitro-reprogrammed induced pluripotent stem cells are indistinguishable from those of ES cells.
Directly Reprogrammed Fibroblasts Show Global Epigenetic Remodeling and Widespread Tissue Contribution
Cell Stem Cell, Vol 1, 55-70, 07 June 2007
Nimet Maherali, Rupa Sridharan,Wei Xie, Jochen Utikal, Sarah Eminli, Katrin Arnold, Matthias Stadtfeld, Robin Yachechko, Jason Tchieu, Rudolf Jaenisch, Kathrin Plath,and Konrad Hochedlinger
Ectopic expression of the four transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4 is sufficient to confer a pluripotent state upon the fibroblast genome, generating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. It remains unknown if nuclear reprogramming induced by these four factors globally resets epigenetic differences between differentiated and pluripotent cells. Here, using novel selection approaches, we have generated iPS cells from fibroblasts to characterize their epigenetic state. Female iPS cells showed reactivation of a somatically silenced X chromosome and underwent random X inactivation upon differentiation. Genome-wide analysis of two key histone modifications indicated that iPS cells are highly similar to ES cells. Consistent with these observations, iPS cells gave rise to viable high-degree chimeras with contribution to the germline. These data show that transcription factor-induced reprogramming leads to the global reversion of the somatic epigenome into an ES-like state. Our results provide a paradigm for studying the epigenetic modifications that accompany nuclear reprogramming and suggest that abnormal epigenetic reprogramming does not pose a problem for the potential therapeutic applications of iPS cells.
International News
Surrey and Irvine to Investigate Use of Nanomaterials in Stem Cell Therapies, Nanotechnology Now, 11 June 2007.
University of Surrey researchers, Dr Alan Dalton and Dr Richard Sear, have received grants totalling £100k from the SETsquared Applied Collaborative Research Programme and the EPSRC to support collaborative work with the University of California, Irvine, researching the use of nanomaterials in stem cell growth. The award will bring together Surrey's world-class expertise in materials and nano-technology with leading stem cell researchers at Irvine. It will develop new methods for studying and growing human embryonic stem cells, leading to new stem cell based therapies to treat human diseases. The research will tackle a key problem in growing embryonic stem cells, possible contamination from using 'feeder' cells and nutrients derived from animals. Surrey's work will lead to the development of wholly synthetic materials to create the structures on which stem cells are grown, reducing contamination of the new stem cells and increasing their safety.
June 8, 2007
National News and Commentary
Stem cell bill passes, faces new veto, Meadow Freepress, 8 June 2007.
The Democratic-controlled Congress passed legislation Thursday to loosen restraints on federally funded embryonic stem cell research, but the bill‘s supporters lacked the votes needed to override President Bush‘s threatened veto.
Govs Urge Stem Cell Passage, New York Press, 8 June 2007.
A coalition of Democratic governors, including our own Eliot Spitzer, have fired off a letter to President Bush urging him to sign the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 into law following its successful passage in Congress. – includes links to the full letter
USCCB Official Comments on Approval of Bill to Fund Stem Cell Research Requiring the Destruction of Human Embryos,, 7 June 2007.
Richard Doerflinger, Deputy Director of Pro-Life Activities, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), issued a statement today regarding this week's votes on stem cell research and human cloning in the U.S. House of Representatives. This contains the text of the statement.
CNN's Koppel uncritically reported GOP argument that new research moots stem cell debate, MediaMatters for America, 8 June 2007.
On the June 7 edition of CNN's The Situation Room, during a segment on Congress' passage of a bill expanding federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, host Wolf Blitzer noted that President Bush had suggested that a recent breakthrough in which scientists reprogrammed skin cells in mice "could change the whole debate" by "creating, in effect, the equivalent of embryonic stem cells by another procedure that wouldn't require destroying these human embryos."
Stem Cell Institute Awards $4.1 Million To Stanford,, 6 June 2007.
Stanford University School of Medicine on Wednesday announced a $4.1 million grant from California's stem cell initiative to renovate laboratory space for stem cell research and to provide a stem cell training course for researchers.
Rick Hansen's "Wheels in Motion" Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research, LifeSite, 5 June 2007.
Rick Hansen is the President and CEO of the Rick Hansen Foundation, an organization that supports research to find the cure for spinal cord injury. Paralyzed in a car crash at the age of fifteen, former-athlete Hansen has raised over $26 million dollars towards this goal. In 2003 the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion was launched and since then has raised over 5.6 million dollars towards helping injury victims.
Simple switch turns cells embryonic, Nature, 7 June 2007.
Research reported this week by three different groups shows that normal skin cells can be reprogrammed to an embryonic state in mice1, 2, 3. The race is now on to apply the surprisingly straightforward procedure to human cells. If researchers succeed, it will make it relatively easy to produce cells that seem indistinguishable from embryonic stem cells, and that are genetically matched to individual patients. There are limits to how useful and safe these would be for therapeutic use in the near term, but they should quickly prove a boon in the lab.
Deficiencies in DNA damage repair limit the function of haematopoietic stem cells with age, Nature, 7 June 2007.
A diminished capacity to maintain tissue homeostasis is a central physiological characteristic of ageing. As stem cells regulate tissue homeostasis, depletion of stem cell reserves and/or diminished stem cell function have been postulated to contribute to ageing1. It has further been suggested that accumulated DNA damage could be a principal mechanism underlying age-dependent stem cell decline2. We have tested these hypotheses by examining haematopoietic stem cell reserves and function with age in mice deficient in several genomic maintenance pathways including nucleotide excision repair3, 4, telomere maintenance5, 6 and non-homologous end-joining7, 8. Here we show that although deficiencies in these pathways did not deplete stem cell reserves with age, stem cell functional capacity was severely affected under conditions of stress, leading to loss of reconstitution and proliferative potential, diminished self-renewal, increased apoptosis and, ultimately, functional exhaustion. Moreover, we provide evidence that endogenous DNA damage accumulates with age in wild-type stem cells. These data are consistent with DNA damage accrual being a physiological mechanism of stem cell ageing that may contribute to the diminished capacity of aged tissues to return to homeostasis after exposure to acute stress or injury.
Developmental reprogramming after chromosome transfer into mitotic mouse zygotes, Nature, 7 June 2007.
Until now, animal cloning and the production of embryonic stem cell lines by somatic cell nuclear transfer have relied on introducing nuclei into meiotic oocytes. In contrast, attempts at somatic cell nuclear transfer into fertilized interphase zygotes have failed. As a result, it has generally been assumed that unfertilized human oocytes will be required for the generation of tailored human embryonic stem cell lines from patients by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Here we report, however, that, unlike interphase zygotes, mouse zygotes temporarily arrested in mitosis can support somatic cell reprogramming, the production of embryonic stem cell lines and the full-term development of cloned animals. Thus, human zygotes and perhaps human embryonic blastomeres may be useful supplements to human oocytes for the creation of patient-derived human embryonic stem cells.
June 1, 2007
National News and Commentary
McGuinty, Schwarzenegger ink climate, stem cell pacts, London Free Press, 31 May 2007.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty signed climate change and stem cell agreements yesterday over some good-natured jousting about their respective hockey teams.
Stem Cell Researcher Saluted on ‘Time’ List, Chicago Sun Times, 31 May 2007.
Doug Melton's groundbreaking studies have established him as a leading stem cell researcher who also surmounted political obstacles to the controversial science. Time magazine lists him among the "100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world" for his extraordinary progress in the field of stem cell research.
Significant Scientific Breakthrough in Stem Cell Banking,, 31 May 2007.
Scientists from the Research Department of Cryo-Save Group NV together with the University of Cologne (DE) have developed a new scientifically validated method to collect adult mesenchymal stem cells ("MSCs") from the lining of umbilical cord tissue. This revolutionary new approach allows the collection and cryopreservation of very high quantities of valuable mesenchymal stem cells without invasive surgery.
WARF Response on Stem Cell Patents as Expected, Consumer Groups Say,, 31 May 2007.
The response to the rejection of all claims on patents on human embryonic stem cells by the holder of the patents, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), was as expected, consumer groups said today. Acting on re-examination requests by the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) and the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT), the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejected all claims on three patents. WARF had two months to respond.
Florida Supreme Court Allows Statewide Stem Cell Research Votes,, 31 May 2007.
The Florida Supreme Court has paved the way for two state ballot amendments about stem cell research funding -- one that forces the state government to pay for embryonic stem cell research and another that prohibits it. Now all organizers of the competing proposals have to do is get enough signatures to qualify.
Illinois Lawmakers Stamp Stem Cell Research Plan, Central Illinois, 31 May 2007.
Illinois lawmakers have put their signatures on a plan to allow all types of stem cell research in the state. A plan to back research, including embryonic projects, sailed out of the Illinois House. It's now headed for Governor Rod Blagojevich's desk. He's a big stem cell supporter and is expected to sign it.
Stem Cell :: Human stem cell treatment restores motor function in paralyzed rats,, 31 May 2007.
Rats paralyzed due to loss of blood flow to the spine returned to near normal ambulatory function six weeks after receiving grafts of human spinal stem cells (hSSCs), researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine report.
In vitro comparison of the biological effects of three transfection methods for magnetically labeling mouse embryonic stem cells with ferumoxides, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 29 May 2007.
In vivo MRI of stem cells (SCs) is an emerging application to evaluate the role of cell therapy in restoring the injured myocardium. The high spatial and temporal resolution combined with iron-oxide-based intracellular labeling techniques will provide a sensitive, noninvasive, dual imaging modality for both cells and myocardium. In order to facilitate this novel imaging approach, much effort has been directed towards developing efficient transfection methods. While techniques utilizing poly-L-lysine (PLL), protamine sulfate (PS), and electroporation (ELP) have been proposed, the fundamental biological effects of these methods on mouse embryonic SCs (mESC) have not been investigated systematically. In this study a longitudinal in vitro evaluation of cellular viability, apoptosis, proliferation, and cardiac differentiation of magnetically labeled mESC was conducted. No significant difference was seen in these biological parameters among the three transfection methods. However, cardiac differentiation was most attenuated by ELP, and iron uptake was most effective by PS.
Towards hematopoietic reconstitution from embryonic stem cells: a sanguine future, Current Opinion in Hematology, July 2007.
The literature firmly establishes that it is possible to isolate HSCs and certain mature blood lineages from both mouse and human ESCs. Although several issues remain to be addressed, these data demonstrate the value of ESCs as a potential source of transplantable HSCs.
Expression of AML/Runx and ETO/MTG family members during hematopoietic differentiation of embryonic stem cells, Experimental Hematology, June 2007.
Runx1/AML1 plays important roles in hematopoiesis, including the commitment of cells to hematopoiesis during embryonic development, and in the maintenance of hematopoietic cell populations. It is also one of the most common genes involved in chromosomal translocations related to leukemia. One such translocation is t(8;21), which fuses the Runx1 gene to the MTG8/ETO gene and generates the Runx1-MTG8 (AML1-ETO) fusion gene. Both Runx1 and MTG8 have two additional family members that are much less studied in hematopoiesis. Here we report the expression of every member of the Runx and MTG families as well as the Runx heterodimerization partner CBFβ during hematopoietic differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells. We observed substantially increased expression of Runx1, Runx2, and MTG16 during hematopoietic differentiation. Furthermore, the increase in Runx2 expression is delayed relative to Runx1 expression, suggesting their possible sequential contribution to hematopoiesis.
May 25, 2007
National News and Commentary
UC Davis Researches Stem Cells with Other Institutions, The California Aggie, 23 May 2007.
Contributions to scientific research don't always come in the form of funding and high-tech laboratories, as a new agreement between UC Davis, UC Merced and the Buck Institute for Age Research will soon demonstrate. The UC Davis Health System's medical and ethical standards oversight committee will be responsible for reviewing stem cell research practices at the other two institutions. One main goal of the cooperative effort is to reduce the amount of funding, granted by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, directed toward establishing new oversight committees, according to a news release last week.
Hushlof Says He’s Seeking UM Position, Columbia Tribune, 24 May 2007.
Ending weeks of rumors, U.S. Rep Kenny Hulshof said yesterday he is in the running to be president of the University of Missouri system. Hulshof made the announcement as he left an hour-and-a-half interview with an advisory committee helping the UM Board of Curators pick the new president.
Activists Push Sununu to Change His Stand on Stem Cell Research, Union Leader, 24 May 2007
Activists renewed their criticism of Sen. John Sununu yesterday for opposing a bill that would ease restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.
National Academy of Sciences Bars Public From State Stem Cell Meeting,, 24 May 2007.
The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) today sent a letter to the president and the executive officer of the National Academy of Sciences protesting that the public was barred from a meeting of representatives of state public stem cell research programs at the National Academies' Beckman Center in Irvine, CA.
Calgary student's stem cell research wins Canada's top student science award, CNW Telbec, 24 May 2007.
A breakthrough project targeting stem cells in adults that account for the recurrence of cancer won the EnCana Best in Fair and the EnCana Platinum for Best Senior project at the 46th Canada-Wide
Science Fair. Emily Cooley, an 18-year-old grade 12 student from Queen Elizabeth Junior Senior High School in Calgary, won the prestigious award which comes with a $10,000 cash award.
Vivalis Grants Glaxosmithkline a Commercial License to Develop and Market Human Flu Fvaccines Based on ebx® Cell Line Technology, Company News, 24 May 2007.
Vivalis announced today the signature of an agreement with GlaxoSmithKline ("GSK") to develop and commercialise new human influenza vaccines based on VIVALIS' proprietary EBx® cell line technology. Under this worldwide collaboration and license agreement, VIVALIS will participate in the vaccine process development, and GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, the global vaccine division of GSK will be entitled to use VIVALIS' avian embryonic stem cell derived ebx® cell lines and related technologies to produce seasonal and pandemic human flu vaccines. Updates Outlooks on Stem Cell Companies,, 22 May 2007.
An online investment newsletter focused on long- term growth and income-generating stocks, announced today that it has provided subscribers with a detailed report updating outlooks on stem cell companies including Geron , Aastrom Biosciences , and ViaCell.
Stem Cell Dilemma a Job for Congress, Boston Herald, 22 May 2007.
Under an order issued by President Bush on April 20, 2001, federal funds could only be used on human embryonic stem cell lines that existed as of that date. Going forward no human embryo could be used in research and qualify for National Institutes of Health grants. There was no such prohibition on privately funded stem cell research, but there could be no intermingling of the two. Herald business reporter Jay Fitzgerald found that such dual research tracks must not merely navigate a thicket of regulation, it wastes millions of dollars as researchers who want to take advantage of federal funds have to set up dual facilities.
International News
Stem Cell Labs Deliver Medicines of the Future, The University of Manchester News, 23 May 2007.
New state-of-the-art laboratories that will allow scientists to make stem cells and turn them into tissue suitable for human transplantation will be officially opened at The University of Manchester today.
Number of China’s Stem Cell Donors Doubles in a Year, China View, 23 May 2007.
The number of stem cell donors in China has nearly doubled over the past year after a promotion campaign by the Red Cross Society of China. "The number of donors registered in the China Bone Marrow Databank increased from 360,000 in March, 2006 to the present total of 650,000," said Wang Yanjing, an official in charge of stem cell donation with the Red Cross Society in north China's Hebei province
May 11, 2007
National News and Commentary
Budget too Tight For Stem-Cell Bill, The Lakeland Ledger, 5 May 2007.
Lawmakers quit the session without approving a bill backed by Gov. Charlie Crist to create a program to funnel state money into stem cell research.
Announcing an Educational Book on Stem Cell Research for People Who Don’t Have (or Want) a Degree in Biology, PR, 11 May 2007.
Without being overly academic, Right to Recover gives an accurate picture of the controversial field of embryonic (blastocystic) stem cell research and highlights the progress of therapies resulting from adult stem cell research as well as those from stem cells found in cord blood and amniotic fluid.
Stem Cell Opponent Endorsed, Columbia Tribune, 11 May 2007.
Democrats, including Sen. Chuck Graham, D-Columbia, were concerned about Rep. Bob Onder’s views against embryonic stem cell research. Graham said the appointment signaled the board wouldn’t pursue or support human life sciences research.
Stem Cell Company Plans Location in Bethlehem Twp., Penn Live, 11 May 2007.
A New York City-based company that offers adult stem cell collection and storage plans to open a facility in Bethlehem Township, Pa., a news release says. NeoStem Inc. would be the first such business in Eastern Pennsylvania and Western New Jersey, according to the news release from Azani Medical Spa, located on Emrick Boulevard in the township.
Massachusetts Proposes Stem Cell Research Grants, The New York Times, 8 May 2007.
Governor Deval Patrick on Tuesday unveiled a $1.25 billion proposal intended to help the state maintain its status as a pre-eminent place for stem cell research and other life sciences. The money would provide grants for university and hospital scientists, establish special research centers to make their work faster and more efficient, and train workers for biotechnology businesses.
Group Pushes State to Lift Restrictions on Stem Cell Research, The Oakland Press, 10 May 2007.
A bipartisan group is supporting proposed legislation to remove restrictions on embryonic stem cell research in Michigan, one of the last states in the nation not allowing such research. Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Louisiana and Arkansas are the only states left that have restrictions against embryonic stem cell research, said Marcia Baum, the executive director of Michigan Citizens for Stem Cell Research and Cures.
Stem Cell Trial Involves Austin Heart Patient,, 9 May 2007.
A clinical stem cell trial involving Austin patients has some doctors saying it may change medicine forever. The trial involves heart attack patients using adult stem cells. The stem cells are from the donated bone marrow of healthy adults.
Culture adaptation of embryonic stem cells echoes germ cell malignancy, International Journal of Andrology, 9 May 2007.
Teratocarcinomas are a subset of tumours that result from the neoplastic transformation of primordial germ cells. Such germ cell tumours (GCT) are histologically heterogeneous, reflecting a capacity for differentiation (pluripotency) of their embryonal carcinoma (EC) stem cells. However, malignant evolution of these tumours may ultimately correlate with a decrease in pluripotency, because this would tend to increase the propensity of EC cells for self-renewal. Human embryonic stem (ES) cells, derived from early blastocysts, closely resemble EC cells and, on prolonged culture in vitro, acquire progressive genetic changes that show striking similarity to those seen in GCT (e.g. gain of material from chromosome 12). In parallel, these abnormal ES cells show enhanced population growth rates and plating efficiencies, indicative of their adaptation to culture conditions. Understanding the mechanisms that drive such culture adaptation of ES cells may also provide insights into the development and progression of GCT.
Induction of oocyte-like cells from mouse embryonic stem cells by co-culture with ovarian granulosa cells, Differentiation, 9 May 2007.
Granulosa cells were effective in inducing the differentiation of ES cell-derived PGCs into oocyte-like cells through direct cell-to-cell contacts. Our method offers a novel in vitro system for studying oogenesis; in particular, for studying the interactions between PGCs and granulosa cells.
Generation of functional hemangioblasts from human embryonic stem cells, Nature Methods, 7 May 2007.
Here we describe an efficient and reproducible method for generating large numbers of these bipotential progenitors—known as hemangioblasts—from human embryonic stem (hES) cells using an in vitro differentiation system. Blast cells expressed gene signatures characteristic of hemangioblasts, and could be expanded, cryopreserved and differentiated into multiple hematopoietic lineages as well as into endothelial cells. When we injected these cells into rats with diabetes or into mice with ischemia-reperfusion injury of the retina, they localized to the site of injury in the damaged vasculature and appeared to participate in repair. Injection of the cells also reduced the mortality rate after myocardial infarction and restored blood flow in hind limb ischemia in mouse models. Our data suggest that hES-derived blast cells (hES-BCs) could be important in vascular repair.
Directed Differentiation And Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Motoneurons, Stem Cells, 3 May 2007.
These data provide evidence for in vivo survival of hESC-derived motoneurons, a key requirement in the development of hESC based cell therapy in motoneuron disease.
Generation of Functional Cardiomyocytes From Adult Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells, Circulation Research,
Scientists transplanted maGSCs into normal hearts of mice and found that maGSCs were able to proliferate and differentiate. No tumor formation was found up to 1 month after cell transplantation. Taken together, we believe that maGSCs provide a new source of distinct types of cardiomyocytes for basic research and potential therapeutic application.
International News
Treatments for Anti Aging, Diseases and Injuries through Stem Cell Therapies Provided by StemCell Pharma, Inc, the Featured Company on, Transworld News, 9 May 2007.
StemCell Pharma, Inc., a privately held corporation that provides treatments and therapies for anti aging, diseases and injuries through the implementation of stem cell implants, is the Featured Company on StemCell Pharma, Inc will also be appearing the TransWorldNews site in China.
Panel Submits Stem Cell Guidelines,, 9 May 2007.
A government panel, set up to frame stem cell guidelines in a bid to regulate research activity in this emerging sector, has submitted the final guidelines to the Health Ministry.
March Of Dimes Awards $250K Prize To Stem Cell Research, Reproductive Biology Pioneers, Medical News Today, 9 May 2007.
Two internationally renowned experts in mouse development have been chosen by the U.S. -based March of Dimes Foundation to receive the 2007 March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology. Janet Rossant, Ph.D., FRS, FRS(C) and Anne McLaren, DBE, D.Phil, FRS, FRCOG, will share the March of Dimes Prize for their remarkable contributions to science's understanding of the entire cycle of mammalian reproduction and development, using the mouse as a model system.
German Scientists Plead for More Access to Stem Cells, Deutsche Welle, 5 May 2007.A group of top German scientists called for lawmakers to relax restrictions on stem-cell research, warning that Germany risks losing its status as a leader in research -- not to mention lucrative contracts.
SCoPE News Roundup
May 18, 2007
National News and Commentary
First Maryland Stem-Cell Grants Awarded, The Houston Chronicle, 18 May 2007.
A Maryland stem cell commission handed out its first research grants, supporting work ranging from facial reconstruction to spinal cord repair. Two dozen Maryland researchers, more than half affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, were chosen Thursday from among 86 applicants.
Hurdle to Stem Cell Funds Cleared, Los Angeles Times, 17 May 2007.
The California Supreme Court gave final clearance Wednesday to California's landmark $3-billion stem cell research effort, declining to hear an appeal of two lower court rulings upholding the constitutionality of 2004's Proposition 71.
Patient-Specific Stem Cell Lines Sought, Science Daily, 16 May 2007.
University of California-Irvine neurobiologist Hans Keirstead and his team are using a nuclear transfer technique to pursue the goal that will allow scientists to better study conditions ranging from diabetes to Parkinson's disease and provide the basis for potential patient-specific stem cell treatments.
Mum is Stem Cell Saviour, Totally Jewish, 17 May 2007.
A mother-of-three from Borehamwood this week called on members of the Jewish community to join the bone marrow registry as she prepared to make a potentially life-saving donation of her stem cells.
Stem Cell Breakthrough Lifts Geron Corp., Ant & Sons, 17 May 2007.
Geron Corp. reported this morning that its scientists and collaborators at the University of Alberta have differentiated human embryonic stem cells clusters that secrete insulin in response to elevated glucose levels. The study to be published in the August edition of Stem Cells demonstrates the feasibility of producing therapeutic cell types for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. In 2006, Geron received a patent covering the production of insulin-secreting cells.
Regulating Stem Cell Research, RxPG News, 11 May 2007.
Regulations governing human stem cell research must strive to assure strict oversight while simultaneously fostering scientific innovation through collaboration, says a group of scientists from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), one of the world's largest supporters of such research.
MATC Teaches Stem Cell Skills, The Capital Times, 18 May 2007.
MATC's 20-year-old biotechnology program recently received human embryonic stem cells from WiCell through an agreement with the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation so students can learn lab techniques relating to the culture of stem cells
State Seeds Stem Cell Research Company Based on UW-Madison Research, University of Madison Wisconsin, 14 May 2007.
Gov. Jim Doyle presented Gabriela Cezar and Elizabeth Donley with a $1 million award to promote further development of Stemina Biomarker Discovery, a university spin-off company Cezar and Donley founded based on Cezar’s embryonic stem-cell research.
Stem Cell Lines Advance Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines, Labratorytalk, 16 May 2007.
Millipore has announced the availability of its MEL cell lines - licensed, low passage, human embryonic stem cells (hES) used in research for the treatment and potential cure of disabling and terminal diseases and conditions.
Effects of RAS on the genesis of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, Genes and Development, 17 May 2007.
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) is a devastating cancer with specific features of muscle differentiation that can result from mutational activation of RAS family members. However, to date, RAS pathway activation has not been reported in a majority of ERMS patients. Here, we have created a zebrafish model of RAS-induced ERMS, in which animals develop externally visible tumors by 10 d of life. Microarray analysis and cross-species comparisons identified two conserved gene signatures found in both zebrafish and human ERMS, one associated with tumor-specific and tissue-restricted gene expression in rhabdomyosarcoma and a second comprising a novel RAS-induced gene signature. Remarkably, our analysis uncovered that RAS pathway activation is exceedingly common in human RMS. We also created a new transgenic coinjection methodology to fluorescently label distinct subpopulations of tumor cells based on muscle differentiation status. In conjunction with fluorescent activated cell sorting, cell transplantation, and limiting dilution analysis, we were able to identify the cancer stem cell in zebrafish ERMS. When coupled with gene expression studies of this cell population, we propose that the zebrafish RMS cancer stem cell shares similar self-renewal programs as those found in activated satellite cells.
Generation of Insulin-producing Islet-like Clusters from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Stem Cells, 17 May 2007.
Geron Corporation reported that its scientists and collaborators at the University of Alberta have differentiated human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into islet-like clusters (ILCs) that secrete insulin in response to elevated glucose levels. The studies demonstrate the feasibility of producing therapeutic cell types from hESCs for the treatment of diabetes.
International News
Hybrid Embryos Get Go Ahead, Guardian Unlimited, 16 May 2006.
The British government has announced a U-turn on its ban on the creation of human-animal embryos and has now proposed allowing them to be used to develop new treatments for incurable diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Kalam Calls for More Stem Cell Research, The Hindu, 17 May 2007.
Calling for intensifying stem cell research in the country to address mental and physical problems, President A P J Abdul Kalam today said he was involved in such work with one of his students to deal with a genetic disorder.
Anglo-Israeli Tie Ups to Develop Cell Therapies For Lung Disease, Science Business, 16 May 2007.
UK stem cell specialist NovaThera Ltd announced a collaboration with its Israeli counterpart Gamida Cell Ltd aimed at developing cell therapies for lung repair and regeneration.
BMA Urges Against Merging Fertility and Transplantation Regulatory Bodies,, 18 May 2007.
Although the HFEA and the HTA have similarities, there are vast differences in the areas they cover. The complex and sensitive issues that surround reproduction and embryo research are very different from the equally complex and sensitive issues that relate to the retention and use of organs and tissues after death.
ReNeuron announces collaboration to enhance its stem cell expansion technology, Oxfordshire Bioscience Network, 18 May 2007
ReNeuron Group plc today announced that it has signed a Research Collaboration Agreement with Kings College London (KCL) to further develop the Company's c-mycERstem cell expansion technology. The research will be part-funded by the UK government under its Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme.
May 4, 2007
National News and Commentary
U.S. Supreme Court Decision Boosts Stem Cell Patent Challenge,, 4 May 2007.
A U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of KSR International Corp. on Monday strengthens challenges against overreaching human embryonic stem cell patents held by an affiliate of the University of Wisconsin, the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) and the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) said.
Dundee Joins £9.5M Stem Cell Research Collaboration Programme, Science Business, 4 May 2007.
ITI Life Sciences is very pleased to announce that it has reached its first technical milestone in its Stem Cell Technologies (SCT) R&D programme, and as a result Dundee University has joined the £9.5 million programme, which started in January 2007.
Differences Emerge as Republicans Debate, Los Angeles Times, 4 May 2007.
Sharing a stage for the first time, the 10 Republican presidential hopefuls alternated between tough talk and optimism Thursday night as they wrapped themselves in the conservative mantle of the party's patron saint and their spiritual host, Ronald Reagan. They managed to spell out their differences on a variety of issues, including abortion, stem cell research and congressional intervention in the Terri Schiavo right-to-die case.
House Committee Passes Stem Cell Bill, Delaware Online, 3 May 2007.
A bill regulating embryonic stem cell research in Delaware will get a chance this year to actually do just that when it reaches the House floor for debate. On a 6-2 vote, the House Health and Human Development Committee voted to send Senate Bill 5 to the full House as is.
Stem Cell Institute Names Acting President, Sacramento Business Journal, 4 May 2007.
The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine has named Lori Hoffmann as acting president following the announcement that Zach Hall would resign earlier than expected. Hoffman became chief finance and administrative officer in November, and will serve as president until a permanent replacement is named by CIRM's board.
Advanced Cell Technology and Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Announce Commercial License Agreement, Pharma Live, 2 May 2007.
Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. (OTCBB:ACTC - News) today announced an expanded, non-exclusive commercialization agreement with Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). The expanded agreement grants Advanced Cell rights to the commercial use of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to develop human therapies, with the exception of neuronal, pancreatic beta cells, and cardiac applications, and enables the marketing of a broad array of research products. This agreement bolsters Advanced Cell's existing patent estate which currently consists of over 380 owned or licensed patents and patent applications worldwide by granting commercial access to an additional 150 important stem cell technology patents and patent applications.
NYC Biotech Firm Gets Stem Cell Licenses, New York, 2 May 2007.
The state Department of Health issued two provisional licenses to NeoStem Inc. that will allow the Manhattan company to start commercializing its stem cell collection services in New York City.
Stem Cell Measure Defeated, Columbia Tribune, 1 May 2007.
A resolution that would have allowed voters to essentially overturn a recently passed amendment protecting embryonic stem cell research was voted down in the House Rules Committee. The move could prove fatal to the measure’s chances this legislative session.
Alleged U.S. Stem Cell Fraudsters Shielded by South African Legal Logjam, ABC News, 28 April 2007.
Two Americans wanted by the FBI for allegedly administering fraudulent stem cell treatments, are avoiding extradition from their current home in South Africa to the United States to face charges.
Increased stem cell proliferation in the spinal cord of adult amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transgenic mice, Journal of Neurochemistry, 30 April 2007.
There is significantly increased gliogenesis, but an absence of convincing neurogenesis. The fact that the neurodegenerative process stimulates a regenerative response suggests that the adult spinal cord has at least limited ability for regeneration. Further studies will determine if this endogenous regenerative process can be enhanced and directed so as to slow or even reverse the natural progression of this devastating disease.
Bypassing genomic imprinting allows seed development, Nature, 29 April 2007.
These data provide functional evidence that the action of the FIS complex balances the contribution of the paternal genome. As flowering plants have evolved a special reproduction system with a parallel fusion of two female with two male gametes, our findings support the hypothesis that only with the evolution of double fertilization did the action of the FIS genes become a requirement for seed development. Furthermore, our data argue for a gametophytic origin of endosperm in flowering plants, thereby supporting a hypothesis raised in 1900 by Eduard Strasburger.
Environmental signals regulate lineage choice and temporal maturation of neural stem cells from human embryonic stem cells., Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 2 May 2007.
This study highlights the role of environmental signals in determining both lineage commitment and temporal maturation of human neural stem cells. Controlled manipulation of environmental signals appropriate to the pathological specificity of the targeted disease will be necessary in the design of therapeutic stem cell-based strategies.
Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Embryoid Bodies Generate Progenitors That Integrate Long Term into Renal Proximal Tubules In Vivo, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2 May 2007.
Defined differentiation of ES cells into embryoid bodies with Activin-A and selection for T expression provides a means to isolate and purify renal proximal tubular progenitor cells with the potential for safe use in regenerative therapies.
International News
Bracks to sell Stem Cell Plan to Governator,, 4 May 2007.
Victorian Premier Steve Bracks will ask Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to invest in Melbourne's stem cell research now that new therapeutic cloning laws have been passed.
Cloning Bill Gets Go Ahead, Herald Sun, 4 May 2007.
The passage of controversial therapeutic cloning laws in Victoria has sparked hope for medical researchers and anger from anti-cloning lobby groups.
Israeli Firms Get Michael J. Fox Foundation Grants, Jewish Journal, 4 May 2007.
Two Israeli companies working on treatments for Parkinson's disease have been awarded grants by the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Cell Cure Neurosciences and Proneuron Biotechnologies were awarded $660,000 and $430,000, respectively, under a new program started by the foundation to recognize that breakthrough research is being done in industry.
April 27, 2007
National News and Commentary
California Stem Cell Research Agency President Steps Down Now,, 23 April 2007.
The head of the California state agency that will ultimately spend about $3 billion on human cloning and embryonic stem cell research stepped down last week. Zach Hall indicated he would resign from the position at the end of the month rather than in June, as he previously planned.
Backers to Strategize on Stem-Cell Bill, Denver Post, 24 April 2007.
Leaders of a congressional effort to boost embryonic stem-cell research will huddle soon to develop strategies for passing their bill around President Bush's promised veto. One option is adding the legislation to a bill Bush will have a harder time vetoing.
Stem Cell Research Bill Passes Senate,, 25 April 2007.
University of Minnesota researchers could use taxpayer funds to conduct stem cell research through the destruction of human embryos, according to a bill approved today by the Senate. DFL lawmakers in supporting the bill said the state investment is needed to put Minnesota back on top when it comes to medical research. Opponents countered that any research that requires the destruction of human embryos is unethical and perhaps already illegal in Minnesota. The 36-26 vote is the first of two needed in the Senate. Similar support from the House is expected, and would set up a showdown with Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who has threatened a veto.
Stem Cell Therapy: A Ray of Hope for Diabetics and Researchers, Press Zoom, 25 April 2007.
The results of the stem cell therapy given to teenagers and young adults suffering from Type-1 diabetes were described to be “very encouraging” by the two researchers - Richard Burt of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, and University of Sao Paulo’s Julio Voltarelli. The patients, on whom the test was done, could discontinue taking insulin following the successful knock out of their malfunctioning immune systems. The treatment also reconstructed them from their own stem cells.
Stem Cell Labs Stuck in Limbo, San Jose Business Journal, 27 /April 2007.
A lack of lab space is slowing research to create medical treatments based on embryonic stem cells authorized by California's Proposition 71, scientists say. The shortage is injecting complexity into what is already a complex subject, complicated by a ban imposed by the Bush administration on using federal money to study certain embryonic stem cell lines.
Agency to Propose Lifting Stem Cell Limits, The Boston Globe, 25 April 2007.
The state Department of Public Health will propose this morning the scrapping of restrictions on stem cell research that generated widespread concern among scientists who feared criminal penalties for conducting certain kinds of laboratory work.
Stem-Cell Amendment Fails in Senate, Radio Iowa News, 27 April 2007.
The Iowa Senate on Thursday approved funding for various building projects, including a new bio-medical research facility at the University of Iowa. Jerry Behn , a Republican senator from Boone, sought to add an amendment to ban on a certain type of stem-cell research, a cloning technique known as somatic cell transfer, from being done at the new facility. He called the research a "slippery slope."
Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into functional hepatic cells, Hepatology, 26 April 2007.
This describes an efficient way to direct the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into cells that exhibit characteristics of mature hepatocytes. Our studies should facilitate searching the molecular mechanisms underlying human liver development, and form the basis for hepatocyte transplantation and drug tests.
Non–cell autonomous effect of glia on motor neurons in an embryonic stem cell–based ALS model, Nature Neurology, 1 May 2007.
Here we report an in vitro model system for studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from mice carrying normal or mutant transgenic alleles of the human SOD1 gene were used to generate motor neurons by in vitro differentiation. These motor neurons could be maintained in long-term coculture either with additional cells that arose during differentiation or with primary glial cells. Motor neurons carrying either the nonpathological human SOD1 transgene or the mutant SOD1G93A allele showed neurodegenerative properties when cocultured with SOD1G93A glial cells. Thus, our studies demonstrate that glial cells carrying a human SOD1G93A mutation have a direct, non–cell autonomous effect on motor neuron survival. More generally, our results show that ESC-based models of disease provide a powerful tool for studying the mechanisms of neural degeneration. These phenotypes displayed in culture could provide cell-based assays for the identification of new ALS drugs.
Generation of a defined and uniform population of CNS progenitors and neurons from mouse embryonic stem cells, Nature Protocol, 1 May 2007.
*See attached pdf
International News
Malaysia to be Stem Cell Producer’s Global Hub, Therapeutics Daily, 22 April 2007.
Malaysia is set to become the global hub for stem cell transplantation following a decision by the world's largest manufacturer of stem cells to site its main manufacturing plant here soon.
EU Lawmakers Back Rules for Stem Cell, Other Cures, The Washington Post, 25 April 2007.
European lawmakers backed new rules for stem cell and other advanced medical therapies on Wednesday, despite opposition from a key member of the European Parliament. The European Union legislature rejected so-called ethical amendments to the regulation that will create a centralized process for approving new tissue and cell engineering therapies.
Stem Cell Bank to be Opened in City by Malaysian Joint Venture, Vietnam News, 23 April 2007.
A stem cell bank will be opened in Viet Nam under an agreement signed last Friday in HCM City by the Ngoc Tam Hospital Joint Stock Co and Malaysia’s CryoCord Co. The planned bank would store stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood and other sources, as well as research their application in the treatment of disease.
Stem cell Therapy Enters Aesthetic Medicine, Newswire, 26 April 2007.
Breast enlargement, treatment of wrinkles and facial rejuvenation now can be achieved with highly improved success rates. "For some time we have known, that stem cells exist in fat and that we remove these cells in liposuction,", says Vienna based cosmetic surgeon DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, "We have learned what we can do with these valuable living cells and as a result we now harvest them instead of dumping them." DDr. Heinrich successfully uses stem cell therapy in his institute (Clinic Dr. Heinrich). That makes him the first in Europe to take this pioneering step.
April 20, 2007
National News and Commentary
Adoptive Parents of Girl Frozen as Embryo Battle Embryonic Stem Cell Research, LifeSite, 19 April 2007.
A couple who adopted their two-year-old daughter as a frozen embryo left stored in a fertility clinic freezer, are now using their story to fight against legislation that would permit research using human embryos, the Dialog reported April 16.
Michigan House Takes Up Embryonic Stem-Cell Research,, 20 April 2007.
A package of three bills that would lift restrictions on stem-cell research in Michigan and increase penalties for cloning was unveiled Thursday.
Patent Ruling Doesn’t Tarnish Wisconsin’s Stem Cell Research, Wisconsin Technology Network, 20 April 2007.
Concern apparently has been voiced across the state that the recent U.S. Patent and Trademark Office decisions rejecting three patents held by the patenting and licensing arm of the University of Wisconsin could be a devastating blow to the state's acknowledged leadership in stem cell research.
State Politics & Policy | Actions Taken on Stem Cell-Related Legislation in Florida, Maryland, Texas, Kaiser Network, 19 April 2007.
The Senate Commerce Committee on Monday approved a bill (SB 750), sponsored by Sen. Steven Geller (D), that would provide no less than $20 million annually for embryonic, amniotic and adult stem cell research for 10 years. The General Assembly earlier this month approved a $30 billion budget for fiscal year 2008 that allocates $23 million for stem cell research. The House State Affairs Committee last week approved a bill (HB 225) that would prohibit the use of state funds for biomedical research if that research was banned from receiving federal funding as of Jan. 1.
Article: “Despite Senate Victory, Stem Cell Prospects ‘Bleak‘”, Institute for Public Affairs, 19 April 2007.
A broad coalition of Jewish groups applauded last week's Senate passage of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, which would open the door to federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. But statements praising the Senate action barely concealed a deep gloom. Senate sponsors, while winning a majority, could not muster a veto-proof margin.
Release Key to Cures: Federal Funding For Stem Cell Research, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 19 April 2007.
The past few weeks have given the millions of Americans who suffer from a long list of devastating diseases reason to hope. New York is on the verge of making a historic commitment to stem cell science, and Congress will soon attempt to lift restrictions on federal funding for this important research.
Stem Cell Dispute Tinges Debate on Other Issues, STLToday, 19 April 2007.
Jockeying between opponents and supporters of such research is affecting the debate over several matters that, on the surface, might appear to be unrelated. That includes some business incentive measures and Gov. Matt Blunt's proposal to sell off some of the assets of the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority.
Establishment and characterization of two new human embryonic stem cell lines, SYSU-1 and SYSU-2, Chinese Medical Journal, 5 April 2007.
Two new human embryonic stem cell lines have been established from surplus embryos. They can be used to understand selfrenewal and differentiating mechanisms and provide more choices for regenerative medicine.
Gametes from Embryonic Stem Cells: A Cup Half Empty or Half Full?, Science, 20 April 2007.
When first reported 4 years ago, gametogenesis from embryonic stem (ES) cells promised an accessible in vitro model to facilitate molecular analysis of the germ lineage. Formation of primordial germ cells is robust, but terminal gametogenesis remains inefficient and doubts about gamete function persist. Although useful for research, clinical use of ES cell-derived gametes appears a distant prospect.
A method for genetic modification of human embryonic stem cells using electroporation, Nature Protocols, 5 April 2007.
The ability to genetically modify human embryonic stem cells (HESCs) will be critical for their widespread use as a tool for understanding fundamental aspects of human biology and pathology and for their development as a platform for pharmaceutical discovery. Here, we describe a method for the genetic modification of HESCs using electroporation, the preferred method for introduction of DNA into cells in which the desired outcome is gene targeting. This report provides methods for cell amplification, electroporation, colony selection and screening. The protocol we describe has been tested on four different HESC lines, and takes approximately 4 weeks from electroporation to PCR screening of G418-resistant clones.
International News
UK Launches National Stem Cell Network, Cordis News, 20 April 2007.
The UK has launched a new network to coordinate and promote the country's stem cell research effort. By coordinating the work of the various disciplines working on stem cell research, the new UK National Stem Cell Network (UKNSCN) hopes to enhance basic research and increase the rate at which research results are translated into new therapies for diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes.
Firm Hopes 2007 is Year of Stem Cell, St. Petersburg Times, 19 April 2007.
2007 could be the year when Trans-Technologies finally gets permission for the use of stem cell technologies in medical clinics. The St. Petersburg-based company has spent the last five years researching the field and now hopes to commercialize its discoveries.
Stem Cell Research: The Art of the Possible, Express Healthcare, 19 April 2007.
From a few institutes two years back, today over 30 institutions are involved in stem cell research, and India too has joined the ranks. "The Government has invested $8 million on stem cell research over the last two years. Now several Government agencies too are supporting this," says Dr Alka Sharma, Principal Scientific Officer, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi.
Friday, April 13, 2007
National News and Commentary
Stem Cell Debate, WHP-CBS, 12 April 2007.
The U.S. Senate has voted, nearly two-to-one, in support of more federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
American Diabetes Association lauds Senate for passage of Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, Medical News, 13 April 2007.
The American Diabetes Association has issued a statement in response to the passage by the Senate of the "Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act" (S.5), which will accelerate stem cell research by easing existing funding restrictions and supporting research that uses embryonic stem cells, while maintaining strict ethical guidelines.
Bush, Opposing Stem Cell Research Bill, Says Resist ‘Temptation to Manipulate Life’, International Herald Tribune, 13 April 2007.
President George W. Bush, at the national Catholic prayer breakfast, stressed his opposition to easing restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research, a reference to a bill he has threatened to veto.
Like Congress, Min. Lawmakers Grapple with Stem Cell Bill, West Central Tribune, 13 April 2007.
Mirroring a debate in full bloom in Washington, lawmakers in Minnesota are nearing final votes on legislation that would permit state spending on embryonic stem cell research.
Advocates Say Expanding Stem Cell Research Could Boost Economy, Houston Chronicle, 12 April 2007.
Texas risks missing out on billions of dollars in economic benefits and tens of thousands of jobs if it does not create a more welcoming atmosphere for stem cell research, according to a study released on Thursday by advocates of the emerging field.
Robust & Reliable Stem Cell Viability Testing, Bioresearch Online, 12 April 2007.
Experts in stem cell storage, Cells4Life Ltd., using a Personal Cellular Analysis (PCA) system from Guava Technologies Inc., established a robust and reliable testing protocol for all umbilical cord blood samples upon arrival at its laboratory before freezing. Using the Guava PCA system, Cells4Life is able to ensure that only samples containing a high percentage of viable (living) cells are cryopreserved for storage.
LSI to Host May Symposium: Frontiers in Stem Cell Biology, WebWire, 13 April 2007.
Top researchers specializing in stem cell biology will discuss their latest findings at the Life Sciences Institute’s sixth annual symposium: Frontiers in Stem Cell Biology. The symposium is co-sponsored with the University of Michigan Center for Stem Cell Biology.
Stem Cell Therapy Shows Promise for Cardiac Treatment, Austin Business Journal, 12 April 2007.
Preliminary results of a stem cell therapy trial for heart and lung function are now in. The trial was conducted by the Heart Hospital of Austin along with nine other cardiac centers nationwide. According to six-month data on the trial, heart attack patients who received the Provacel therapy had improvements in heart and lung function compared to those who received a placebo.
Divided We Fail: The Need for National Stem Cell Funding, Center for American Progress, 12 April 2007.
States have made valiant attempts to advance stem cell research, but they cannot replace federal support. States lack the revenue, infrastructure, and incentives to properly promote basic research on their own, especially with federal policies that limit collaboration, impede their funding, and fail to provide guidelines for moving forward with research.
WARF Is Likely To Hold On To Stem Cell Patent Rights, Wisconsin Technology network, 12 April 2007.
A look at the facts in the dispute over three important University of Wisconsin stem cell patents - and the history behind similar disputes - shows a strong likelihood that the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation will retain all of its patent rights, even if some of its claims are changed or cancelled.
Doctor Scrutinized For Stem Cell Treatment, The Orange County Register, 12 April 2007.
A Mission Viejo doctor has been accused by the state of failing to cooperate with an investigation into an experimental stem cell treatment for a child.
Another Stem Cell Fraud Surfaces, The Hindu, 12 April 2007.
Even as the U.S. senate debates on expanding federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, it may be remembered that the claims professed in many papers of adult stem cells becoming any specialised cells should be taken with a pinch of salt. That is even when the claims are published in reputed peer-reviewed journals.
Females’ Regenerating Advantage, The Journal of Cell Biology, 9 April 2007.
The group shows that female muscle stem cells are better than their male counterparts at regenerating lost muscle.
Monitoring and analysis of dynamic growth of human embryonic stem cells: comparison of automated instrumentation and conventional culturing methods, Biomedical Engineering, 12 April 2007.
The new automated system enables rapid and reliable analysis of undifferentiated growth dynamics of hESCs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the system by comparing hESC growth in different culture conditions.
Zic3 Is Required for Maintenance of Pluripotency in Embryonic Stem Cells Formula, Molecular biology of the Cell, April 2007.
Zic3 may prevent endodermal marker expression through Nanog-regulated pathways. Thus our results extend the ES cell transcriptional network beyond Oct4, Nanog, and Sox2, and further establish that Zic3 plays an important role in the maintenance of pluripotency by preventing endodermal lineage specification in embryonic stem cells.
Differential Lipolytic Regulation in Human Embryonic Stem Cell–derived Adipocytes, Obesity, April 2007.
In contrast to primary human adipocytes, hESC-derived adipocytes showed a very small response to classical ß-adrenergic agonists, although they expressed the major genes in the lipolytic cascade. In contrast, there was a significant lipolytic response to atrial natriuretic peptide. Although hESC-derived adipocytes seem to be morphologically and expressionally similar to mature adipocytes, there are important functional differences that could depend on their early developmental origin. We conclude that, in contrast to mature adipocytes, hESC-derived adipocytes display a differential response to atrial natriuretic peptide and catecholamines.
The Neuropeptide Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide Exerts Anti-Apoptotic and Differentiating Effects during Neurogenesis: Focus on Cerebellar Granule Neurones and Embryonic Stem Cells, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, May 2007.
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) was originally isolated from ovine hypothalamus on the basis of its hypophysiotrophic activity. It has subsequently been shown that PACAP and its receptors are widely distributed in the central nervous system of adult mammals, indicating that PACAP may act as a neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator. It has also been found that PACAP and its receptors are expressed in germinative neuroepithelia, suggesting that PACAP could be involved in neurogenesis. There is now compelling evidence that PACAP exerts neurotrophic activities in the developing cerebellum and in embryonic stem (ES) cells. In particular, the presence of PACAP receptors has been demonstrated in the granule layer of the immature cerebellar cortex, and PACAP has been shown to promote survival, inhibit migration and activate neurite outgrowth of granule cell precursors. In cerebellar neuroblasts, PACAP is a potent inhibitor of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway through activation of the MAPkinase extracellular regulated kinase. ES cells and embryoid bodies (EB) also express PACAP receptors and PACAP facilitates neuronal orientation and induces the appearance of an electrophysiological activity. Taken together, the anti-apoptotic and pro-differentiating effects of PACAP characterised in cerebellar neuroblasts as well as ES and EB cells indicate that PACAP acts not only as a neurohormone and a neurotransmitter, but also as a growth factor.
April 6, 2007
National News and Commentary
DeGette’s Stem-Cell Bill Heads for Vote, The Denver Post, 4 April 2007.
Rep. Diana DeGette's bill lifting restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research is slated for a Senate vote next week, packaged with items aimed at preventing a repeat presidential veto.
Coleman Stem Cell Bill to Come Up For Vote Next Week,, 6 April 2007.
The Senate is scheduled to take up legislation next week by Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., which he says will expand funding for stem cell research while ensuring that no human embryos are harmed. Coleman initially introduced his Hope Offered through Principled and Ethical Stem Cell Research Act, or HOPE Act, in January, but made some tweaks to the legislation in hopes of building more support for it. He recently reintroduced the bill with Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga.
Stem Cell Injections Helping East Troy Girl Cope with Gene Disorder, Gazette Xtra, 6 April 2007.
Brooke suffers from glucose transporter deficiency (GLUT-1), a spontaneous gene mutation that leaves her with cerebral palsy-like symptoms and delayed brain development. Speech for Brooke is difficult and limited to strings of up to three words. She can't yet walk on her own, and standing without holding onto something is a challenge. Brooke received six stem cell injections containing about 60 million stem cells developed from the umbilical cord blood of Chinese babies. It's a procedure unavailable in the United States. After the third injection, her speech drastically improved.
Patrick Pushes Stem Cells, The Harvard Gazette, 6 April 2007.
Gov. Deval L. Patrick ’78 announced last Friday that he will push to reverse restrictions on stem cell research that were imposed by his predecessor, Mitt Romney.
Senate Committee Passes Embryonic Stem Cell Funding, Florida Baptist Witness, 5 April 2007.
The Florida Senate Health Policy Committee approved on March 27 SB 750, which provides state funding for destructive embryonic stem cell research. The bill is sponsored by Senate minority leader Sen. Steven Geller, D-Cooper City. In a matter of a few minutes at the very end of its scheduled meeting, the committee also approved an alternative stem cell funding bill, SB 2496, sponsored by Sen. Mike Haridopolos, R-Melbourne, only to find out after the fact that the committee vote came after the meeting time had expired, resulting in the measure not actually passing out of committee. Haridoplos's bill is the governor's legislation permitting stem cell research only among ethical sources, which would not include embryonic stem cells.
More Govs Boost Stem Cell Research, Info Zine, 6 April 2007.
Last week, New York's Eliot Spitzer won legislative approval for $600 million for stem cell research and Deval Patrick of Massachusetts began trying to undo a state regulation that hinders the research there. Iowa Gov. Chet Culver signed a law in February repealing that state's ban on the nascent science.
Stem Cell Funding in the Balance, Gazette.Net, 6 April 2007.
Maryland’s new Stem Cell Commission has reached the end of its first-year cycle and is ready to distribute $15 million to researchers at its next meeting on April 25.
PTO Rejects Human Stem Cell Patents at Behest of Consumer Groups,, 4 April 2007.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has upheld challenges by consumer advocates to three over-reaching patents on human embryonic stem cells and rejected patent claims by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) said today.
Identification and Characterization of Mouse Cochlear Stem Cells, Developmental Neuroscience, April 2007.
These researchers have isolated “cochlear stem cells” located in the inner ear and already primed for development into ear-related tissue due to their proximity to the ear and expression of certain genes necessary for the development of hearing.
Telomere and Telomeras In Stem Cells, Nature, 10 April 2007.
Telomeres, guanine-rich tandem DNA repeats of the chromosomal end, provide chromosomal stability, and cellular replication causes their loss. In somatic cells, the activity of telomerase, a reverse transcriptase that can elongate telomeric repeats, is usually diminished after birth so that the telomere length is gradually shortened with cell divisions, and triggers cellular senescence. In embryonic stem cells, telomerase is activated and maintains telomere length and cellular immortality; however, the level of telomerase activity is low or absent in the majority of stem cells regardless of their proliferative capacity. Thus, even in stem cells, except for embryonal stem cells and cancer stem cells, telomere shortening occurs during replicative ageing, possibly at a slower rate than that in normal somatic cells. Recently, the importance of telomere maintenance in human stem cells has been highlighted by studies on dyskeratosis congenital, which is a genetic disorder in the human telomerase component. The regulation of telomere length and telomerase activity is a complex and dynamic process that is tightly linked to cell cycle regulation in human stem cells. Here we review the role of telomeres and telomerase in the function and capacity of the human stem cells.
Restriction Landmark Genome Scanning identifies culture-induced DNA methylation instability in the human embryonic stem cell epigenome, Human Molecular Genetics, 4 April 2007.
Current methods of hESC propagation can rapidly programme stable and unpredictable epigenetic changes in the stem cell genome. This highlights the need for 1) novel screening strategies to determine the experimental utility and biosafety of hESCs and 2) optimisation and standardization of procedures for the derivation and culture of hESC lines that minimize culture-induced instability.
International News
Weizmann Prof to Speak on Stem Cell Panel, The Canadian Jewish News, 5 April 2007.
Renowned scientists from Israel and Canada will be sharing their insights on stem cell research during an upcoming event at the Windsor Arms Hotel in Toronto. The evening, titled Stem Cell Research: Issues, Opportunities and Promise, will feature presentations by three prominent researchers, followed by a dessert reception.
Stem-Cell Registry to Boost New Therapies,, 3 April 2007.
The Commission decided on 29 March 2007 to fund the creation of a European registry for human embryonic stem-cell lines with some €1 million EU-funding from the Sixth Research Framework Programme (FP6). Keeping a register of all existing lines is expected to enhance the co-ordination, efficiency and rationalisation of human embryonic stem-cell research in Europe as it will provide a platform to allow the monitoring of existing research and ensure that the lines are better used by scientists.
March 30, 2007
National News and Commentary
Scientists Plan Interspecies Cloning,, 25 March 2007.
Cloning pioneer Ian Wilmut and three teams of U.K. scientists have asked their government for permission to restart cloning research, which they argue will eliminate the need for women volunteers to take fertility drugs in order to donate their eggs to science.
European Commission Creates Registry for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines, Eurofunding Mag, 29 March 2007.
The European Commission has today agreed funding for the creation of a European registry for human embryonic stem cell lines. The main objective of this new initiative, funded through the EU's Research Framework Programme, is to provide comprehensive information about all human embryonic stem cells lines available in Europe.
Senate Human Cloning Ban Reintroduced as Stem Cell Research Returns,, 29 March 2007.
As the Senate prepares to tackle the thorny issue of forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research in the coming weeks, two senators are reintroducing a bill that would institute a national ban on all forms of human cloning.
Stem Cell Research Niche, Hartford Courant, 26 March 2007.
Wedged between UConn and Yale, the powerhouses of stem cell research in the state, two Wesleyan University professors are working to determine whether these building blocks of life can be used to treat epilepsy. The research being done by Jan Naegele and Laura Grabel involves implanting embryonic stem cells into the brains of mice that experience epileptic seizures
NIH Chief Pushing For Further Stem Cell Research, eCanada Now, 30 March 2007.
The National Institutes of Health has made a bold move stating that they want the ban on stem cell research funding by the government to be lifted so that they can push forward with more stem cell research. Dr. Elias Zerhouni, the director of the NIH stated that he believes that not allowing the research to go on is stopping medical breakthroughs from being discovered.
Startup Plureon Receives up to $4M Boost for Stem Cell Research, WRAL, 27 March 2007.
Plureon Corp.'s efforts in stem cell research are going to receive a boost, worth up to $4 million, from the National Institutes of Health.
In the first attempt to track ethical oversight activity among U.S. research institutions engaged in human embryonic stem cell research, a survey done by UConn’s Office of Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) finds that a majority have, or plan to establish, special ethics review panels for this research.
Breast Cancer, Stem Cell Research Said Cutting Edge in Israel, Jewish Review, 1 April 2007.
Hadassah Hospital's Dr. Miriam Sklair-Levy spoke to Portland and Vancouver women March 21 about Hadassah's state-of-the-art breast cancer imaging technology and stem cell research unrestricted by the national government.
Sklair-Levy, who works in Hadassah's Department of Radiology and specializes in breast cancer imaging, spoke about the constantly evolving imaging technology at Hadassah Hospital
NeoStem Names Renowned National Security Adviser, Author and News Commentator Dr. Neil C. Livingstone to Advisory Board,, 30 March 2007.
NeoStem, Inc. (OTCBB:NEOI), the first company to specialize in the collection, processing and storage of stem cells from healthy adult donors for personal use in times of critical medical need, today announced that Dr. Neil C. Livingstone has joined the Company's Advisory Board.
High-Throughput Identification of Genes Promoting Neuron Formation and Lineage Choice in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells, Stem Cells, 30 March 2007.
This is a simple, fast and generally applicable strategy for the identification of genes promoting the formation of any specific cell type from embryonic stem cells.
Bioprocessing of Embryonic Stem Cells for Drug Discovery, Trends in Biotechnology, 26 March 2007.
This article provides an overview of current bioprocessing techniques that could be used to generate cells for drug discovery applications. This will generate further technical expertise that can be applied in the production of cells for potential therapeutic applications.
The Egg Trade — Making Sense of the Market for Human Oocytes, The New England Journal of Medicine, 29 March 2007.
In April 2005, the National Academy of Sciences published its Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, recommending that no payment be provided for donating oocytes for research. This article explores the policies and ethics surrounding paying women for their eggs for SCNT research.
Protection of Visual Functions by Human Neural Progenitors in a Rat Model of Retinal Disease, Public Library of Science ONE, March 2007.
Stem cell therapy has been proposed as a route for reversing the effects of many degenerative diseases. This study explores the feasibility of such treatment using an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa, the Royal College of Surgeons rat. Human neuronal progenitor cells both incorporated normally into the eyes of these rats and rescued their visual function.
19F magnetic resonance imaging for stem/progenitor cell tracking with multiple unique perfluorocarbon nanobeacons, The FASEB Journal, 30 March 2007.
Researchers have found a new technique that allows stem cells to be tracked as they move through the body, potentially allowing a greater understanding of regenerative medicines. The researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have described a new technique that uses liquid perfluorocarbon nanoparticle labelling of stem cells to track their migration to tumour vasculatures after they are injected into mice models.
Heart Attack Patients Treated With Novel Stem Cell Therapy Experience Significant Improvement In Heart And Lung Function, Medical News Today, 30 March 2007.
Heart attack patients who received an new intravenous adult stem cell therapy, Provacel™, experienced a lower number of adverse events, such as cardiac arrhythmias, and had significant improvements in heart, lung and global function compared to those who received a placebo, according to six-month Phase I study data presented at the American College of Cardiology's Innovation in Intervention: i2Summit in New Orleans on March 25.
International News
Increased Funding and Developing Regulatory Framework Provide Impetus to Stem Cell Therapeutics Market, Business Wire India, 26 March 2007.
Stem cell research is among the most exciting frontiers of medical science as it promises to cure a number of debilitating disorders. Not surprisingly then, several start-ups with innovative research programmes covering a wide range of therapeutic disorders have already been established. And, despite several regulatory, social, ethical, scientific and financial hurdles, funding increases and developing regulatory frameworks are supporting the expansion of the global stem cell therapeutics market.
March 23, 2007
National News and Commentary
Panel Declines Stem Cell Language, The Ledger, 21 March 2007.
A House committee backed away from language tucked into a medical research bill that would have prohibited state money from going toward embryonic stem cell research. Rep. Aaron Bean proposed removing it from the broader bill because it would have been controversial and could have bogged down the larger bill.
Science Institute Attracts Researchers, Ozarks Local News, 22 March 2007.
With a modern mix of limestone and glass on the outside and a cutting-edge scientific playground on the inside, the Stowers Institute has proven to be an alluring stop for scientists who otherwise might have passed on Kansas City.
Senate OKs Stem Cell Donation Bank, Savannah Morning News, 20 March 2007.
The Georgia Senate on Tuesday passed and sent to the House a bill designed to increase the amount of stem cells made available from postnatal tissues and fluids.
Delay is Urged on Stem Cell Cloning Grant, San Fransisco Chronicle, 23 March 2007.
Two consumer watchdog groups called Thursday for the California stem cell program to put a hold on a $2.6 million cloning grant announced last week for a Los Angeles research enterprise that the groups say is linked to ethical lapses involving a South Korean fertility specialist.
Stem Cell Summit Launched, Bioresearch Online, 23 March 2007.
The Burrill Life Sciences Media Group, the Genetics Policy Institute (GPI), and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) have joined forces to produce an annual global conference on stem cell research and regenerative medicine. The “Stem Cell Summit” is scheduled for October 2-3, 2007 in Boston, MA.
Stem Cell Therapy Helps Vanderbilt Professor, Inside Vandy, 22 March 2007.
English professor John Plummer recently underwent stem cell heart regeneration therapy, an experimental surgery performed for the first time in Tennessee at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. This surgery, performed just eight times in the United States, is a novel therapy that uses bone marrow stem cells to stimulate regeneration of the heart muscle after a heart attack.
Fresh Questions on Stem Cell Findings, New Scientist, 21 March 2007.
Fresh questions surround some of the highest-profile research on adult stem cells. For the second time, New Scientist has discovered apparently duplicated data being used to describe results from different experiments in work published by a group of scientists at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Patrick Eyeing Biotech Funds, Telegram, 23 March 2007.
The administration of Gov. Deval L. Patrick will consider whether the state could fund a proposed University of Massachusetts stem cell institute from a future bond sale, Lt. Gov. Timothy P. Murray said yesterday.
Downstate Debate: Stem Cell, Cloning Legislation: Proposed Bills Create Controversy, Newszap Delaware, 21 March 2007.
About 80 supporters and opponents of two controversial bills tackling embryonic stem cell research and human cloning packed Legislative Hall Wednesday for two combative hearings that saw one measure move forward and the other sent back to the drawing board. Senate Bill 5, which would regulate embryonic stem cell research and ban human reproductive cloning, cleared the Senate Small Business Committee after two hours and 22 speakers.
Bergen Academies Unveils Stem Cell Lab,, 23 March 2007.
The expanding field of stem cell research has reached Bergen County Academies. The county high school on Thursday unveiled $500,000 in upgrades to its biotechnology labs that allow students to study and manipulate adult stem cells.
NeoStem Announces Expansion of Nationwide Network with Launch of Third Cutting-Edge Stem Cell Collection Center, PharmaLive, 22 March 2007.
NeoStem, Inc. (OTCBB:NEOI), the first company to specialize in the collection, processing and storage of stem cells from healthy adult donors for personal use in times of critical medical need, has announced that the Company has entered into an agreement to expand the Company's nationwide Physician's Network. The new Pennsylvania location will be among the first such centers to target a projected $8.5 billion adult stem cell industry.
BioStem (OTCBB: BTEM) to Obtain One of the Largest Stem Cell Inventories in the World Through Merger, Market Wire, 22 March 2007.
Bio Stem, Inc. recently announced that through their planned acquisition of Cryobanks International, Inc. (CII), BioStem will acquire nearly 9,000 internationally registered cord blood stem cell units presently being inventoried at their Altamore Springs, FL location. This represents one of the largest inventories of donated stem cell units in the world. If and when cord blood units offered by Cryobanks are used for transplantation, Cryobanks receives $19,000 to $22,500 per unit in reimbursement.
Isolation of Human Oral Keratinocyte Progenitor/Stem Cells, Journal of Dental Research, 23 March 2007.
Progenitor/stem cell populations of epithelium are known to reside in the small-sized cell population. Our objective was to physically isolate and characterize an oral keratinocyte-enriched population of small-sized progenitor/stem cells. Primary human oral mucosal keratinocytes cultured in a chemically defined serum-free culture system, devoid of animal-derived feeder cells, were sorted by relative cell size and characterized by immunolabeling for ß1 integrin, nuclear transcription factor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma, and cell-cycle analysis. Sorted cells were distinguished as progenitor/stem cells by functional assays and their ability to regenerate an oral mucosal graft. Small-sized cells demonstrated the lowest expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma, the highest colony-forming efficiency, a longer long-term proliferative potential, an enriched quiescent cell population, and the ability to regenerate an oral mucosal graft, implying that the small-sized cultured oral keratinocytes contained an enriched population of progenitor/stem cells.
Functional Neural Development from Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Accelerated Synaptic Activity via Astrocyte Coculture, The Journal of Neuroscience, 21 March 2007.
These results lay the foundation for future studies examining the functional development of human neurons and provide support for the potential application of human cells in restorative neuronal therapies.
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases and regulation of embryonic stem cell fate. Biochemical Society Transactions, March 2007.
Activation of the enzyme PLC (phospholipase C) leads to the formation of second messengers Ins(1,4,5)P3 and diacylglycerol. RTKs (receptor tyrosine kinases) activate this reaction through PLCg isoenzymes. It has been shown that PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) may regulate PLCg activity through the interaction of PI3K product PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and the PLCg PH domain (pleckstrin homology domain). Here, we analyse the potential functional roles of the PI3K/PLC pathway.
International News
S. Korea Allows Research With Cloned Human Eggs in Wake of Stem Cell Scandal, International Herald Tribune, 22 March 2007.
South Korea decided Friday to allow the continued use of human eggs in cloning research despite a scandal involving a prominent scientist who admitted to forging work and ethics violations in acquiring eggs.
Ethical Aspects of Stem Cell Research in Europe, Cordis News, 23 March 2007.
A workshop on the ethical aspects of stem cell research in Europe will be held in Berlin, Germany, on 19 and 20 April 2007. Organised by the EU-funded EuroStemCell and ESTOOLS projects, the meeting will focus on ethical aspects of possible clinical application of stem cell research and derivation of human embryonic stem cell lines and their alternatives. Issues up for discussion include when and under what conditions clinical trials of stem cell based therapy can be justified, and whether there is a need for more human embryonic stem cell lines for research at the present.
Dr. Amish Raval’s Stem Cell Therapy Begins, IndoLInk, 23 March 2007.
Injecting stem cells isolated from a person's own blood into an ailing heart in hopes of repairing years of accumulated decay is an idea whose time has come. So far, clinical studies have produced mixed results; but with ongoing trials scientists hope to nail down the precise set of conditions needed to effectively heal a sickly heart.
Ireland is set to play a significant role in field of stem cell research, Irish Medical Times, 22 March 2007.
Gary Culliton looks at progress in the field of stem cell research and finds that Ireland could be a major player as developments unfold over the next five years, particularly in NUI Galway's Regenerative Medicine Institute
March 9, 2007
National News and Commentary
N.M. Advances Embryonic Stem-Cell Legislation,, 9 March 2007.
The New Mexico Senate narrowly passed a bill Thursday to allow research on human embryos, KOB-TV reported. The bill now heads to the House.
$66 Million Stem-Cell Facility Proposed, Amherst Bulletin, 9 March 2007.
University of Massachusetts trustees say the school needs $66.4 million from the state to kickstart a new biomedical stem-cell research institute to increase the university's visibility as an important player in the emerging life sciences field. The UMass Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine, as it is tentatively called, would mainly be hosted at the Amherst and Worcester campuses.
Stem Cell Research Proponents Gather at Capitol to Lobby, The Daily Texan, 8 March 2007.
Activists, legislators and religious leaders met on the steps of the Capitol on Wednesday to promote legislation aimed at protecting the legality of embryonic stem cell research by setting ethical guidelines for the practice.
Stem Cell Research Limits Hurt Michigan Legislators Need to Change Restrictions, Ann Arbor News, 7 March 2007.
Michigan law forbids destroying human embryos for research.
A change in Michigan's law wouldn't be the kind of aggressive support we see in states like California, where voters approved $3 billion over 10 years to fund stem cell research. In comparison, easing restrictions on Michigan's embryonic stem cell use would be a relatively modest step. But in comparison to current conditions, it would keep us in the running with most of the country. And at the least, we need to be able to compete in that race.
US Millions Fun Global Stem Cell War, Business Weekly, 7 March 2007.
California and other US states are piling millions of dollars into a battle with Cambridge for supremacy in the area of stem cell science and commercialised regenerative medicines.
Will stem cells in cord blood, umbilical cord, bone marrow and peripheral blood soon be unnecessary in transplantation?, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, March 2007.
There are now various sources of stem cells. Those derived from blastocysts, named embryo stem (ES) cells, have attracted most attention and are highly multipotent. Human cord blood became widely used as a source of stem cells with differing properties to ES cells and their therapeutic application has grown steadily as they are stored in increasing numbers of stem cell banks. Other sources of human stem cells are derived from peripheral blood and amniotic fluid. They may arise from a common origin in epiblast. This review stresses the use of cord blood stem cells, but describes new approaches which may supersede the use of most stem cells. The advantages and disadvantages of these various classes are described in relation to potential methods involving gene conversion to change somatic cells to ES cells.
Stem Cell Homing and Functional Recovery after Vaginal Distension in Female Rats, URO Today, 9 March 2007.
Intravenously-injected mesenchymal stem cells home to urethral tissues following VD-induced injury but do not home to non-injured tissues. Rats subjected to VD, then treated with stem cells, demonstrate recovery of urethral resistance to normal values by day 10. These findings suggest that stem cell homing after injury may be utilized to accelerate recovery after vaginal birth trauma.
A hypothesis for an embryonic origin of pluripotent Oct-4+ stem cells in adult bone marrow and other tissues, Leukemia, 8 March 2007.
Accumulating evidence demonstrates that adult tissues contain a population of stem cells that express early developmental markers such as stage-specific embryonic antigen and transcription factors Oct-4 and Nanog. These are the markers characteristic for embryonic stem cells, epiblast stem cells and primordial germ cells. The presence of these stem cells in adult tissues including bone marrow, epidermis, bronchial epithelium, myocardium, pancreas and testes supports the concept that adult tissues contain some population of pluripotent stem cells that is deposited in embryogenesis during early gastrulation. In this review we will discuss these data and present a hypothesis that these cells could be direct descendants of the germ lineage. The germ lineage in order to pass genes on to the next generations creates soma and thus becomes a 'mother lineage' for all somatic cell lineages present in the adult body.
Interplay of leukemia inhibitory factor and retinoic acid on neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 8 March 2007.
Embryonic stem (ES) cells have great potential for cell replacement in neurodegenerative disorders. Implantation of these cells into the brain, however, requires their prior differentiation. We examined the interplay between leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and retinoic acid (RA) on neural differentiation of mouse ES (mES) cells. Mouse embryonic stem cells were allowed to form cell aggregates, the so-called embryoid bodies (EBs), in the absence or presence of LIF. In the absence of LIF, mES cells downregulated the expression of the undifferentiated mES cell marker Oct-3/4, and increased mRNA levels of two neural precursor markers, Sox-1 and Nestin, as well as the neuronal marker -tubulin III. This neuronal differentiation was enhanced by treating EBs with RA. Moreover, RA irreversibly increased the number of postmitotic neurons in culture, as shown by the reduction of proliferating mES cells and the increase in -tubulin III-positive cells 6 days after RA removal, which in turn affected mES cell viability. The addition of LIF during EBs formation, however, blocked completely this neuronal differentiation. Our findings also showed that pre-differentiation of mES cells in vitro avoided the teratocarcinoma formation observed when proliferating mES cells were grafted into the brain. In addition, mES cells pre-differentiated with RA in culture showed a reduction in proliferation and the presence of neural phenotypes after grafting. In conclusion, the present results indicate that RA enhances neuronal differentiation of mES cells in the absence of LIF, although it compromises cell viability and transplantation.
Serpin-6 Expression Protects Embryonic Stem Cells from Lysis by Antigen-Specific CTL, Journal of Immunology, 15 March 2007.
The immune response to embryonic stem (ES) cells is still poorly understood. In this study, we addressed the adaptive cellular immune response to undifferentiated and differentiated ES cells infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), a vertically transmitted pathogen in mice and humans. In contrast to the prevailing view, we found that undifferentiated and differentiated murine ES cells express MHC class I molecules, although at low levels. When cocultured with LCMV-infected ES cells, syngeneic but not allogeneic LCMV-specific CTL secrete IFN-{gamma}. Strikingly, LCMV-specific CTL do not efficiently kill LCMV-infected ES cells. ES cells showed high-level expression of the serine protease inhibitor 6, an endogenous inhibitor of the CTL-derived cytotoxic effector molecule granzyme B. Down-regulation of serpin-6 by RNA interference sensitized ES cells for CTL-induced cell death. The results of this study suggest that LCMV-infected murine ES cells present viral Ags and are recognized by LCMV-specific CTL in a MHC class I-restricted manner, yet resist CTL-mediated lysis through high-level expression of serine protease inhibitor 6.
International Research
Scientists Plan China, HK, Taiwan Stem Cell Trial, The China Post, 9 March 2007.
Scientists are preparing for a large clinical trial in 2008 which aims to use stem cells to help 400 patients with spinal cord injuries in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan grow new cells and nerve fibers.
DTI Pays For New Stem Cell Debate, Medical Laboratory World, 7 March 2007.
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has announced a £300,000 grant for research organisations to run public debates on stem cell research on the back of another public consultation launched by the independent regulator two months ago.
The Irish Council for Bioethics Public Consultation on Stem Cell Research, The Irish Council for Bioethics, March 2007.
The Irish public is being asked to give its opinions on stem cell research. The Irish Council for Bioethics is launching a consultation forum on Monday to get as many views as possible on whether this research should be allowed in this country
March 2, 2007
National News and Commentary
Stanford Gets $33 Million Donation, The Washington Post, 27 February 2007.
The founder of Business Wire, an electronic distributor of news releases, donated $33 million to help Stanford University build a stem cell research center, the school announced Tuesday. Lorry Lokey's donation is the largest contribution from an individual to the Stanford medical school. Stanford hopes to complete construction by 2011.
Culver Signs Legislation Easing Limits on Stem Cell Research, The Des Moines Register, 1 March 2007.
Gov. Chet Culver signed legislation Wednesday lifting restrictions on types of stem cell research in Iowa. Senate File 162 allows medical researchers to create embryonic stem cells through cloning.
Stem Cell Research Backed By House, The Chicago Tribune, 2 March 2007.
The Illinois House voted Thursday to offer state support for embryonic stem cell research, the second legislative victory for the idea in less than a week. The 67-46 vote means the House and Senate each have passed separate pieces of stem-cell legislation.
Stem Cell Agency Says it Has Fixed Spending Lapses, San Fransisco Chronicle, 1 March 2007.
State auditors have criticized California's Proposition 71 stem cell agency for loose contracting procedures and generous travel and meal allowances, but the program's chairman said Wednesday that changes have been made to fix any concerns.
California Stem Cell Research is Upheld by Appeals Court, New York Times, 27 February 2007.
California’s stem cell research program is legal, a state appeals court ruled Monday in a decision that could hasten the day when the state’s $3 billion research effort can get fully under way. The San Francisco-based court upheld a decision made by a lower court last spring that found that the program did not violate laws concerning state spending, the structure of ballot initiatives or rules regarding conflicts of interest.
Stem Cell Institute Hires General Counsel, San Jose Business Journal, 2 March 2007.
The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine said Thursday it has selected Tamar Pachter as its new general counsel, effective March 19.
Undertaking Research in Other Countries: National Ethico-Legal Barometers and International Ethical Consensus Statements, PLoS Medicine, 27 February 2007.
Is it ethical for scientists to conduct or to benefit from research in another country if that research would be unlawful, or not generally accepted, in their own country?
Family Travels to China for Stem Cell Procedure, TMJ4 Milwaukee, 1 March 2007.
Rachael's going to have a controversial stem cell procedure. Her parents believe it's one of few options they have to help their daughter. Four years ago, Rachael developed a rare brain disorder that has left her in a wheelchair and made it hard for her to communicate. In China, Rachael will receive experimental stem cell injections as well as a month of extensive therapy. Her parents are hoping the procedure will improve the quality of her life.
Reducing Tissue Damage After a Heart Attack, Chester Daily Local, 2 March 2007.
Called NX-CP105 in its experimental phase, the Neuronyx is creating a product that involves injecting stem cells harvested from adult bone marrow, via a catheter, several places in a patient‘s heart to spur tissue there to regenerate and repair itself. Currently, Neuronyx is testing the product in six patients at the Arizona Health Institute and Hospital in Phoenix, where the company is hopeful to treat 12 more by year-end. More clinical trials will take place at the Scripps Green Hospital in La Jolla, California and the Minneapolis Heart Institute.
Stem Cell Research: Breakthroughs and Controversies, New Jersey Jewish Standard, 1 March 2007.
A Hadassah Young Leaders event, scheduled for March 15 at the Montclair Art Museum, will tackle the issues generated by this provocative technology.
Transcriptional analysis of early lineage commitment in human embryonic stem cells, Developmental Biology, 2 March 2007.
These findings, that show that maintenance of pluripotency and lineage commitment are dynamic, interactive processes in hESC cultures, have important practical implications for propagation and directed differentiation of these cells, and for the interpretation of mechanistic studies of hESC renewal and commitment. Since embryonic stem cells at defined stages of commitment can be isolated in large numbers by immunological means, they provide a powerful model for studying molecular genetics of stem cell commitment in the embryo.
International News
CalbaTech Stretches its Stem Cell Microbank Service into the U.K., Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, 2 March 2007.
CalbaTech is creating a subsidiary to enable it to take its stem cell service, the Stem Cell Microbank™, to the U.K. The subsidiary will seek to be listed on the London Stock Exchange. CalbaTech focuses on the collection and banking of adult stem cells and providing products and platforms to the biotech, pharma, and academic research markets. It expects that this subsidiary will be managed entirely within the U.K. without distracting from its U.S. focus.
Royal Vic Becomes Special Stem-Cell Centre, The Gazette, 2 March 2007.
Quebec Health Minister Philippe Couillard has designated Royal Victoria Hospital's stem-cell transplant facility a "centre of excellence," leading the way for patients from as far away as Nunavut to come to the downtown hospital for the life-saving cancer treatment.
February 23, 2007
National News and Commentary
Britain to Allow Women to Donate Eggs for Stem Cell and Cloning Research, The International Tribune, 21 February 2007.
The British government on Wednesday approved plans to allow women to donate eggs for stem cell and cloning research — and said they will also be entitled to compensation for costs incurred.
HFEA Statement On Donating Eggs For Research, Human Fertilization and Embryology Association, 21 February 2007.
Today the Authority agreed to allow women to be able to donate their eggs to research projects, provided that there are strong safeguards in place to ensure the women are properly informed of the risks of the procedure and are properly protected from coercion…”
Kuehl Wants Bigger Revenues For State's Stem-Cell Institute, The Mercury News, 22 February 2007.
A bill expected to be introduced as early as today would require companies doing business with California's $3 billion stem-cell institute to give the state a larger portion of their revenues than the institute has proposed. The bill by Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Los Angeles and Sen. George Runner, R-Lancaster, would require firms that make products based on the institute's stem-cell grants to pay the state up to 5 percent of the product's lifetime revenues.
U of M Panel Finds Stem Cell Study was Flawed, KTTC, 23 February 2007.
The University of Minnesota now says part of its groundbreaking stem-cell study from five years ago was flawed. The 2002 study found that a type of adult stem cells in mice could have as much potential to treat disease as those taken from embryos
House Approves Bill to Ease Stem Cell Restrictions,, 22 February 2007.
The House has approved a proposal to ease Iowa's restrictions on stem cell research. The bill now goes to Governor Culver, who has already voiced his support for the proposal.
Stem Cell Research Debated in Public Hearing at Statehouse, Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, 22 February 2007.
The issue was debated during a three-hour public hearing in the Iowa House chamber. Supporters --- who outnumbered opponents on the speaker's list but not in the gallery above --- portrayed the bill as a crucial step toward finding new treatments for debilitating diseases.
Stem Cell Transplants Possible Treatment For Hearing Loss, Medical News Today, 22 February 2007.
Stefan Heller's dream is to someday find a cure for deafness. As a leader in stem cell-based research on the inner ear at the Stanford University School of Medicine, he's got a step-by-step plan for making this dream a reality
Stem Cell Research Passes House Panel, Sioux City Journal, 22 February 2007.
A bill lifting restrictions on a certain type of embryonic stem cell research cleared a House committee Monday on a party-line vote.
Ethics Director Laments Fields Politicization, The Darmouth, 22 February 2007.
Professor Ronald Green, the director of the Ethics Institute at Dartmouth, criticized the influence of the religious right on the U.S. government's policies concerning bioethics in a Wednesday evening lecture in Filene Auditorium.
Weisman Will Speak to the Nation’s Top Scientists About Stem Cell Research, PharmaLive, 20 February 2007.
Reporters are invited to attend a lecture by stem cell expert Irving Weissman, MD, of the Stanford University School of Medicine, who will share his perspective on stem cell research with some of the nation's top scientists. The event will take place Feb. 26 at a meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences that will be held on the Stanford campus. The lecture begins at 5 p.m. at the Faculty Club
Prevalence of HCV Infection in Nongastric Marginal Zone B-cell Lymphoma of MALT, Annals of Oncology, February 2007.
This paper suggests that autologous stem cell transplantation plays a major role in the treatment of patients with T-cell lymphomas. -cell lymphomas are a relatively uncommon form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) that in general responds less well to treatment than B-cell NHL. And while patients with B-cell lymphomas have benefited significantly from Rituxan® (rituximab) therapy over the past decade there is no comparable T-cell antibody for treatment of T-cell lymphomas
Brain tumour stem cells: the undercurrents of human brain cancer and their relationship to neural stem cells, The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 19 February 2007.
Conceptual and technical advances in neural stem cell biology are being applied to the study of human brain tumours. These studies suggest that human brain tumours are organized as a hierarchy and are maintained by a small number of tumour cells that have stem cell properties. Most of the bulk population of human brain tumours comprise cells that have lost the ability to initiate and maintain tumour growth. Although the cell of origin for human brain tumours is uncertain, recent evidence points towards the brain's known proliferative zones. The identification of brain tumour stem cells has important implications for understanding brain tumour biology and these cells may be critical cellular targets for curative therapy.
Challenges and prospects for the establishment of embryonic stem cell lines of domesticated ungulates, Animal Reproduction Science, March 2007.
Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines provide an invaluable research tool for genetic engineering, developmental biology and disease models. These cells can be maintained indefinitely in culture and yet maintain competence to produce all the cells within a fetus. While mouse ES cell lines were first established over two decades ago and primate ES cells in the 1990s, validated ES cell lines have yet to be established in ungulates. Why competent, pluripotent ES cells can be established from certain strains of mice and from primates, and not from cows, sheep, goats or pigs is an on-going topic of interest to animal reproduction scientists. The identification of appropriate stem cell markers, functional cytokine pathways, and key pluripotency-maintaining factors along with the release of more comprehensive bovine and porcine genomes, provide encouragement for establishment of ungulate ES cell lines in the near future.
Semi-quantitative expression and knockdown of a target gene in single-cell mouse embryonic stem cells by high performance microinjection, Biotechnology Letters, March 2007.
Semi-quantitative control of the EGFP gene expression in mouse ES cells and its knockdown was successfully demonstrated.
Passage number affects the pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells as judged by tetraploid embryo aggregation, Cell and Tissue Research, March 2007.
The aim of this study was to determine whether the number of passages affected the developmental pluripotency of embryonic stem (ES) cells as measured by the attainment of adult fertile mice derived from embryonic stem (ES) cell/tetraploid embryo complementation. Our results demonstrate that the number of passages affects the developmental pluripotency of ES cells.
Establishment of mouse embryonic stem cell lines from somatic cell nuclei by nuclear transfer into aged fertilization-failure mouse oocytes, Current Biology, 20 February 2007.
Researchers have found that mouse oocytes that fail to become fertilized during in vitro fertilization are nevertheless often capable of succeeding as "cytoplasmic donors" during a subsequent cloning step using so-called nuclear transfer. Although the implications for human eggs are not yet clear, the findings are of interest because of the ethical and practical concerns surrounding the need for fresh human oocytes for similar nuclear-transfer procedures using human cells.
Liposuctioned Fat Stem Cells To Repair Bodies, Innovations Report, 23 February 2007.
Unwanted fat contains stem cells with the potential to repair defects and heal injuries in the body. A team led by Philippe Collas at the University of Oslo in Norway has identified certain chemical marks that allow him to predict which, among the hundreds of millions of stem cells in liposuctioned fat, are best at regenerating tissue.
International News
Korea Reignites Stem Cell Engine, The Korea Times, 22 February 2007.
Korea has restarted its stem cell engine, which has sputtered over the past year after a scandal involving the country’s disgraced cloning scientist Hwang Woo-suk. Science and Technology Minister Kim Woo-sik on Thursday chaired a meeting of the science-related ministers on measures to boost stem cell research. The government plans to channel up to 31 billion won ($33 million) into stem cell experiments this year alone, up 20 percent from 25.8 billion won in 2006.
Increased Funding and Developing Regulatory Framework Provide Impetus to Stem Cell Therapeutics Market, Drug Newswire, 22 February 2007.
Several start-ups with innovative research programmes covering a wide range of therapeutic disorders have already been established. And, despite several regulatory, social, ethical, scientific and financial hurdles, funding increases and developing regulatory frameworks are supporting the expansion of the global stem cell therapeutics market
Apollo Signs MoU for Stem Cell Therapy, Therapeutics Daily, 21 February 2007.
Apollo Hospital Group today signed an MoU with StemCyte, a umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation company, for collaboration in the use of stem cell therapy in the treatment of blood disorders.
Scientists Find New Use For Stem Cell Treatment, The Nation, 22 February 2007.
A successful cure for chronic hoarseness using stem cells is in full swing at Ramathibodi Hospital and will be made public soon, National Research Council of Thailand (NSTC) secretary-general Prof Anont Bunyarattavej said yesterday.
February 16, 2007
National News and Commentary
MU Buildings Back in Latest Higher Ed Build, Columbia Tribune, 14 February 2007.
The sponsor of a comprehensive higher education bill has proposed placing six capital improvement projects, including two in Columbia, back in the bill. The projects were stripped out in a Senate committee over concerns about whether they would be used for stem-cell research.
New Stem Cell Measure Stalls in Committee, Columbia Tribune, 14 February 2007.
Legislative proposals to gut the major goal of an amendment protecting stem cell research are off to a slow start. Voters in November narrowly approved a constitutional change guaranteeing that any research permitted by federal law can occur in Missouri. The chief point for supporters was heading off legislative attempts to prevent a certain form of embryonic stem cell research from taking place.
Stem Cell Bill Squeaks Through the Senate, Des Moines Register, 14 February 2007.
With no votes to spare, the Iowa Senate today approved legislation that would allow medical researchers in Iowa to create embryonic stem cells through cloning.
California Stem Cell Agency Awards Nearly $45M in Research Grants, International Herald Tribune, 16 February 2007.
Far outdoing the U.S. government's annual spending on the controversial work, California's stem cell agency on Friday gave out nearly $45 million (€34.3 million) in research grants to about 20 state universities and nonprofit research laboratories.
BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Initiates Stem Cell Safety Study in Primates for Parkinson's Disease, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, 14 February 2007.
BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics (OTCBB:BCLI), a leader in Adult Stem Cell Research, announced today that it has initiated a safety trial using an animal model of Parkinson's disease in primates. The study utilizes BrainStorm's proprietary adult stem cell technology which has shown efficacy in animal models of Parkinson's Disease in previous pre-clinical trials. In those studies, human-bone-marrow-derived stem cells were differentiated into astrocyte-like cells (supporting cells) and transplanted into mice and rats brains. The engrafted cells survived, kept their function and significantly improved the motor symptoms of Parkinson's Disease animal models over a long period of time.
Flawed Stem Cell Data Withdrawn, New Scientist, 15 February 2007.
It is one of the best-known stem cell papers in the past five years, describing adult cells that seemed to hold the same promise as embryonic stem cells. Now, following inquiries by New Scientist, some of the data contained within the papers is being questioned.
Utah Residents Going to China for Stem Cell Research, KSL TV, 14 February 2007.
A 16-year-old girl returned home Monday, and a 23-year-old Layton man gets back this Saturday from getting stem cell transplants in China.
While the issue of stem cell transplants remains embroiled in controversy in this country, it's not even a debate in China. In fact, surgeons there have been transplanting the cells in a variety of patients for some time now.
Bill Promotes Non-Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 13 February 2007.
Georgia lawmakers once again are pushing a proposal to allow any woman who gives birth in Georgia to donate postnatal tissue and fluid to an umbilical cord blood bank or network of such banks for non-embryonic stem cell research.
Fusion of Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells and Murine Cardiomyocytes Is Mediated by 41/Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Interaction, Circulation Research, 15 February 2007.
Researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have described how the stem cells fuse with heart muscle cells to create new cells can repopulate the ailing organ.
Extensive Neuronal Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cell Grafts in Adult Rat Spinal Cord, PloS Medicine, 14 February 2007.
Human nerve stem cells transplanted into rats' damaged spinal cords have survived, grown and in some cases connected with the rats' own spinal cord cells in a Johns Hopkins laboratory, overturning the long-held notion that spinal cords won't allow nerve repair.
Olig2-Regulated Lineage-Restricted Pathway Controls Replication Competence in Neural Stem Cells and Malignant Glioma, Neuron, 15 February 2007.
Researchers have discovered that a gene that triggers the growth of stem cells during early brain development is also key to the growth of deadly adult brain tumors called gliomas. The protein is produced by the gene called Olig2.
International News
UK and US Stem Cell Banks Plan Working Relationship, Public Health Genetics Unit, 14 February 2007.
The UK Stem Cell Bank and the US National Stem Cell Bank (NSCB) have announced they will work together on common goals such as promoting research, forming international standards and making distribution of their stem cell lines more efficient. Glyn Stacey, director of the UK Stem Cell Bank stated, “Our main focuses are very similar: we want to promote the research and development of potential therapies in the future.” Together the banks hope to foster a rewarding partnership that will advance this form of research.
Stem Cell Co Pluristem to Raise $8M in Private Placement, Globes Online, 14 February 2007.
Israeli stem-cell research company Pluristem Life Systems (OTC BB: PLRS.OB) announced today that it has signed a binding term sheet with new investors for a private equity investment of $8 million, an amount almost equal to the company’s current market cap. The company added that it had already received $1.25 million of this sum.
February 9, 2007
National News and Commentary
Stem Cell Summit to Convene Monday in San Diego With Close to 300 Participants, PharmaLive, 8 February 2007.
The attendance figures will make the conference the largest gathering of stem company executives, scientists, investors and physicians worldwide that is focused on the commercialization of stem-cell-based products.
Research Building Purchased to House Stem Cell Institute, University of Connecticut - Advance, 12 February 2007.
With authorization from the Board of Trustees, the University has purchased the former FarmTech building near the Health Center in Farmington. Officials plan to renovate the nearly 113,000-square-foot structure to establish a Center of Innovation that will include the University’s new stem cell institute, along with cutting edge cell biology and genetics research.
Stem Cell Research Guidelines Ignore Pressing Issues, Mercury News, 5 February 2007.
The California Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee has come up with the first guidance on this issue, but much more needs to be done. There are many other pressing issues that have received little attention. It is time for groups to stop going over the same ground and to try to break new ground
New Stem Cell Treatment May Save Toddler, Cambridge Evening News, 9 February 2007.
TODDLER Sorrel Mason was today (Friday, 09 February) undergoing a pioneering bone marrow transplant which could transform her life. Two-year-old Sorrel is battling a rare form of acute myeloid leukaemia, which affects only about 10 children in the UK each year.
Sydney Uni Bans Stem Cell Research on Church Land,, 6 February 2007.
A deal between Sydney University and the Catholic Church means that Australia's largest medical research centre, due for completion in 2012, won't be allowed to do any work on embryonic stem cell research.
Stem Cell Innovations Seeks European Union Registration for Its in vitro Toxicology Suite, Genetic Engineering News, 9 February 2007
Stem Cell Innovations (SCI), Inc. (OTCBB: SCLL) announced today that the Company has submitted its ACTIVTox(R) in vitro toxicology suite to ECVAM to seek validation as an alternative to animal testing in the European Union. Toxicity testing in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries is often performed in rodents. The use of ACTIVTox would reduce the need for animals in clinical testing, saving pharmaceutical companies time and money.
Bill Tests Pawlenty’s Tailored Stance on Cell Research,, 5 February 2007.
Stem cell research legislation that doesn't explicitly restrict the use of embryonic cells would face a gubernatorial veto, Gov. Tim Pawlenty said Monday, two days before state legislators delve into the issue
Stem Cell Dispute Stings MU, Columbia Tribune, 8 February 2007.
State Sen. Chuck Graham says he will work to get two University of Missouri-Columbia building projects back into a higher education bill after they were eliminated in a flap over embryonic stem cell research.
Stem Cell Pioneer Warns of Roadblocks Before Cures, Gazette Xtra, 9 February 2007.
Major roadblocks remain before human embryonic stem cells could be transplanted into humans to cure diseases or replace injured body parts, a research pioneer said Thursday night.
CIRM Receives IOM Report on Risks to Egg Donors, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, 6 February 2007.
The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) received a report from the National Academies’ Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC) on the medical and psychological risks to women who donate oocytes (human eggs) for research.
Beyond HLA: the significance of genomic variation for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Blood, 15 February 2007
Allogeneic stem cell transplants are associated with an increased risk of diabetes and hypertension. The process of an allogeneic stem cell transplant typically includes the use of high-dose chemotherapy or total body irradiation. These treatment approaches tend to kill more cancer cells than conventional doses; however, they are also associated with more severe side effects.
Adaptation to culture of human embryonic stem cells and oncogenesis in vivo, Nature Biotechnology, 7 February 2007.
We observed the formation of a chromosomal homogeneous staining region in one HESC line, a genetic feature almost a hallmark of cancer cells. Identifying the genes critical for culture adaptation may thus reveal key players for both stem cell maintenance in vitro and germ cell tumorigenesis in vivo.
Qualification of Embryonal Carcinoma 2102Ep As a Reference for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell, February 2007.
As the number of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines increases, so does the need for systematic evaluation of each line's characteristics and potential. Comparisons between lines are complicated by variations in culture conditions, feeders, spontaneous differentiation, and the absence of standardized assays. These difficulties, combined with the inability of most labs to maintain more than a few lines simultaneously, compel the development of reference standards to which hESC lines can be compared. The use of a stable cell line as a reference standard offers many advantages. A line with a relatively unchanging hESC-like gene and protein expression pattern could be a positive control for developing assays. It can be used as a reference for genomics or proteomics studies, especially for normalizing results obtained in separate laboratories. Such a cell line should be widely available without intellectual property restraints, easily cultured without feeders, and resistant to spontaneous changes in phenotype. We propose that the embryonal carcinoma (EC) line 2102Ep meets these requirements. We compared the protein, gene, and microRNA expression of this cell line with those of hESC lines and alternative reference lines such as the EC line NTERA-2 and the karyotypically abnormal hESC line BG01V. The overall expression profiles of all these lines were similar, with exceptions reflecting the germ cell origins of EC. On the basis of global gene and microRNA expression, 2102Ep is somewhat less similar to hESC than the alternatives; however, 2102Ep expresses more hESC-associated microRNAs than NTERA-2 does, and fewer markers of differentiated fates.
International News
Stem Cell Research Lab Coming Up in Jaipur, Daily India, 9 February 2007.
The Sawai Man Singh (SMS) medical college here will set up a stem cell research laboratory by April to undertake research in biotechnology, genetics and stem cells.
Stem Cell ‘Therapy Labs’ Unveiled,, 9 February 2007
New facilities designed to carry out pioneering stem cell research have been unveiled in the North East of the UK. The £4m laboratory suite, funded by the regional development agency One NorthEast, will be used for growing cultures of stem cells. Scientists from the North East Stem Cell Institute (NESCI), made up of experts from Newcastle and Durham Universities, will carry out the work at Newcastle's Centre for Life, hoping to develop clinical therapies for degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis.
February 2, 2007
National News & Commentary
Coleman Bill Seeks ‘Middle Ground’ On Stem Cell Debate, La Crosse Tribune, 24 January 2007.
Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman introduced legislation Tuesday which he said will expand funding for stem cell research while ensuring that no human embryos are harmed, in an effort to carve out a middle ground on one of the most divisive political issues.
Culver Pushes Stem Cell Research Plan, 4 Eyewitness News, 25 January 2007.
In his first budget proposal, Governor Chet Culver says he wants to spend millions on stem cell research in Iowa. The democrat is asking for $12.5 million to help build a stem cell research center at the University of Iowa.
Bishops Press Richardson to Drop Stem Cell Research, 4KOBTV, 26 January 2007.
New Mexico’s Roman Catholic bishops are pressing Governor Richardson to reconsider his plan to spend state money on stem cell research.
Arrowhead Funding Caltech Stem Cell Research, Small Times, 26 January 2007.
Arrowhead Research Corporation will sponsor the continued research of Dr. Eric Davidson's laboratory at the California Institute of Technology focused on the re-engineering of the internal control systems of cells.
Branson Launches Stem-Cell Company,, 26 January 2007.
Sir Richard Branson will launch a stem-cell storage company which will offer parents the chance to put the umbilical blood of their newborn children into cold storage.
Presentations of Latest Stem Cell Scientific Developments to Highlight Second Day of Next Month’s Summit in San Diego, PharmaLive, 25 January 2007.
RRY Publications today announced that presentations of the latest scientific developments in the transformation of stem cells into therapeutic products will highlight the second day of the 2nd Annual Stem Cell Summit, which is set for Feb. 12-13, 2007, in San Diego.
New WARF Stem Cell Rules to Benefit Biotech Research, BioWorld Today, 25 January 2007.
Embryonic stem cell research should advance a bit more freely because of policy changes announced this week by a major patent holder in this area, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. The move could clearly benefit biotech companies and possibly negate for now some criticism that the organization has endured.
Stem Cell Opposition Could Steer Research Away from Texas,, 26 January 2007.
Texas' plans to pour $300 million a year into cancer research for a decade, is part of an arms race underway for the world's top researchers, with various states and nations bidding for the best scientific minds. Those minds are expected to lead the way to enormous advances in medicine, which will spawn an industry generating wealth, jobs, tax base and acclaim.
Venables Introduces Stem Cell Bill, WBOC 16, 26 January 2007.
A new bill introduced Thursday in the Delaware Senate would surpass current legislation by regulating all types of stem cell research.
Fees Relaxed to Boost Stem Cell Research, The Washington Post, 24 January 2007.
The Wisconsin foundation that holds patents covering U.S. embryonic stem cell research will waive some of its fees to encourage more industry-sponsored research.
Should Women Be Paid for Their Eggs?,, 24 January 2007.
LIF-immobilized nonwoven polyester fabrics for cultivation of murine embryonic stem cells, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, January 2007.
LIF was active in immobilized form; undifferentiated colonies had not only a significant AP and SSEA-1 immunoreactivity, but also a higher undifferentiated colony ratio on LIF-immobilized surfaces than that of hydrolyzed surfaces. The immobilized LIF protein might be a good model to provide a feeder-free system, but the physical properties of the scaffold is more convenient for differentiation studies.
Tissue Engineering of Vascularized Cardiac Muscle From Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Circulation Research, 11 January 2007.
Using a multicellular scaffold with human embryonic stem cells, scientists in Israel created heart-muscle tissue that grows its own network of tiny blood vessels.
FoxOs in Tumor Suppression and Stem Cell Maintenance, Cell, 26 January 2007.
The FoxO transcription factors have been implicated in many processes including tumor suppression and cell death. In this issue, two groups now report on mice that conditionally lack the three predominant FoxO transcription factors. Tothova et al. (2007) demonstrate that FoxOs are critical for the long-term maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells, and Paik et al. (2007) show that FoxOs suppress the formation of hemangiomas and lymphomas in mice.
International News
Norway May Ease Ban on Stem Cell Study, The Washington Post, 26 January 2007.
Norway's government on Friday proposed lifting a national ban on using human embryonic stem cells for research, saying the change might help find cures to a broad range of diseases.
Stem Cell: Patients Have Only Relatives to Fall Back On, India Times, 26 January 2007.
Whenever Indian patients need stem cells, they have to fall back on relatives. Mumbai's Tata Memorial and Delhi's AIIMS have stem-cell banks, but the donors are patients' relatives.
UK Grants GBP1.1 Million to Robotic Stem Cell Research, Pharmaceutical Business Review Online, 25 January 2007.
The UK's Department of Trade and Industry has said it is giving GBP1.1 million to a consortium led by London-based biotech firm Plasticell, in order to develop robotic stem cell research. British Scientists will develop robotics to automate important stem cell research, meaning thousands of experiments will be able to be conducted at once, rather than just a handful being possible by a single scientist.
National Stem Cell Explores Ventures in China, Prime News Wire, 25 January 2007.
A National Stem Cell senior leadership team traveled to China to cultivate scientific and business relationships with the intent of launching National Stem Cell's operations in the region.
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: An Australian Perspective, Cell, 25 January 2007.
A conscience vote of individual parliamentarians in the Australian government last month regarding amendments to current legislation regulating human embryonic stem cell research yielded a surprising outcome. Despite opposition by the Australian Prime Minister, the Senate and House of Representatives voted to adopt the recommendations of the Lockhart Review and approve human somatic cell nuclear transfer, thus providing a consistent national policy for all researchers in Australia. |