Hinxton Group 2008: Science, Ethics and Policy Challenges of Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Gametes
- Bioethicists lead call for public debates on future use of stem cells, JHUGazette, 6 July 2009
- Bioethicists call for public debates on future uses of stem cells, ScienceDaily, 2 July 2009
- Scientist want ethical guidelines ahead of new stem cell developments, AllHeadlineNews, 6 July 2009
- Editorial: Germ cells from stem cells, BiologyOfReproduction, 79: 172-178 2008
- Le staminali
l’infertilità, LaStampa, 31 May 2008
- Quando la bioetica non ha pregiudizi, L'Unità, 11 June 2008
- New sources of sex cells, Nature, 24 April 2008
- Eggs and sperm from stem cells on the horizon, ethics group tells AAAS meeting 23 April 2008
- Ethical questions follow stem cell advances, NPR, 14 April 2008
- Sperm from skin becoming a reality?, Science, 15 April 2008
- How 'artificial sperm' could help infertile couples, TimesOnline, 18 April 2008
- AAAS panel addresses science and policy of stem cells and reproductive technologies, ScienceProgress, 16 April 2008
- Expertos Británicos piden permiso para ‘fabricar’ esperma y óvulos artificiales, ElMundo, 16 April 2008
- Study: stem cells may allow infertile, gay couples to have children, ChristianPost, 17 April 2008
- Stem cell advances could help childless couples, Guardian, 15 April 2008
- Leading scientists tell politicians to stop interfering over ethics of embryo research, Independent, 15 April 2008
- Artficial sperm and eggs 'may be created in the next five years', DailyMail, 14 April 2008
- Ethics of lab made gametes, CellNEWS, 15 April 2008
- Sperm and eggs from stem cells 'in 15 years', TimesOnline, 15 April 2008
- 'Limit' to lab egg and sperm use, BBCNews, 14 April 2008
- Scientists warn over 'interference', PressAssociation, 16 April 2008
- Sperm and eggs from skin cells in near future, MedIndia, 16 April 2008
- Male eggs and female sperm 'science fiction' says report, PinkNews, 16 April 2008
- Same sex couples could create children, Telegraph, 15 April 2008
Hinxton Group 2006: Transnational Cooperation in Stem Cell Research
- Is it ethical for scientists to do research abroad that would be forbidden at home? SpiritIndia.com, February 27, 2007
- Global guidelines proposed for stem cell studies. SciDev.Net, 7 March 2006.
- Stem cell researchers propose international guidelines. BioEdge, 7 March 2006. (No longer available online)
- The Hinxton consensus: a guiding light for scientists in international stem cell research. BioNews.Org.Uk, 17 March 2006.
- Keeping Stem Cell Guidelines Current. The Scientist, 7 April 2006.
- Junk medicine: stem cell research. The Times, 4 March 2006.
- Global Stem Cell Research Guidelines Created by Expert Panel. DigitalJournal.Com, 3 March 2006.
- Global stem cell recommendations published. Bionews.org.uk, 3 March 2006.
- Universal Stem Cell Principles Proposed: Rules Would Guide Research Efforts. The Washington Post , 2 March 2006.
- Principles urged for cell study. Denver Post, 2 March 2006. (No longer available online)
- Washington Post Examines Scientists, Ethicists Proposing International Stem Cell Research Guidelines. Kaiser Network.org, 2 March 2006.
- Universal Stem Cell Principles Proposed. TMCNet.com, 2 March 2006.
- Group Releases Ethical Guidelines On Stem Cell Research To Clarify Conflicting International Policies. Medical News Today, 2 March 2006.
- Scientists want global stem cell standards. United Press International, 2 March 2006. (No longer available online)
- Scientists want global stem cell standards. Malaysia Sun, 2 March 2006.
- Panel at AAAS Discusses Quest for Global Guidelines on Stem Cell Research. AAAS News, 2 March 2006
- Rules tighten for stem-cell studies: International group aims to make research collaborations simpler. Nature, 1 March 2006.
- Group Releases Ethical Guidelines on Stem Cell Research To Clarify Conflicting International Policies. KaiserNetwork.org: International News, 28 February 2006.
- Federal and global guidelines on stem cell research offer a level playing field. Wisconsin Technology Network, 28 February 2006.
- Find weeds out cancerous stem cells. The Australian, 27 February 2006. (No longer available online)
- New stem cell recommendations. The Scientist, 27 February 2006.
- The Hinxton Group:A Consensus Statement on Stem Cell Research. Blog.Bioethics.Net, 26 February 2006.
- Stem cell researchers 'agree guidelines'. Belfast Telegraph, 25 February 2006. (Subscription Required)
- Conflicting laws hinder research. BBC News, 25 February 2006.
- Stem cell scientists draw up ethical charter. Financial Times, 25 February 2006. (Subscription Required)
- Scientists agree global stem cell guidance. Guardian Unlimited, 24 February 2006.